Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 132: The cruelty of the battlefield, the disaster of the small world, the wake-up call of t

There are also several beautiful women by her side, a loli with twin ponytails, a heroic girl full of drive, and a slightly **** looking girl.

"Shiwan, is the person you're looking for really reliable?"

As Qin Shiwan's good girlfriends, they naturally knew that Huan Yu was not the top boss in the legend.

But I don't know that Huan Yu is an anchor.

Qin Shiwan smiled and said, "Don't worry."

When you smile, there is a feeling that makes your heart beat.

The girl next to her immediately hugged Qin Shiwan's right hand and said, "Ah, Sister Shiwan, let's get a marriage certificate at the university."

Qin Shiwan helplessly pushed Lori's head, and said, "Okay, be serious. The exam is about to begin."

And at this time, in the central area of ​​the playground, a huge sphere projection slowly emerged...

This sphere is the projection of world 3-79.

However, at this moment, the diameter of the sphere has reached an astonishing fifty meters, and it can continue to flip.

On the top of the entire playground, there are 8 huge screens, showing the situation in this important area of ​​the world.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged teacher came onto the stage. Wearing glasses and a suit, he looks more refined.

"Okay, students, please be quiet first."

"Next, let's report the specific situation of our No. 1 middle school for this exam."

"In this first round of exams, a total of 3,571 people from Shanghai No. 1 High School participated in the exams, and all of them were present."

"The total investment is as high as 795.2 billion!"

The students in the field cheered immediately.

In private, some people also mentioned that the students of No. 1 Middle School in Shanghai follow the principle: If you can't beat them, then spend money on them!

It's that arrogant.

"Everyone also understands that this time, it's not just an exam for our No. 1 Middle School, but also a war against alien races."


"Whether we can fight a good battle depends on everyone's layout ability!"

"Okay, it's almost time."

After speaking, the teacher withdrew.

At this time, the projection of the entire sphere becomes larger again, and then, the division begins.

Eleven continents were divided.

In front of the first group is mainly the Zhongyuan Continent.

Everyone also restrained their minds and paid attention to the changes in their respective investment continents.

seven o'clock.


The world has entered time acceleration.

In the Zhongyuan Continent, the blood energy of the Western Blood-Red Demon Realm rushed towards the western borders of the Holy Spirit Dynasty and other human kingdoms at an extremely fast speed.

on a big screen.

Dozens of gigantic gorefiend phantoms began to attack SkyOcean City, which has a population of tens of millions!

A fierce war broke out in an instant.

The army in Tianyang City also exploded with astonishing power, forming an army formation one by one.

A phantom of a golden dragon appeared.

"Holy Spirit Dragon Formation!"

The core legion of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

Immediately afterwards, the screen changed.

It's battle for other cities in the west!

Some cities were destroyed at an extremely fast speed under the full pressure of the demon army.


Even SkyOcean City, after a month of fighting, had no choice but to choose to break out of the siege in an all-round way.

In just three months, the flames of war spread to five hundred kilometers west of the border of the Holy Spirit Dynasty.

Dozens of large cities have become key strongholds.

Many of these cities are the focus of your investment!

The final grading rules for this exam at Shanghai No. 1 Middle School.

Not only look at the final return on investment, but also pay more attention to the role of investment targets in the war!

This is also the exam template for the college entrance examination.

Looking at the dozens of cities she invested in, Qin Shiwan felt a slight change in her heart.

The ten low-yield cities mentioned by Lin Yu have indeed received a lot of attention! The demon army mobilized several troops in a row and launched a surprise attack on these areas.

But it was stopped by the well-prepared army.

As for food and other materials, they are naturally more abundant.


Look at Guangyang City again.

This is where Lin Yu invested.

Here, too, fierce fighting broke out.

City Lord's Mansion, nine major families.

Three palaces and six pavilions.

Guangling Palace, Saint Cloth Palace, Beast Palace, Baibao Pavilion, Shadow Killing Pavilion, Tianyi Pavilion, Beast Martial Arts Pavilion, You Pavilion, Spirit Blood Pavilion.

The powerhouses of all major forces took action, and their power was even more exaggerated than the previous SkyOcean City.

The Mozu miscalculated the force here and suffered heavy losses.

The strong in the city immediately used the blocking scroll, cutting off the retreat of the demons...

On the city wall, Zheng Yang was wearing a battle armor, fighting against several demons in the early stages of the Condensing Device Realm (third-order Yuan Ding Realm).

At this moment, he thought that he could have become stronger.


The screen changes again.

Inside the Shiwanda Mountain in the north.

In several silent and remote mountains, a spring of blood gushed out into the sky, and spread around at an extremely fast speed.

Countless creatures were infected by this strong blood energy and became monsters.

Zhang Peng and other students who invested in Shiwan Dashan were completely stunned after seeing this scene.

Then came ecstasy!

A student next to him who was not in the group chat sighed, "What should I do? I missed a few seal scrolls."

Zhang Peng: "You deserve it, I don't listen."

"I... How could I have imagined that the blood demon clan could make such a big commotion."

"Hehe, I've already reminded you, if you don't believe it yourself, no one is to blame."

The man refused to accept it and said, "Ghost knows what you said this time is actually right!"

"Hey! What are you talking about, kid?"

"It was originally. Investing with you, it wasn't that you spent too much money that time. In the end, you lost a lot."

Zhang Peng changed the subject in embarrassment: "Ahem, let's continue watching the exam."


Next, the screen kept changing.

The battles on many battlefields are very fierce.

The human race, the monster race, and the blood demon forces are constantly fighting.

All over the world, people are dying.

War is always cruel.

Many students also fell silent after seeing the end.

Among them, most of the student's investment goals were lost. After all, their original idea was to invest in the front-line targets and hold on to the front-line.

They never expected that the Blood Demon Clan's offensive this year would be so fierce.

the reality is cruel.

Wars come as soon as they are said, and it is impossible for foreign races to play house with them.

But this time, it's not just a matter of investment, but also a disaster of life.

The school also deliberately used special technology to adjust some pictures, and broadcast many cities that were attacked, with ruined walls and corpses everywhere.

The blood demons used evil energy to attract the evil gods of the void sea, and revive the soldiers who died in battle...

Next, the battle is over.

The scores of Qin Shiwan and others in the first round were naturally extremely high.

In the follow-up of the school, this exam is also used as a model to alert the students of the school.

The principal of Modu No. 1 Middle School: "This time, I am very disappointed with everyone's performance."

"Do you think the investment is just for fun?"


The destruction and disaster of the small world is the wake-up call of the big world.

This is the sorrow of the small world, the sorrow of the living beings, but this is reality.

Only by becoming stronger can we live better.

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