Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 114: Above the Great Emperor, Xianjun

[The next moment, a spiritual palace suddenly appeared in the sky. On the top of the spiritual palace, there was a statue of a scorpion. And at the bottom of the spiritual palace, a special space door appeared. There were 30,000 soldiers who looked like scorpions walking out of the spiritual palace. 】

[On the top of their heads, a huge phantom of the magic scorpion was formed, which was astonishingly powerful, even faintly stronger than the great emperor. 】

[Especially the palace at the top, giving these soldiers extremely powerful blessings. 】

[The Demon Emperor powerhouse with the appearance of a demon scorpion also gained points, and actually fought back and forth with the two Great Emperor powerhouses. 】

[Chiyan Dynasty and other strong men frowned. Their local cultivators took the road of training themselves, and had never met any investors before. Naturally, they had never seen the battle of the strong in the spirit palace. I thought this palace was some kind of treasure. 】

[At this time, a voice came: "This is the attack method of the outsiders that day. It is called the Spirit Palace, and it is extremely powerful."]

【"And this outsider, the purpose of this trip is to break through the Hukou Pass and sacrifice blood to the entire Eastern Wasteland human race. If we don't join hands to fight, the moment the Hukou Pass is broken, the human race will die A moment."]

[Everyone saw that the person who came was the seventh emperor of the Chiyan Dynasty—Emperor Yan. He was only seventy years old, and he was a strong emperor! It can also be called a talented person. 】

[The great emperor and powerhouse of the Yongye Dynasty asked: "Could it be that your Chiyan Dynasty has known about the blood sacrifice for a long time and launched the war?"】

【Emperor Yan nodded and said: "Yes."】

Lin Yu: "???"

Barrage: "??? Definitely learn from the anchor."

This is obviously nonsense. The reason why he invested in Emperor Yan at the beginning was because he had an ambition to do something that would shock the world, and his name will last forever.

Lin Yu also likes this kind of goal and can make a lot of money.

As for the hostile investors, they only invested in this world this year!

[Seeing this, the strong men became serious. 】

[Originally, when the Chiyan Dynasty lobbied the countries, it mentioned this information. Now that it has seen such a powerful combat force with its own eyes, what the Chiyan Dynasty said may not be wrong. 】

[Then, the two sides fought again. 】

[The Chiyan Dynasty and the Vulcan Sect had already prepared for this time. The Supreme Elder of the Vulcan Sect - Lie Huo Xianjun, the powerhouse above the Great Emperor, also appeared. (Note: This is equivalent to the main body battle of the second level of the Spiritual Palace Realm, the kind that does not use the Spiritual Palace to fight. The strength gap between each small realm is also extremely terrifying, at least much more obvious than other books)]

[The invincible general of the Chiyan Dynasty who followed the fifth emperor to fight, is said to have passed away a hundred years ago, the Qingyan Emperor! It even appeared on the battlefield! And now he has been promoted above the Great Emperor and ranks among the Immortal Monarchs. 】

[In addition, there are also several strong men, such as the three generals of the Chiyan Dynasty, the suzerain of the Vulcan Sect and the masters of the major pavilions. 】

[The combat power of the human side crushed the opponent in an instant. 】

[The 36 demon emperors of the demon clan are here on the battlefield, and there are actually 10 of them! In addition, there are also five spiritual generals who are comparable to the devil emperor. 】

[But even with the blessing of the Spirit Palace, the demons' combat power is still at a huge disadvantage this time. 】

[The next moment, a huge scroll flies into the sky, and all the spirits will be shocked when they see this. 】

【Those Demon Emperor powerhouses haven't seen these things yet, so they can't figure it out for a while. 】

[The next moment, a huge golden cage fell, and countless golden arrows shot at the demon army, followed by the second, third, and fourth! The scroll worth 400 million was just used up. 】

[But the effect is also very good, the demon army was defeated in an instant. 】

[The war is over. 】

[In the following period of time, the Chiyan Dynasty fell into a time period of wrangling with other dynasties. 】

[Because the Yongye Dynasty and other three powerful dynasties saw the scene and understood the seriousness of the matter, they always stood by the Chiyan Dynasty. 】

[In the end, the two dynasties in the east also had to send millions of troops to support the front line. 】

[Subsequently, the Chiyan Dynasty, which was blessed with a huge force, discussed war strategies with other dynasties. 】

【September~December, the human army marched out of Hukou Pass westward, killing countless monsters for five hundred miles in a row, and died under the iron cavalry of the human race! 】

[However, the human side did not rush forward, and quickly established a stronghold in the nearby area to prevent the enemy's sneak attack. 】

[In two months, the human race has advanced a total of 800 miles, occupied the night magic city, and killed more than ten thousand enemies! 】

[Dozens of great emperors of the human race, as well as nearly ten million troops, reveled in Night Demon City for three days. 】

[The demon clan seized the opportunity to assemble a large army and more than 30 powerful demon emperors, intending to severely injure the human race. 】

[In the area of ​​Night Demon City, a war broke out soon. 】

[It's a pity that the demons can't attack for a long time, and finally want to consume the supplies of the human race. 】

[But it took a full two months, and it was not exhausted. On the contrary, the human race became more and more courageous, and various methods such as scrolls emerged one after another. The demons were caught off guard and lost 4 strong demon emperors. 】

[Because this investment involves a battle with foreign investors, there is additional information. 】

[Additional information: During the entire battle, the opponent only appeared in two spirit palaces, the Demon Scorpion Palace and the Demon Snake Palace. In addition, a third type of spiritual soldiers and generals appeared: the race of demon spiders. 】

Seeing this, the message ends.

The barrage was full of joy.

"Human iron cavalry, advance 800 miles to the west!"

"Haha, I want to compose a poem. Now go to Quantai to recruit the old department, with a hundred thousand banners, and kill Yan Luo!"

"Shameless! You wrote this???"

"Yes, and it doesn't fit the artistic conception."

"Don't worry so much, haha. Anyway, you have killed more than ten million enemies, and you are still building a city in the enemy's hinterland! Great!"

"The anchor is awesome!!"

"Sure enough, there are two great spiritual palaces, the anchor is awesome!"

Lin Yu: "Haha, it's mainly about them. This time, it should be earned. I'll look at the settlement rewards first."

The previous investment data has undergone drastic changes, and the highest profit range is 120%~150%.

So far, it's definitely in the positive range.

[This investment is over. 】

[Settlement in progress. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained 31995716952 world coins. 】

[Hunyuan Shenjue·Fire (third-order colorful, incomplete, 2/9), 2 billion. 】

[Various high-grade minerals, 10 billion]

[All kinds of spiritual soldiers, 10 billion]

[320197814 points of spiritual power. 】

Lin Yu: "Brothers, I need to recycle some things here. It's not convenient for everyone to see."

"But let me do the math for you first. This year, the total return is 54 billion."

"3 billion of them will be put into the fund pool. I can take away 13.5 billion."

"Since there are many high-value items this year, the money that will be auctioned later may be a bit too much. I still have to recycle a little."

Later, Lin Yu took away the exercises, more than 8 billion high-grade minerals and more than 3 billion spiritual soldiers.

Although these spirit soldiers do not meet Lin Yu's attributes, they can be given away later, which is a good gift. Of course, there are other uses as well.

The audience staying in the live broadcast room is much more peaceful now, so I didn't say much.

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