Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 27 Red Sky Sword, Blood Refining Of Hundreds Of Beasts

"Is that really a monster just now?"

Li Mo thought about it and felt something was wrong.

The Shenfeng Cave is within the Qingyuan Sect, and the entrance to the cave is guarded by the deacons of the inner gate.

How could the monster get in?

Maybe it's an ugly senior brother...

Li Mo no longer dwells on this matter.


His steps have already touched the ground on the fourth floor.

The sharp murderous aura that rushed towards him made him feel almost heavy pressure in an instant, even though his physical training was initially effective.

His body, comparable to the peak of a mortal soldier, actually felt a slight sting.

"Just the escaping breath is so terrifying."

"It's more than ten times stronger than the third level."

Li Mo took a gentle breath, and suddenly even his internal organs felt a slight numbness.

Fortunately, he practiced the internal organs and meridians together, otherwise he might not be able to hold on now.

"What kind of weapons are contained in this level?"

Li Mo looked up.

I saw the huge fourth layer, half of it condensed with frost, and half of it was hot and distorted the air.

You know, this is in a cave.

This scene is too incredible.

There are also many fewer weapons left.

There are only nine stone platforms in total, and each stone platform has a weapon inserted into it.

On top of the first one was a long sword that was all red and translucent.

When Li Mo walked in, he found writings engraved on the stone platform:

"Zhu Zizhong, the first master of the Divine Weapon Peak, had an impression of watching the double-day volley in the sky. He imitated the 'Fengkong' sword, which was ranked fifth in the Kyushu Divine Weapon list, and made it into a mysterious weapon, and named it Chixiao."

This is the first line of writing on the stone platform.


Weapons are divided into Mortal Weapon, Sharp Weapon, Sharp Weapon, and Famous Weapon.

Further up the famous weapon is the fifth-level mysterious weapon.

A mysterious weapon

As for Xuan Bing?

Li Mo didn't know, he had never even heard of it.

But according to the writings left on the stone platform, if this mysterious weapon is just an imitation, the prototype of the Burning Sky Sword must be more powerful.

"Kiuzhou Divine Weapon List..."

"The first master of the Divine Weapon Peak."

Li Mo was stunned.

As far as he knew, it would take a long time to produce even a famous weapon in Shenbing Peak.

Was it possible to forge mysterious weapons in the past?

Doesn't that mean that when this sword was cast, the Yu Dynasty had just unified the world?

There were words below, so Li Mo continued to read.

[Qin Xiaomeng, the fourth master of Qunyu Peak of Qingyuan Sect, takes the sword today!]

[Luo Rulong, the sixth master of Qunyu Peak of Qingyuan Sect, respectfully invites you for the Red Sky Sword! ]

[The Thirteenth Master of Luoxia Peak of Qingyuan Sect——Yue Hong, Lieyang Sword Technique has entered the Transformation Realm, please use Chixiao Sword!]


The further you go to the back, the longer it will take for the Peak Master to get the sword.

Li Mo couldn't help but his thoughts surged.

This shows that there are fewer and fewer people in the Qingyuan Sect who are qualified to control this mysterious weapon.


This sword seems to have been lost for a while.

[Shang Wu, the thirty-third leader of Qunyu Peak of Qingyuan Sect, killed the killer named Xiaoyulou Tianzi and recovered the Chixiao Sword. ]

Li Mo glanced at the nine stone platforms.

The dates are obviously in order, but the contents recorded are almost the same as the first one.

Three of them are empty. I don't know if they were lost or in the hands of a certain sect senior official.

He probably figured it out.

What are placed here are all mysterious weapons forged by Shenbing Peak in the past dynasties.

As long as you can gain the approval of Xuan Bing, you can become its master.

When you no longer have the ability to control the mysterious weapon, you must return it.

"How to become a soldier?"

Classmate Xiao Li is lying when he says he doesn’t have hot eyes.

Xuan Bing.

He dreams of a handsome long sword.

There are only two swords in total on this stone platform.

One is called Tianshuang, and the other is Chixiao.


Suddenly, the sound of swords sounded.

It seemed that he was aware of Li Mo approaching.

The Chixiao Sword was inserted into the stone platform, shaking continuously.

The next second.

Li Mo's eyes flashed.

Not far away, a swordsman stood with his sword behind his back.

The swordsman couldn't see his face clearly. He was wearing a simple short shirt, but it had a fierceness about it.

The other party didn't speak, but Li Mo seemed to understand what the other party meant.

"Please draw your sword."

Draw a sword?

Li Mo took out a green steel sword that was fed back from the system space.

This was his first time using swordsmanship in actual combat, and he was still a little excited.

I just acquired the superior swordsmanship from Basic Accomplishment, will I be afraid of you?


ten minutes later.

Li Mo subconsciously covered his chest and suddenly opened his eyes.

Just now he was in a trance, feeling that he had a sword piercing his chest. Although he was not really injured, he still felt a burning phantom pain.

With his Basic Accomplishment swordsmanship, he couldn't even complete five swords.

The Chixiao Sword stopped buzzing and fell into silence again.

"It seems that you must practice an excellent martial arts to the transformation state before you can become a military master."

Looking at the words left on the stone platform, Li Mo came to his senses.

After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and sat on the ground to exercise his body.

The higher the martial arts level, the more difficult it becomes.

In the seventy-sixth year, Martial Dao realized that it was not enough to push Huohe Qianyu to the realm of transformation.

It would be a good idea to save it for a hundred years.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to the stone wall not far away.

"On the first day I entered Shenfeng Cave, I felt like something was calling me."

"But there is obviously no road ahead."

"Are we going to break this stone wall?"


The entrance to Shenfeng Cave.

There was a moment of silence.

Because Yin Huacheng, who was still aloof before, was walking out of the cave in a very embarrassed state.

His eyes were full of gloomy anger, his moire-patterned clothes were torn into strips, and his body was covered in bloodstains.

The injuries he suffered were not serious. After all, no one was controlling those famous weapons and they were just activated independently. With his body, he only suffered some superficial injuries at most.

But what he couldn't understand was that all the famous weapons were extremely resistant to him, but they flocked to a new disciple.

It was no less than a goddess whom she had been chasing for several years, turning around and throwing herself into the arms of a strange man she had just known for a few days.

I'm so angry!

"I'm not strong enough."

Yin Huacheng clenched his fists and walked to the mountain behind Shenbing Peak.

You can see it from a distance, there is someone waiting there.

That man is tall and burly, and he is the pagoda.

"What did you do?"

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Futu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Where's the new container I want?"

Yin Huacheng clasped his hands behind his back and did not answer his question.

"My name is Wang Hu, with the arms of a tiger and the waist of a leopard. The beast species has been fed to him."

There was a sneer on Futu's lips: "He even thanked me."


Yin Huacheng nodded with twinkling eyes.

Futu knew that he had a temper that could not bear any loss, so he said again:

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You should follow the old rules and wait for the sect's trial before looking for someone to attack."

"I have my own sense of proportion."

Yin Huacheng was a little impatient.

After a moment, he spoke again:

"Recently, a group of outer disciples should have resigned from the sect and returned home."

"You don't even let them go?"

Futu looked at the other party's expression seriously.

Yin Huacheng snorted coldly: "With the benefits of Qingyuan Sect, it is not so easy to return home in fine clothes. Those losers can give me some residual heat. They are lucky in their lives."

The blood refining of hundreds of beasts, no wonder it is a forbidden technique.

If you practice too much, your brain will go wrong.

Futu sneered in his heart, but pretended to be hesitant on his face.

"Don't forget who guaranteed your admission to the Qingyuan Sect."

There was a hint of threat in Yin Huacheng's tone.

Futu had no intention of refusing. After showing a hint of reluctance, he nodded:

"Okay, I'll help you think of something."

The pagoda was about to leave, but had not taken two steps.

Yin Huacheng's questioning voice came from behind again:

"What is the origin of the new true successor named Li?"

"That's the only seedling among the jade peaks."

Futu squinted his eyes with a smile but not a smile: "You'd better not worry about him. If you make Shang Wu angry, even Peak Master Yin can't protect you."

"Qunyu Peak...Li Mo."

Yin Huacheng murmured to himself, seeming to remember the name in his heart.

The fourth floor of Shenfeng Cave!

Only the elders of the peaks, or those who have practiced the Great Accomplishment, can go in and face the mysterious soldiers.

There must be a strange treasure in that kid!

Yes, it must be because of the exotic treasure.

The anger in Yin Huacheng's heart dissipated and was replaced by deep heat.

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