Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 54: Instant Kill, Did I Underestimate Myself?

Mud Corner Alley.

Cui Peng was leaning under a crooked tree, as if waiting for something.

"Kill Li Mo and be dyed with the blood of genius, and my blood knife will be able to improve to the next level."

"I just don't know if there are any experts around him besides the Murong family..."

When he was talking to himself.

A yellow-haired mouse climbed up from his trousers to his shoulders.

After squeaking a few times, a sinister curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The little beggar successfully left a breath on the other party.

In this way, he can use the alien rat as an eyeliner to find out all the information about the other party.

Including the martial arts the other party is good at, whether there are teachers following him, and what his daily habits are.

"When you know a person completely, you can kill him easily."

Cui Peng flicked the bloody knife under his robe, his heart burning.


Not far away, there were footsteps.

Cui Peng raised his eyes and saw that it was the little beggar he had ordered to go over.

Now that the purpose has been accomplished.

Then there is no need for this little beggar to live.

"Come here and get the money."

Cui Peng took out another sling of copper coins from his arms and shook it.

The other hand has already held the blood knife.

But before he could take action.

The yellow-haired mouse lay next to his ear and squeaked twice more.

His heart was beating wildly and he looked back suddenly.

At some point, a young man wearing a cloud-patterned brocade robe was already standing there with a warm smile.

"Cui Peng, you look nothing like the portrait."

Li Mo said calmly.

He didn't expect it either.

It was originally to help Bingtuozi find someone, and there was an unexpected gain.

Before the Murong family could give him the news, Cui Peng bumped into his hand.

"How did you know?"

Cui Peng's voice was like the dark wind blowing from the Nine Nether Hells.

His whole spirit was tense to the extreme.

Understanding the enemy makes him feel like a hunter, with the confidence to possess wisdom.

But at this time.

The other party suddenly came to him.

It is unclear who is the prey and who is the hunter.

"There are many things in this world that you don't know."

Li Mo shook his head.

In the eyes of the God of Destiny, the other party's information emerged:

[Name: Cui Peng]


[Root Bone: White Ape Arm. ]

[Realm: Inner breath condensation state. ]

[Destiny: Green with gray. ]

[Evaluation: A cold-blooded, ruthless swordsman with excellent luck, a born killer. ]

[Recent encounter: The blood knife technique has reached its bottleneck, the injury has not yet healed, and I am desperate. I am ready to take risks and try to ambush Li Mo, a true disciple of the Qingyuan Sect, and use this record to join Xiaoyu Tower. ]

Cui Peng stared at Li Mo intently.

A light red short knife with the smell of blood fell into his palm.

In the alley, the atmosphere solidified and murderous secrets were spread.

The little beggar was so frightened that his mind went blank and the rice bag in his hand fell to the ground.

"You go first."

Li Mo walked up to him and patted his head.

"Thank you...thank you..."

The little beggar couldn't leave all day long. He even fell to the ground several times because his legs were weak.

When I reached the alley, I took one last look back.

Although he didn't understand what happened.

But he also ignorantly knew that Li Dashan from the Qingyuan Sect was a good person, and the beggar who gave him money to do things was a bad person.

Cui Peng!

That was the madman who caused a fatal incident a while ago!


In panic, he stepped on a branch.

It also caused the atmosphere in the alley to collapse instantly.

"Pretending to be a ghost."

"If you dare to come to me alone, today is the day you die!"

The gloomy look in Cui Peng's eyes turned into danger.

The blood knife in his palm appeared, cut a sad arc, and stabbed Li Mo in the chest.

The blade screamed, and it actually brought...

The fighting spirit?

It seems that there is also a hint of blood mixed in?

Li Mo had a strange expression.

It is certain that Cui Peng did not hold anything back.

Because for him, fighting to the death and resolving the battle as soon as possible is the best option.

But isn't that a coincidence...

"You kill people just to practice this kind of sword technique."

Li Mo shook his head.

He originally wanted to try his hammering skills, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

The Chixiao sword on his waist fell into his palm.

Ding ding ding——

Between the electric light and flint.

Chi Xiao directly cut through the opponent's inner breath wrapped in the blade, and collided with the blood knife several times.

In the other party's disbelieving eyes, the blood knife that was close to the famous weapon actually broke into small gaps.

Cui Peng's eyes were about to burst.

However, he didn't wait until he felt distressed.

The place where the weapons clashed just now suddenly burst out with explosive force.


The bloody knife was broken.

What came back was an even more turbulent killing force, destroying his entire arm.

"You can also...blood knife technique?"

Cui Peng's heart was filled with turmoil.

"What the hell?"


Blood splashed and flowed down the Red Sky Sword.

Cui Peng left peacefully.

"Even the inner breath condensation state in its heyday is definitely no match for me."

Li Mo was actually quite surprised.

Are you so strong now?

Just now, he could only be regarded as an 'ordinary sword', but in the end, it jumped directly to the next level.

But it’s right to think about it.

Although he is in the Qi and Blood realm, he has exceeded the upper limit of the twelve meridians.

The extreme weapon kills the body, and its shots are equipped with the sharp energy of killing soldiers, which can easily break the 'qi' of the inner breath condensation state.

He also held a mysterious weapon in his hand.

It was all kinds of conditions that were beyond the reach of ordinary people that allowed him to accomplish the 'feat' of 'leapfrog instant kill'.

"I originally hoped that Cui Peng would let me practice in actual combat."

Li Mo shook his head, glanced at the other party's body, and searched his arms.

Hey, this is purely because Mr. Li played too many games in his previous life and was used to touching corpses while fighting monsters.

"Silver notes...blood knife skills...bone-strengthening pills..."

He doesn't like most of the other person's things.

The blood sword technique that Cui Peng regards as his life is just a medium-level martial arts.

He doesn't lack any of the banknotes, elixirs, and elixirs.

"This is....."

Li Mo suddenly touched a hard and sharp object.

After turning it out, it turned out to be an iron swallow.

The material is not surprising, it is just the most ordinary iron, but the writing on the iron with silver hooks on it is strangely sharp.

It says:

[In the old days, Wang Xietang had a swallow in front of the hall and flew into the homes of ordinary people. ]

"Tangqianyan of Xiaoyulou."

Li Mo recognized this object.

I also heard what the beautiful master said when chatting.

Xiaoyulou is the most notorious organization in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Even its initiation ceremony is very inhumane.

If you want to join Xiaoyulou, you don’t take the initiative to sign up, but people come to you.

An iron swallow means that someone has found you.

Whether you are willing or not, you must participate in the ‘Infinite Trial’.

The so-called endless trial is to designate an area and let the selected people fight each other.

Only the few who survive can enter the building.

"The endless trial of Xiaoyu Tower is about to begin in Ziyang Mansion?"

Li Mo has no interest in this kind of organization.

It is better to wait for the Yamen to arrive and send Cui Peng's body to the sect together so that the elders can consider it.

At this time.

"It's right in front!"

The little beggar's voice sounded.

Also coming with him were Murong Hai, Murong Xiao and his grandson.

When Murong Xiao heard that there was no movement here, he suddenly became a little anxious.

"It's okay, Little You Li is safe."

Murong Hai is a strong person in the state of observing gods and has powerful perception.

He could feel that there was only one Li Mo aura in Mujiao Alley, and it was quite stable.

Thinking about it, it should be Cui Peng who fled...

The thought has not yet settled.

He then saw the young man standing in front of a corpse, playing with the iron swallow in his hand.

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