Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 2 The Peerless Genius System, Punishment For Losers

The wing next door.

Classmate Xiao Li looked at the ceiling in a daze.

Good news, his childhood sweetheart, there is Posture of the Great Emperor.

The bad news is that the relationship between me and her is not good, and she still jumps up and down in front of her every day.

When he joins the Qingyuan Sect, he will definitely shine.

Li Mo couldn't help but think of the classic scene where the protagonist tests his talent, and when he tests his talent, the stone explodes.

Then the little villains who bullied the protagonist should tremble and be slapped in the face.

At this time.

[Investment successful, investment: a bowl of Laoshan Ginseng Chicken Soup. ]

[Rewards are being settled...]

[Congratulations to the host, reward: a Tianling Yuan Bu Yuan Dan]

[Tianling Bu Yuan Dan]: "The pill is made into six patterns, which is the best among them. It can make up for the lack of Innate."

An open jade box appeared on the table out of thin air.

Inside is a crystal pill filled with purple energy and divine light.

Li Mo opened his mouth, his expression froze slightly, and he stopped breathing for a few seconds.

He has heard of this stuff.

He was born prematurely.

My mother was frightened when she was pregnant and gave birth prematurely in less than ten months.

As a result, he was frail and sickly since he was a child, and he learned to walk a year later than other children. He was often talked about both inside and outside the Li family, and by the neighbors, saying that the Li family was the father of a tiger and the son of a dog.

Dad didn't say anything, but he was worried in his heart and was thinking about it.

Among them is the search for the so-called Innate Bu Yuan Dan.

However, this thing is priceless.

Even if I spend half of the Li family's wealth, I'm afraid I can only buy one with two lines, but I may not be able to buy it.

Many big families with profound foundations are eager to see this pill, and they buy it at a premium to train their children. After all, before practicing martial arts, no one thinks that they are more innate.

Therefore, Li Mo kept asking for it but couldn't get it.

I never expected that I would get it in this way.

It’s still a six-stripe one!

No matter how ignorant Li Mo is, he still knows how precious this is.

With each additional line of elixir, the value can increase several times, and the value will increase exponentially, and it will also be more difficult to appear.

Six patterns, at least he had never heard of them, and they were so precious that it was unimaginable.

"Ah woo~"

"It doesn't seem to have much flavor."

Li Mo smashed his mouth.

No matter how precious something is, it is yours only after you eat it.

When the elixir enters the mouth, it melts instantly without any taste and goes down the throat into the abdomen.

next moment.

He felt that warm heat flow was generated out of thin air in his limbs and bones, turning into swimming fish, swimming along the bones, meridians, and internal organs.

It's like a long drought brings rain, and dead trees return to spring.


Li Mo took a long breath and opened his eyes again, his eyes shining brightly.

The body seemed to have been relieved of a thousand kilograms of weight, and the world in front of the eyes seemed to have been lifted up. During the breath, the air was filled with fragrance, and the body seemed to have endless energy.

Not an appropriate description.

Li Mo felt like an old man, dozens of years younger in an instant.

If you continue to practice martial arts, even if it is not a piece of jade, it will at least be a stone without holes.

"The six-marked elixir is well-deserved."

"And that's just a bowl of chicken soup."

Li Mo was secretly speechless.

This investment rebate is too exaggerated.

Of course, the biggest reason is probably because of the investment objects.

Ying Bing.

In my impression, Ying Bingren lives up to his name.

His character can basically be summed up in three words: "Bingtuozi".

There is definitely a long way to go to ease the relationship, but rebates must be paid.

Red destiny, after passing this village, I will never encounter this store again in my eight lifetimes.

"Butler Xu!"

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

The housekeeper came in hurriedly.

Li Mo lowered his voice and asked, "Does Ying Bing have anything he likes to eat?"

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment and thought for a moment: "Probably not. Miss Bing usually doesn't have much appetite."

"Do you have any other favorite things?"

"This... we don't know either."

The housekeeper made a sad face, what evil is the young master holding back today?

In the past, I had ordered my servants to deliberately embarrass Miss Bing, so how could I care about other people's preferences.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for you."

Li Mo couldn't help but feel ashamed when he recalled it.

The housekeeper was about to leave, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly thought of something:

"By the way, young master, I have told you to take Miss Bing to see a doctor when you get to the city at the foot of Qingyuan Sect."

"I also gave you a consultation fee of two hundred taels. You see..."

"Go, if you don't have enough money, you can pay it from my private room."

Li Mo waved his hand happily.

If you can get rewards just by spending money, then it is not a good deal.

"We have to go on a journey tomorrow morning, so let's get some rest early."


The housekeeper scratched his head and nodded in agreement.

What's the matter with the young master? He seems to have changed his temper recently. Not only is he polite to him, but his attitude towards Miss Bing has also changed from cloudy to clear.

Maybe you have left home, seen the world, and grown up?


The next day.

The first ray of morning light fell, and the frost condensed in the wing shone brightly.

The girl hugged her knees and huddled on the bed, like an elf sleeping in the ice and snow.

Ying Bing was dreaming.

Dreaming about her previous life.

When she entered Qingyuan Mountain, she was first diagnosed to have no pulse, but half a year later she had a strange encounter and was able to open her pulse.

Then he showed off his evil talent and left his peers far behind.

At the age of eighteen, Master Qingyuan was no longer her opponent.

She walked out of the Eastern Wasteland and saw a wider world.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are too big.

Hidden sect inheritance, ancient monsters, dynasty geniuses, even old monsters reincarnated and rebuilt, heroes springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

It was a brilliant era.

However, she is still the most dazzling existence in the rolling trend!

Number one on the hidden dragon list, number one on the human list, number one on the mysterious list, number one on the earth list, number one on the heaven list...

She eventually ranked as one of the Nine Heavens, on an equal footing with the Martial Emperor of the Yu Dynasty in Zhongzhou, and was named Huangtian.

Nine days.

It means the nine most powerful people in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Of course, above the Nine Heavens, there is another layer of legendary supreme realm.

Ying Bing opened his eyes quietly.

Everything reminded her that she had truly returned to the past.

I also encountered something that had never appeared in my previous life.

"Is it still there?"

In front of me is a strange text.

Only she can see these words. It seems that as long as she does not make a choice, these words will exist forever.


She had never seen anything like this in her previous life.

"Nine heavens and ten earths are vast, and I am far from omniscient."

"Perhaps this is a power I have never been exposed to before?"

Ying Bing lowered his eyes for a moment and thought.

[Ding dong, binding successful. ]

[Host: Ying Bing. ]

[This system is a peerless genius system, dedicated to helping the host achieve invincibility. ]

Ying Bing's face was calm and he didn't react much.

The road to invincibility?

She has already walked through it once.

Her rise is an invincible road, shining like a hero among the stars, no one can be more dazzling than her.

In the previous life, even Emperor Yu could only match her through special means.

In its heyday, I'm afraid you could only find your opponent by looking through history books.

In this life, she will only get stronger!

[As a reward for passing the level, you will get the opportunity to become an immortal. ]

At this time, a message appeared again in the system.

Ying Bing's breath froze for a moment.


This is a word that exists in legend!

It is said that in every era, a unique "immortal" will appear in the nine heavens and ten earths.

Being above the common people is true transcendence and true immortality.

However, since the Yu Dynasty established the Ding Dynasty, becoming an immortal has become a legend, as if this road has been completely cut off, adding a mysterious color to it.

This is also the biggest secret of the nine heavens and ten earths that have been pursued and fought for in the past dynasties.

Immortal Ascension has no way, so she confidently chooses the most difficult path in the end. It is also a rare path that only a few people have succeeded in throughout the ages.

But in the end, there was still one step missing...

Does this so-called system actually have the opportunity to become an immortal?

Ying Bing calmed down and said:

“What does challenge mean?”

[This system will include all talented Martial Artists of the same generation in a certain area and rank them once a month. ]

[After the ranking is announced, rewards will be issued based on the host's ranking. ]

[Current ranking range: Eastern Wasteland. ]

Many memories suddenly appeared in Ying Bing's mind.

There are not only systematic rules, but also various restrictions.

For example, no off-site factors are allowed to interfere with the challenge.

It is not allowed to disclose the existence of the system and let the other party deliberately give in.

And so on, basically blocking all the ways to make tricks.


Ranking of Tianjiao?

In her previous life, she was synonymous with the genius and evildoer of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But now, she still has the memory of her past life, and if she resumes her Martial Dao journey, she will only be stronger than before!

If what the system said is true, it will undoubtedly greatly shorten the time for her to return to the top, and even allow her to enter that unknown realm.

Even if it was an exaggeration, she would not lose anything.

Punishment for losers?

In her previous life, she had never experienced the feeling of being pushed down by someone.

Zhongshenzhou has always been known for its outstanding people, but after she left, the younger generation was cast into a shadow, almost turning pale.

In order to dampen her spirit, some old monsters even changed their appearance, suppressed their realm, and pretended to be rising stars to challenge her.

Then he was forced to reveal his true colors.

Still lost.

[Tip: Do you want to enable the punishment mechanism? ]

[After it is turned on, the rewards will be more generous, but after the ranking is announced, the loser needs to complete the punishment to the top. ]

"It's what I asked for."

There is no doubt about Ying Bing's choice.

She must be at the top of the list.

For her, this punishment is equivalent to non-existence.

This is not egotistical.

Why not maximize the rewards for things you have done yourself?

[The loser’s punishment is successfully activated!]

Ying Bing opened the door and went out.


Not far away, the young man happened to open the door.

Their eyes met, Li Mo grinned, showing a spring-like smile.

Compared with yesterday, his face seemed to have lost the gloom and became a bit more handsome and handsome.

Overnight, he looked like a sunny boy.

It seemed that there were some changes from the him in her distant memory.

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