Invest In The Reborn Empress, She Actually Called Me Husband-In-Law

Chapter 82 The Rankings Are Released, Ying Bing: Am I Second?

"Who am I? Where am I?"

It seemed like a long time passed, but it seemed like it was just a moment.

There is still a cold moon outside the window, shining on the frozen stream.

In the side room, Li Mo opened his eyes blankly.

The magnificent and vast scene just now still lingered in his mind, occupying almost all of his mind.

Only one emotion occupied his senses at this time.


It's not hunger, it's a longing that comes from the depths of the soul.

He subconsciously took out a bottle of Ten Thousand Years Earthly Meridian Spirit Milk and drank it all.

The essence of the earth veins pours into the Dantian, and is continuously absorbed by the thirty-six main meridians, and merges into the Dantian, giving the body a feeling of a long drought followed by sweet rain.


Classmate Xiao Li wiped the corner of his mouth, finally recovered and remembered what had just happened.

He used the Heavenly Book Seal to deduce martial arts.

He upgraded a magical skill to a higher level and turned it into a lotus petal.

"That martial arts... I don't know if it can still be called martial arts."

This feeling is very strange.

Li Mo clearly knew its content, but didn't know how to describe it.

I have forgotten what I want to say.

The methods of transmitting information that he knew were too pale for what martial arts described.

Then he realized something was wrong.

He quickly turned his attention to his Dantian.

I saw.

A faint breath lingers in the dantian, like substance.

The color is light red, just like the eternal flame burning here, eternal and immortal.

Inner breath!?

This time, his inner breath did not disappear again!

"A bottle of ten-thousand-year-old earth-vein spiritual milk condensed a trace of it for me?"

Li Mo couldn't help but be speechless.

I finally know what those thirty-six meridians are for.

Without them transforming the earth vein essence together, not even this trace of inner breath could be condensed.

Hold up a finger.

That wisp of inner breath suddenly appeared on the fingertips.

There is no temperature or any breath.

A flick of the finger.

Suddenly, a wisp of inner breath flew out of the window and landed on the frozen creek.

Miraculously, it burned like this.

The ice was 'lit'.

And it didn't melt into water.

The firelight danced in Li Morang's pupils, revealing the surprise in his eyes.

"If I don't take it back, it will keep burning like this."

"Until the whole creek is burned..."

"This inner breath can not only burn ice, but can even burn other 'fires'..."

A realization dawned on him.

The inner breath of other warriors definitely does not have such exaggerated characteristics.

At most, it is just stronger and more lethal.

And his inner breath can burn all things, it's just a matter of time.

"So how did this inner breath get into my body?"

Classmate Xiao Li discovered the blind spot.

All right.

This can probably only be attributed to the magic of the Xuan Ni Immortal Body.

"Anyway, it's finally the inner breath realm."

Li Mo finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

He now still has twelve bottles of earth vein spiritual milk.

He separated three bottles from them, two bottles for his parents, one bottle for emergencies, and the remaining nine bottles, he planned to use them all for practice.

8 said, let’s go!



The room was filled with the color of snow, and everything in sight was covered with frost.

The bed made of fine wood has been cracked by the frost.

Ying Bing wrinkled slightly.

A faint fluctuation of internal energy came.

That's right, it was already this time, and she was still practicing with the help of the restless Taiyin aura.

This requires enduring great pain, but it also has greater gains.

Taiyin is cold and soft.

When all things are desolate, there is still vitality for all things to sprout.

This is also the reason why her physical body is far superior to that of her peers.

"It should be... almost time."

Ying Bing raised his eyes and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

It's time.

The system was very punctual and sent prompts at the right time:

[We are making a list of all geniuses within the scope of the Eastern Wasteland...]

[Comparing the combat power of the host...]

The two things of the system are carried out at the same time.

In fact, just look at the list.

As long as her name appears at the top of the list, everything else is self-evident.


Ying Bing breathed out the breath of ice crystals, and a hint of seriousness appeared in his jade face.

It's not that I'm worried about my position, but I'm curious.

Except Li Mo.

In this life, is there anyone else who will surprise her?

What position will that young man who is very different from his previous life rank in?

In the extreme cold where dripping water turned into ice, time seemed to have lost its meaning.

[Ding dong——]

[The first ranking results are announced. ]

[The fiftieth number one genius in the Eastern Wasteland: Lin Jiang. ]

[The forty-ninth genius of the Eastern Wasteland: Zhao Qin. ]


[The 30th ranked genius in the Eastern Wasteland: Murong Xiao. ]


Seeing the lines of writing appearing in the system, Ying Bing's expression returned to calm.

The system ranking is indeed slightly different from her memory.

For example, Lin Jiang, such as Murong Xiao.

What a coincidence, these two people seem to know Li Mo?

Haven't seen his name so far.

Also normal.

Li Mo's sword was learned from her.

And today's fight actually revealed something she didn't expect.

His ranking will be at least in the top twenty.

The handwriting of system ranking continues to emerge.

[The 20th genius of the Eastern Wasteland: Xiao Qin. ]

[The Nineteenth Prodigy of the Eastern Wasteland: Mei Ziguang. ]


[The fourteenth genius of the Eastern Wasteland: Luo Yu. ]

[The thirteenth genius of the Eastern Wasteland: Zuoqiu Yang. ]


Gradually, the system ranked among them.

There are some names that can already make some impression on Ying Bing. Some of them were from the previous life and gained great fame in the Eastern Wasteland. Some later went to Central China and left their own names in the storm of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. name.

For example, Luo Yu, after the decline of Qingyuan Sect, led Fenyu Valley to become the leader of Ziyang Mansion.

For example, Zuoqiu Yang came out on top in the Infernal Trial. Many years later, he became the feared killer of Xiaoyulou Tianzi.

They are all outstanding people.

As for the top ten, they are even better among people.

Ying Bing's thoughts moved slightly.

She discovered that Li Mo was not among them.

Is he in the top ten?

No....not just the top ten.

[Fifth place on the list of geniuses in the Eastern Wasteland: Zhong Zhenyue. ]

[Fourth place on the list of geniuses in the Eastern Wasteland: Han Zhen]

[Third place on the list of geniuses in the Eastern Wasteland: Shang Li. ]

Seeing this, Ying Bing's eyes finally flashed with confusion and confusion.

These people are all people who will shine in the nine heavens and ten earths in the future. They are heroes who have made waves of their own in the rolling general trend.

For example, Shang Li, the former prince of the Shang Dynasty.

He was pregnant with the final destiny of the Shang Dynasty, and later restored the country with a high profile.

For example, Han Zhen.

This person is quite mysterious. Ying Bing only knows that the speed of his rise is extremely alarming, and the martial arts he uses seems not to belong to this era at all. He is suspected to be the inheritor of an ancient force.

Can Li Mo surpass them and only be below himself?

The thought just arises.

Ying Bing's thoughts suddenly froze, and Qingyou's eyes trembled.

[Second place on the list of geniuses in the Eastern Wasteland: Ying Bing. ]

She saw herself.

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