Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

: Two hundred and thirteen: You are not saved in this life

It wasn't until the sound of the door closing that Tsunade turned his face back.

Looking at the steamed buns brought by Watanabe next to the pillow, the corners of her lips could not help but lift up slightly, but soon, the smile turned into a puff of air.

The experience last night dealt a big blow to the girl's pride, making her feel like she had no face left in front of Watanabe.

Tsunade also understands that Watanabe is purely because he loves her too much, and he never intends to bully himself.

But still a little annoying.

After the marriage is agreed, after the marriage, am I still going to run away?

"Big liar, you didn't want to do it yourself, just wait, you're not saved in this life!"

Tsunade thought angrily, thinking that only Watanabe would be so stupid in the world, and he knew best about his arrogance, but he was still eager to tie the two together.

In the past, Tsunade's small temper towards Watanabe's ambassador was actually restrained, but Tsunade will not restrain it in the future, because it was Watanabe who was rude to her first, so don't blame me for being unkind, probably that's what it meant , do you really think last night was a good thing?

Tsunade really wanted to threaten Watanabe, "You're finished, be prepared to be bullied by me for the rest of your life!"

Picking up the big white mantou on the bedside, he originally wanted to bite down with more force than when Watanabe nibbled the mantou last night, but after a little hesitation, Tsunade just took a small bite.

The soft, glutinous and sweet taste of flour permeated between her teeth, and the remaining shame in the girl's heart finally turned into sweet nectar, which curled up along her lips.


Although it is said to teach rope tree practice, in fact, Watanabe only acts as his sparring partner.

As a direct descendant of the Qianshou clan, Naoshu's status in Konoha is equivalent to the prince. No matter what level of ninjutsu he wants to practice, he can easily get it. It can be seen from the fact that the ninjutsu that Watanabe practiced at the beginning was all given by Tsunade.

But the rope tree is not as large as Watanabe's chakra. He is young and can't study advanced ninjutsu until he has accumulated a sufficient amount of chakra. He can only spend his energy on taijutsu, and if you want to improve taijutsu, the most important thing is Fortunately, there is a physical skill level far beyond his sparring to feed him.

Watanabe played such a role.

[Open a door: qi and blood +11, energy +12, physical strength +11, pain -15...]

Thanks to Tsunade's help all night long, Watanabe's physical strength has recovered to the point where he can break through the first door of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, and he can fight with Nasugi with ease.

The two continued to learn from each other until noon. Shengshu was exhausted and gasping for breath, but Watanabe became more and more fierce. Being with Shengshu was also good for his own recovery of qi and blood. In the morning, his physical strength climbed a step again, reaching the level where he could break through the second gate. According to the current process, he would be able to return to the peak state before the decisive battle with Madara in no more than three days.

[Open the second door: qi and blood +22, energy +23, pain -31...]

"Hoohoo! Brother-in-law, come again!"

Rope tree panted and said, and he was about to attack again.

"Your body is almost at its limit, rest for a while."

Watanabe stopped.

He understands that Shengshu wants to turn grief into strength, and is eager to become stronger in a short time. He is also very pleased that Shengshu has such a mentality, but Shengshu does not have the physique to fight more and more bravely. Tired is bad.


Rope Tree was obedient, temporarily stopped to rest, and adjusted his state.

The mind is pure and simple, Shengshu is not a fool, and cultivation is not an overnight thing. It is unrealistic for him to rush for success.

During the break in rope tree, Watanabe went to the Hokage Building.

In any case, Ri Zhan was his immediate boss after all. There was such a big turmoil that day, and now that he is recovering from his serious injury, it is very necessary for him to see Ri Zhan and make an explanation by the way.

The matter of tampering with Hokage's orders without permission is absolutely unstoppable, and Watanabe is already prepared for this.

Watanabe knew that the reason why he was able to become the Minister of Anbu was all because of the support of Mito, coupled with the identity of the nine-tailed person Zhuri, Hiyazhan had to make a compromise.

But now that Mito has sacrificed and Renzhuli has also become Tsunade, maybe Hizen is afraid of his own strength, but he may not choose to continue to compromise.

On the way to the Hokage Building, there are scenes of large-scale construction projects everywhere.

Under the leadership of the major ninja tribes, the villagers began to rebuild the Konoha project. The power of the ninja seemed to be more powerful than the construction machine in the previous life. I saw the ninja standing in a row to cast the earth escape, dozens of earth walls. As they scrambled to the ground, some Qiu Dao clansmen used the puffing technique, reaching out with their big hands and lifting the several-ton boulder easily.

"With ninjas as productive forces, if nothing else happens, the village should be rebuilt soon."

Watanabe thought.

A few minutes later, he came to the center of Konoha and found the ruins of the original Hokage Building, which was now replaced by a taller office building, with several Anbu ninjas wearing animal masks guarding the door.

"Master Minister, have you recovered from your injuries?"

Seeing Watanabe approaching, the Anbu ninjas at the entrance of the building saluted him respectfully, their eyes excited and eager.

That day, the Anbu people followed Watanabe's command all the way. They knew better than anyone how much Watanabe's contribution was. It can be said that without Watanabe, what Konoha would have become is completely unimaginable.

"Well, I'm almost healed." Watanabe nodded lightly and responded, "I have something to see Mr. Hokage."


Anbu Ninja immediately made way for him.

Although the Hokage Building has been rebuilt, the architectural pattern inside has not changed much. Watanabe soon found Hizhan's office.

"What a smoker."

Watanabe secretly complained, and knocked on the open door, reminding Hiizaki who was sitting on the desk to handle official business.

"Watanabe, you came just in time, come in quickly."

Hizan looked gave Watanabe an amiable smile and got up to greet him.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Watanabe feels that Hiizhan's attitude seems to be more enthusiastic than when Mito supported him before.

No... There is a little bit of flattery in the enthusiasm?

"You can stand in front of me safe and sound is the biggest good news I have received in the past two days." Hizan said with emotion, "That day Madara Uchiha was defeated, and you, Mito-sama and Jiri are the biggest ones. Hero, fortunately you were rescued by Tsunade and the others in the end, is there any discomfort in your body now?"

"There is no discomfort, but it will take some time to recover completely." Watanabe told the truth.

"Is that so? Then you should focus on self-cultivation during this period of time, and then come back to Anbu when your recovery is complete."

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