Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 11 Opening The Pulse, Sister Wu Stood At Attention

A daoist shadow flickers in the mountains.

When Xue Jing thought of his disciple, who was being taught by Shang Wu to open his pulse, he couldn't help but feel numb.

If you go later, it won't be as simple as misleading others.

Maybe he would have to give his disciple first aid.

This is no exaggeration.

Junior Sister Shang Wu had once toyed with the idea of ​​recruiting a disciple. Everyone thought that she had reached the inner stage at such a young age, and even though she was usually unreliable, it would be easy to teach a disciple, so everyone acquiesced.

Unexpectedly, on the first day, the unlucky guy became obsessed.

After that, Shang Wu didn't know whether he thought it was pointless to take on a disciple, or he knew that he was not a good teacher, so he never mentioned taking on a disciple again.

It's a pity that Li Mo's kid is very talented, but he just feels like he has no way to start.

The other elders don't know how to teach, and the quota of true disciples under their own disciples is full again.

Otherwise, how could he fall into the devil's cave if he had the talent to reach the top with Ying Bing.

Xue Jing no longer expects Li Mo to be able to open his pulse in one day like Ying Bing.

If you are safe and sound, you will burn high incense.


The wind blew under Xue Jing's feet, and he seemed to have escaped into the breeze, with a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

After a few breaths, he carried the medicine box and stepped into Qunyu Peak.

However, before reaching the top of the mountain, Xue Jing's worry turned to confusion.

"Something's wrong."

"Someone is inducing the essence of heaven and earth to practice martial arts?"

It inspires the essence of heaven and earth, also known as the unity of heaven and man.

This state is what all martial arts practitioners dream of.

People who practice Qigong need to obtain the energy needed to strengthen Qi and blood through food, elixirs and other supplements.

However, neither food nor elixirs can be taken endlessly.

By chance, it is possible for a martial artist to achieve the unity of heaven and man. This state is somewhat similar to the Exterior Realm, where one's own small world and the outside world are reflected in a cycle.

The speed of absorbing energy is more than a hundred times faster!

Moreover, there are no side effects afterwards and there are unexpected benefits.

"Shang Wu should be sleeping at the moment. Why did you practice martial arts today? Are you still in harmony with nature and man?"

Xue Jing quickened his pace a little more.

Mountain top.

I saw Li Mojing sitting in front of the wooden house, as if he was blending into nature.

Countless pores on his body seemed to be open, constantly exchanging breath with the outside world.

It was as if his body was connected to heaven and earth.

In terms of heaven and earth, it is like a small depression. The purest source of energy that travels between heaven and earth pours in from all directions, as if to fill up this depression.

It can be felt vaguely.

It was as if a lotus seed had been planted in the boy's dantian.

At this time, it is frantically absorbing the source energy, heading in the direction of taking root, sprouting, and even blooming.


A soft sound.

Xue Jing was not shocked yet.


Another sound.

"After opening the meridians, another main meridians were opened?"

Xue Jing opened his mouth, his long beard fluttered in the wind, and his whole person fell into a sluggish state.

Not only did he successfully open his pulse.


Within one day, not only did he successfully open his veins, but he also opened up a main vein with overwhelming force.

Not only did he learn the "Fire Heart Grows Lotus Technique" without anyone's guidance, but he also entered a state of unity between man and nature!

Xue Jing already doubted his life and could not describe his feelings in words.

"Elder Xue, when did you come?"

Li Mo's ears twitched and he opened his eyes.

"You...don't talk distractedly, the unity of heaven and man is hard to come by!"

Xue Jing blew his beard and glared anxiously.

"Ah? Heaven and man are one?"

Li Mo was stunned for a moment and said without knowing why:

"But I kind of want to go to the hut."

Old Xue Tou's eyes darkened. Is now the time to show off?

He is now in the realm of interior scenery.

The unity of nature and man is equivalent to experiencing an outdoor scene in advance, which is precious and can only be encountered but cannot be sought.

If this opportunity were given to him, he would be more sure to reach a higher level.

This kid is completely ignorant of the value of things and is wasting his natural resources!

"Oh fine."

Li Mo didn't know why Lao Zhangtou suddenly lost his guard.

He just thought it was too sunny here, so he moved his nest under the tree.

Then I continued to practice, and the speed was still so fast.

Could it be...

Isn’t it like this when others practice Qigong?

Perhaps it is the benefit brought by the Xuan Ni Immortal Body...

Thinking of this, Li Mo felt a little strange.

"The Fire Heart-Growing Lotus Dharma says that if you open up the twelve meridians and plant twelve lotus seeds, you will be considered successful and have reached perfection in the realm of Qi and Blood."

" do I feel that it's not stopping?"

He can feel it.

Twelve main veins are far from his limit.

His body seemed to be a bottomless pit.

The first and second meridians are connected, which is not even the beginning.

"That's all, let's take it one step at a time."

"The basics are very important, and we should try our best to practice them to perfection."

Li Mo closed his eyes and entered the practice state again.

Xue Jing kicked open the wooden door not far away, and when he saw Shang Wu still asleep, his forehead jumped wildly.

Na took out a piece of refreshing incense from the medicine box and waved it at the tip of her nose.

"A sneeze!"

Shang Wu sneezed and Yongrong's face wrinkled up.

Being disturbed from her dream twice in a row, she clenched her fists, and when she saw that it was Xue Jing, a good gentleman from the clan, she said impatiently:

"Old Xue Tou, you'd better be fine."

"Your disciple is out there, and he is one with nature and man. How can you still sleep? How can you sleep?"

Xue Jing said angrily.

"You drank too much and I drank too much."

Shang Wu tilted his head, thinking that Old Xue Tou was talking about fantasy.

"Can you tell if you go out and see for yourself?"

After Xue Jing said this, he was too lazy to talk to her anymore and walked out of the door.

Shang Wu's eyes were dim for a moment, then he scratched his head and looked outside.

This glance.

The dancing sister stood at attention.


[Congratulations to the host, for demonstrating the unity of nature and man, which made Xue Jing feel inspired. ]

[Congratulations to the host, for demonstrating the unity of nature and man, which made Shang Wu feel inspired. ]

[Rewards are being settled...]

[Return on investment: Three gourds of ice and fire wine. ]

[Investment return: Martial Dao’s insights over twenty years. ]

[Ice and Fire Wine]: "After drinking it, the two heavens of ice and fire will temper your body. It is a holy product that improves the strength of the physical body."


Can you still invest if you watch me practice?

This reward is almost the same as that of a sword.

"Ice fire wine..."

Li Mo decided not to try it out for the time being.

Based on his short understanding of the master, he took out the wine and determined that there wouldn't be any left.

Fortunately, he still doesn't know how to refine his physical body.

Ice and fire wine is a good thing that just works.

After practicing for about two hours, he really couldn't sit still.

There is no muscle soreness or muscle soreness mentioned in martial arts manuals.

My bladder is really sore and distended.

Thinking like this, Li Mo stopped asking for heaven and earth, patted the hem of his clothes, and stood up.

That strange state disappeared.

Saw it at first sight.

Xue Jing reluctantly came back to his senses, and then expressed emotion on his face:

"I owe you my love."

At their age, bottlenecks are deeply rooted, and it is extremely difficult to make further progress.

He also benefited a lot from observing the unity of heaven and man.

"Mr. Xue said something harsh. My father often mentions you at home."

Li Mo handed over his hand with kindness.

His father, Li Dalong, was once a disciple of Xue Jing.

At that time, Xue Jing had not yet held the position of elder.

"Hehehe, it's a good thing he still remembers me."

Xue Jing held his hand on his long beard and sighed: "It's such a pity for this kid Dalong. If he hadn't been in an accident, he should be the deacon of the inner sect by now."

Old Xue's appearance seems to be about the same age as his father.

But Li Mo knew that when his father started working, Xue Jing looked like a middle-aged man.

The real age is probably much older than ninety-six.

Li Mo spoke up at the right time:

"Everyone has his or her own destiny. Father said that he could save his life only because of Mr. Xue's intervention."

"If my father hadn't been injured and met my mother on his way back home, I wouldn't be here."

"What you lose in the east is what you gain in mulberry trees. This is the principle."

Classmate Xiao Li is good at coaxing elders.

"The dragon is so lucky."

Xue Jing's eyes looked a little more pleased when he looked at Li Mo.

This kid is not at all as naughty as Li Dalong said in his letter.

Maybe the father will be more strict when looking at his son.

The atmosphere between one old and one young is just right.

Li Mo suddenly smelled the smell of alcohol on the tip of his nose, and then his neck tightened and he felt suffocated.

Shang Wu put her arms around the neck of her only beloved disciple and declared her sovereignty vigilantly:

"Hey, hey, hey, this is my apprentice! You old man, don't even think about poaching."

"I really want to recruit him, but where can I find a place under my sect?"

Xue Jing said angrily.

Seeing Shang Wu whirring, he had a slight headache.

Disciple Sun is a good young man, he won’t let Shang Wu bring him to his knees, right?

If you are not good at academics, you will be in trouble. A good child cannot learn those bad habits.

"Xiao Mo, if you want to prove your martial arts or find someone to learn from, you might as well go to the martial arts hall down the mountain."

Shang Wu narrowed his almond-shaped eyes for a while, then nodded:

"Learning some basic moves is enough for practicing in the martial arts hall."

Li Mo: "..."

Sister, you are too lazy to teach me.

However, with his mental skills in mind, he was indeed ready to learn some martial arts.

It's a good place to go to the martial arts hall and see if there is anything worth investing in.

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