Next is the eleven o'clock world.

The lottery draw in the live broadcast room was also arranged by Xiao Ling. A total of ten lucky players will be trained as spiritual soldiers.

The final investment was as high as 2 billion, which was more than four times the maximum investment amount given by the current system.

This is what Lin Yu told Xiaoling in advance, try to raise more funds, otherwise the human race here will die immediately.

Of course, this investment is not for nothing.

Part of the reason for increasing the investment is that in the early morning, when Lin Yu went to negotiate the contract with them, the human race here proposed it by themselves and issued a military order!

They pointed out that in the next year, they will definitely do their best to deal with the demon clan! Satisfy the resource turn-in quota. Don't even care about sacrifices.

This is a soul contract!

Lin Yu himself also has the idea of ​​helping this group of people, so he naturally increases the amount of investment.

The final result did not disappoint.

This group of people showed their blood, and in some large-scale battles, they exploded with amazing willpower! There have been many heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives.

In the end, the settlement reward reached 80% of the investment amount.

It is only slightly lower than the 90% maximum rate of return given by the system when the investment amount is 500 million!

Sometimes, will can always work miracles.

This time, the human race lost nearly 700,000 troops and millions of civilians, but the demon race was also a little scared by this crazy gesture, and their morale weakened.

As for the other alien races that were vassals of the Demon Race, the losses were even more exaggerated, and some of them were close to extermination.


eleven o'clock at night.

Tai Chi Yin Yang Pool.

The pool water is divided into black and white, the left is black and the right is white, and the colors are distinct.

The top of the Yin-Yang Twin Spirit Tree is also revealed and, it seems, has grown for a hundred years.

In the Hunyuan Pagoda in the center.

Lin Yu slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath: "Comfortable~"

I looked at the time, it was early eleven o'clock.

Yes, Lin Yu just practiced too comfortably and forgot about the live broadcast. Nothing happened.

But, when it's time to go live, I definitely have to make up a reason!

"There's no need to rush, let's deal with the Yin-Yang fish first."

Then Lin Yu entered the giant submersible.

I learned from Anubis that the two yin and yang fish still refused to give in and looked very stubborn.

Lin Yu controlled the submersible and swam to the front of the yin-yang fish.

"Then, kill it...then seal the spiritual palace."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding troops immediately surrounded them. Everyone has long been upset to see these two stinky fish!

When the Taiji Yinyang fish resisted, it caused them a lot of pressure.

And in the previous battle, he also killed many subordinates.

Now that you can kill it directly, it will be easy.

The two Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish immediately writhed, but the cage was too strong, and they couldn't escape at all.

"Wait, humans, we can talk again."

"eng?? It's actually a creature with intelligence!"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes, and then said to Anubis with a serious expression: "Kill these two Tai Chi yin and yang fish immediately! They have actually opened up their spiritual intelligence, which has not been revealed just now, and there must be some big trick hidden .”

Seeing this, the surrounding troops immediately assumed a combat posture.

Sure enough, seeing this, the Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish flicked its twin tails immediately.

A huge Tai Chi formation covering a radius of one thousand meters appeared, and all the soldiers around seemed to be trapped in a quagmire.

Then, it is necessary to control Lin Yu.

But Lin Yu threw away a scroll worth 300 million yuan, and a devouring energy instantly broke the Tai Chi array.

The two Tai Chi yin and yang fishes who were just about to use this to break through were stunned.

It's... kind of fast.

Lin Yu sneered, Master is a krypton gold warrior! What are you thinking?

"Wait, human, everything is negotiable."

"If you want to continue to use this Tai Chi Yin-Yang pool, it's useless to rely on your equipment alone. We need the two of us to preside over the formation."

"We can work together..."

Seeing that Lin Yu didn't give the order to stop the attack, the army continued to attack Taiji Yinyang fish.

There are also fewer and fewer spiritual soldiers under the command of the two Tai Chi Yin Yang fish.

"Stop, stop! We can sign a contract!"

"Oh? A slave contract?"

Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish hesitated again.

Seeing this, Lin Yu said to Anubis and others, "Who told you to stop attacking?"

"When I'm negotiating, I need more firepower, understand!"

"Before signing the armistice agreement, there must be at least a volley of guns. You don't know this. You are really uneducated."

A group of soldiers were scolded, and immediately took their anger out on Lingyu.

Stinky fish, let you dilly-dally! Caused us to be scolded.

"Stop, stop, slave contract. However, we cannot limit our growth, otherwise, we will never sign it!"

Lin Yu touched his chin, and he didn't intend to limit their growth. After all, if these two join his team, they will be the number one combat force at present.

It just so happens that I can also help them train their spiritual soldiers, and then transfer them to their own spiritual palace, hehe.

Even, at that time, with the power of my own spiritual palace, I will appoint two officials. In this case, it will be more exciting to have two more generals!

"Let them stop attacking quickly, we really can't bear it anymore. And the loss of spiritual soldiers is too serious..."

"Okay, stop attacking."

Lin Yu gave the order, and all the soldiers stopped attacking.

Later, Lin Yu directly used two fourth-order soul slave contracts and signed two Taiji Yinyang fish.

"Hahaha, that's right."

After signing the contract, Lin Yu took out a large number of second-level and third-level spiritual soldiers with Tai Chi Yin-Yang attributes that he had just bought, all of which were red products.

Seeing this scene, Taiji Yinyang Fish was stunned for a moment, and then became ecstatic.

"Take it, put it inside the spiritual palace first, and use spiritual energy to conceive it. Later, I will put it in the world and strengthen it."

"Thank you master!" x2.

Yinyu's voice is that of a cute girl, and it sounds pretty nice, but we like humans.

"Since you have become my subordinate, I will naturally not treat you badly. You can just call me Lord Lord in the future."

"Cultivate the Yin-Yang Pond well, I have something to do."

After speaking, Lin Yu went to the large portal area.

By the way, on the way, make up a reason.


The submarine rose slowly.

The audience who were chatting in the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

"The swordsman is finally back. Woooooo~"

"What are you crying for? If you have the strength, just go straight to him! How can you wrong yourself."

"Well said, I'm late, don't let him be arrogant!"

Lin Yu glanced at the bullet screen in advance with his mobile phone, it's okay, it's okay.

After this live broadcast, I must let the audience get used to my being late! What's more, the exam is coming soon, and there are many excuses.

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