Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 112: Entering the Linggong, attacked

[The Vulcan Sect and the Chiyan Dynasty. 】

[The best investment amount: 15 billion to 20 billion. 】

[Negotiable recycling rate: 10%]

【ROI: 100%~120% (33%), 40%~70% (67%)】

[Estimated maximum return on investment: 24 billion]

The original maximum investment amount was 10 billion.

Return rate: 80%~100% (61%), 40%~60% (39%).

Lin Yu: The highest profit has actually increased. It seems that there is a certain probability that the opposite side will give me benefits.

However, the possibility of losing money has also increased a lot.

Later, Lin Yu looked at the audience in the live broadcast room and said, "Brothers, I just went to see the world of the Chiyan Dynasty. There are foreign investors investing nearby. It may be difficult to say this year's situation."

Lin Yu expected the audience's reaction to be: It's hard.

But all the audience's eyes are shining.


"Aliens!! Come on, the host will play an unlimited investment board! Brothers, just throw money into it!"

"Exactly! Kill those alien races to death."

"Uh, there are good things for foreigners too..."

"That's because you didn't understand the situation. The enemies in this world are various types of demons, and the other party is likely to be a related race. Demon investors, which race has no hatred against us?"

"Anchor, **** them!"

Lin Yu: "Ahem, don't get excited, brothers. I'm going to investigate some more detailed information now. But let me remind you that some money may be lost this year, and the investment pool has just accumulated a little money, which is definitely not enough. The investment pool If it is empty, it will not be paid, and it will not be recorded and paid back later.”

Barrage: "It's okay. It's okay to spend some money to fight against alien races. As long as it's not a disastrous defeat!"

"Yes! I will bite them even if I die."

At this time, Lin Yu has entered the space of another world.

This is the second time to compete with a foreign race! And it is still a contest between big capitals.

Be serious.

It's a pity that there is not much time, and it is a little hasty.


Hukou Pass.

At this pass, two places are adjacent to high mountains, and the average altitude of the mountains is above 1,000 meters.

Between the high mountains, there is a 2-kilometer break, and a towering city wall is set up.

Not far from the west of the city wall, there are a large number of demon soldiers.

The spiritual energy in Lin Yu's body circulated continuously, and a relatively strong black air appeared above the Hukou pass.

It's a sign of death...

It's just that there is a trace of white gas inside, and it seems that there are signs of survival.


Just as the spiritual energy in Lin Yu's body was running faster and faster, several black phantoms also appeared in the magic army camp in the distance.

"What is this?"

At this time, the black shadow gradually solidified.

What's more, Lin Yu's skills seem to have a strange sense, and he can learn the information of these shadows.

These black shadows are the devil emperors of the demon clan in this world!

wrong! Only three of them are the devil emperors of this world, and the other two are fourth-level spirit generals sent by other investors.

In this way, the opposite investor is also very strong.

At this time, the system continued to undergo new changes.

[More information elements about investors are detected. Investment items are changing...]

Immediately afterwards, the maximum investment amount increased by about 1 billion, and various investment items also underwent certain changes.

Positive yield increased from 33% to 37%.

Lin Yu never thought that the Hunyuan Divine Art that he had just practiced would have such a great effect!

You know, Lin Yu is just in the initial stage now. If it reaches the third level, or even the fourth level, is it still worth it?

However, those two masters also mentioned that people who practice this technique will have a very high return on investment in the low-level world.

So far, it seems that this statement is true!

[The host can explore more information to improve the system's information base and facilitate corrections. 】

Lin Yu frowned. This is the fourth-order world. Although there are many props on him, it is still a little dangerous.

Still, keep reading...

In the eyes of everyone in the live broadcast room, Lin Yu paused for a few minutes, maybe thinking, or using his own ability to investigate. Then flew to the western region.

Passed through the Demon Army camp at an extremely fast speed and entered the Demon Realm.

The entire Demon Realm was in darkness.

In this place, many monsters gather.

And here, strength is the only truth!

There are many monsters fighting each other.

Small villages, small towns, large territories.

Afterwards, more and more information was recorded in the system information database throughout the Demon Domain, but the system's detection results did not change.

But soon, they arrived at a huge magic city.

This time, Lin Yu detected the reaction of foreign investors again!

And this time, the information is significantly more.

In the city, there are actually more than a dozen strong men with the strength of the Devil Emperor. Among them, there are seven spiritual generals with fourth-level strength!

There is also the spirit army under the investor Spirit Palace, the number is as high as 30,000, all of which are elite forces!

The point is that the Spirit Palace Legion can cooperate with the Spirit Palace to unleash powerful combat skills, which is also the reason why investors have superb combat power.

Lin Yu's face was a little dignified, and he said to the people in the live broadcast room: "It seems that a hostile investor in the spirit palace has entered this world, and even sent the spirit palace army over."

The soldiers in the card cannot be put into the subordinate world.

But after the investor reaches the fourth level, he will cultivate something like a spiritual palace. The legion cultivated here can be placed among the subordinate worlds.

These combat forces can greatly affect the situation of some battles!

Of course, if you want, investors with the strength of Tier 3 and below can enter the lower realm with their own bodies, and this is also unlimited... It's just that no investor will do this.

And the audience was even more excited when they heard this.

"Anchor, is there a body descending on the other side? How about killing the other side directly?"

"Haha, if you can really kill a Tier 4 demon investor, that would be exciting!"

"Yes! If the anchor can really do it, the effect is probably comparable to yesterday's exam."

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room is also increasing significantly.

Within ten minutes, it quickly rose from 120,000 to 140,000.

They're all here to watch the fun.

Lin Yu said with a smile: "The investor on the opposite side doesn't know if it has come or not..."

When he just said this, Lin Yu suddenly felt a crisis, and then stopped.

However, after just a moment of stupefaction, he returned to normal: "It seems a bit dangerous nearby, it's better for us to step back."

After speaking, Lin Yu planned to leave.

The next moment, a huge black palm fell from the sky.

"Jie Jie Jie, a weak investor of the human race."

"It's probably the person behind the Chiyan Dynasty."

The huge spiritual energy destroyed Lin Yu's live broadcast equipment, and the screen in the live broadcast room went black.

But before the live broadcast closed, all the audience saw the scene of the magic palm!

Tip: The live broadcast has been disconnected.

All of a sudden, the live broadcast room exploded.

"Fuck! No way? The anchor won't just hang up right?"

"I do not know..."

"Hahaha, let the anchor wave! Knowing that there are hostile investors, but going deep into the enemy's camp, are you looking for death for the popularity?"

This kind of person will soon attract a group of people.

The little fox who was watching the live broadcast was curious about how Lin Yu would deal with the hostile investors this time, but he didn't know that he would encounter such a scene.

Seeing this, the little fox immediately took out his phone and sent a message: "Are you there?"

Although Xiaohu knew that the live broadcast was interrupted, and the live broadcast equipment and mobile phone communication equipment might also be broken, he still had to try.

Sure enough, there was no reply for half a minute...

Other people who knew Lin Yu also sent messages at this time.

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