Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: Two hundred and six: Danzo who wants to die

It is no longer a secret that Jiri opened up the complete body of Susanoo. Her previous scene of shooting a star that exploded in the sky was seen by many ninja clan chiefs. That kind of power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth, no one can ignore it. fear.

It can even be said unceremoniously that as long as Jiri is willing, she can become the second Uchiha Madara. Even if she is as daring as Danzo, she is very clear about this. In the meeting just now, she did not dare to say a word against the Uchiha family. , but to settle for the next best thing, and point the finger at Watanabe.

"Since there is no opinion, why are you all looking at me and not speaking? Isn't the content of the meeting to discuss the reconstruction of Konoha." Zhili's voice was cold and mixed with displeasure.

The patriarchs hesitated, but they couldn't answer this sentence.

"The reconstruction of Konoha has already been discussed." Danzo calmly said, "Chiri Patriarch came just in time, what we are discussing now is how to deal with Watanabe. As Watanabe's former mentor, you might as well mention it. some advice."

"Dispose of Watanabe?"

Jiri was keenly aware that Danzo used the word incorrectly. Is the word "disposal" a word that can be used for Watanabe?

Watanabe sacrificed so much to defeat Madara to save Konoha. Konoha will definitely reward him for his merits and deeds. Jiri is not surprised by this. She doesn't care what Konoha rewards Watanabe, she only cares about Watanabe. When will he wake up and recover.

"Yes." Tuanzang's expression did not change.

"As the Minister of Anbu, Watanabe privately tampered with the tasks given to him by the top management of Konoha, causing extremely bad influence, and it is impossible not to punish him."

I don't know if it was an illusion or not, the patriarchs felt that the temperature in the air suddenly dropped to zero, and a murderous aura pervaded all directions.

Danzo saw Jiri silent, and she was sure she had nothing to say.

Jiri's silent attitude is still expected by Danzo. If the target of his attack is the Uchiha clan, it is not guaranteed that Jiri, who will be provoked, will make excessive behavior, but his target is Watanabe, which is another matter. .

After all, he is standing on the commanding heights of morality. It is a fact that Watanabe made a principled mistake. Even if Jiri knew that Watanabe was implicated by her, what words could he use to refute him?

If she can't refute verbally, how dare she do it?

Of course, he dared not. Danzo was extremely sure. As the patriarch, he took action against the senior Konoha elders. This move was no different from the whole clan’s betrayal. Jiri just recklessly calmed down the family’s civil strife. And pushed the Uchiha family to the forefront.

"Nian made a contribution to Konoha at Watanabe, and the merits and demerits are equal." Danzo continued to say calmly, thinking that he had grasped everything.

"So I propose to remove Watanabe from the post of minister and let him reflect on it. I wonder if Patriarch Juri thinks... ah!"

A miserable scream suddenly sounded, and a cloud of black flames ignited Danzo without warning.

Ri Zhan and the others were immediately horrified. Many of them witnessed the scene where Zhili used Amaterasu to set the sky star on fire. At this moment, they recognized at a glance that the black flame on Danzang's body was written by Zhili, and quickly turned to look. Go, and sure enough, Ji Li's eyes changed into a kaleidoscope shape at some point, and he looked at Danzo's burning body with the eyes of a dead man.


A burst of terrifying screams came from Tuanzang's mouth, and every inch of his body was burned by Amaterasu. He only felt that it was more painful than Lingchi's execution. He kept slapping the black flames on his body. No, as Danzo beat, the black flame burned more and more violently.

Danzang could never have imagined that Zhiri, who he would not have dared to take action against him, would have taken such a decisive action.

He feels that there must be something wrong. The person I want to punish is Watanabe, not your Uchiha family! It's worth it for you to kill me too?

After this dead man is finished, do you still want your Uchiha family to be the target of public criticism? All your efforts to quell the civil unrest in your family have been in vain!

Unbeknownst to Danzo, he made a fatal mistake.

Watanabe's weight in Jiri's mind is unparalleled. If he had targeted the Uchiha family just now, Jiri might not have wanted to kill him, but he was so immortal that he had targeted Watanabe, which was equivalent to robbing him. After passing Zhili's must-kill list, he took the initiative to write his name on it, and asked Zhili if my handwriting was beautiful?


"Jiri, stop now!"

After Ri Zhan and the others recovered, they quickly persuaded them to speak out.

Ojiri met their gazes expressionlessly, and asked, "Do you want to deal with Watanabe too?"

Ri Zhan felt a chill all over his body, and at that moment, he had no doubt that as long as he nodded, the black flames on Danzang's body would immediately burn to him.

"We didn't want to deal with Watanabe, it was just Danzo's personal proposal." Hizan denied.

"We also feel that Danzo's proposal is inappropriate, and we do not agree with him, and Danzo has only just proposed it!"

Ji Li didn't say a word, and once again his eyes fell on Danzo, who fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Ri Zhan was extremely flustered, Zhili's ruthlessness was beyond everyone's expectations, he understood that Danzo was careless, otherwise, even if he was not Zhili's opponent with his strength, he would not be able to make even a single move in Zhili's hands. In the past, was killed instantly.

"Although Danzang's proposal is very wrong, after all, crime does not lead to death. If you have any dissatisfaction with him, Zhili, you can vent and punish him, but you can't kill him." Ri Zhan said anxiously, he knew that Tuanzang was hiding The black flames above were extraordinary, and no one but Zhili could extinguish it.

"Ah! Uchihajiri, you shot at me... Are you trying to lead the Uchiha clan to rebel!"

Danzo is also a tough guy. Although he was burned by Amaterasu, he didn't ask Zhili for mercy, screaming and threatening.

Zhili was The coldness in his eyes was even more intense.

Seeing this, Ri Zhan's heart was bad. Zhili's character was so strong that he could only be soft on her.

At this time, Men Yan also persuaded: "Zhili, raise your hand and let Danzang go this time. He is a senior elder of Konoha and cannot die."

"You managed to calm down Uchiha's civil strife. Once you kill Danzo, what's the difference between you and the clansmen who started the rebellion? All the previous efforts were in vain. If Watanabe was here, he would definitely not want you to do this."

Hizan noticed that when Menyan mentioned Watanabe, Jiri's expression was slightly moved.

In order to save Danzo, Hizan couldn't care about other things, and he didn't want to blurt out: "Tanzo is right and wrong this time. When Watanabe wakes up, I will let him come to the door to apologize and resign as a senior Danzo elder!"

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