Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 138: Blood Demon Twelve Royal Family, Blood Demon Ancient Soldiers

Terran City No. 14.

outside the city.

A cloud of blood was drifting towards the city.

Below the blood cloud is a neat army!

Their faces seemed to be wearing masks, similar to the legendary ghosts.

The whole body is muscular, with **** barbs growing in the joint area.

"Blood Fiend Ancient Soldier!"

Lin Yu looked at the woman named Liu Xin curiously, and asked, "Ancient Blood Fiend?"

"I read it in an extra-curricular book. It was cultivated by a powerful person in the Igola family of the Blood Demon Race."

One person was shocked and asked, "The Igola family? The Igola family, one of the twelve royal families of the Blood Demon Clan?"

Liu Xin nodded: "Yes, and it belongs to the personal guard, only members of the family can call it."

Lin Yu's expression became a little more serious.

The blood demons are generally divided into bloodline levels.

The high-end forces are mainly the Three Royal Families and the Twelve Royal Families.

The royal family has a tenth-level sacred realm powerhouse, and the royal family has a ninth-level holy city realm powerhouse.

Of course, this is just the data on the surface. Whether there are other strong people behind the scenes is hard to say.

There is a high probability. After all, the blood demons are becoming more and more arrogant. Without a hole card, it is completely impossible.

At this time, everyone also understood in their hearts that this battle of defending the city seemed difficult.

Lin Yu looked at the blood demon clan. Is the blood demon clan headed by the Igula family?

Oh, interesting.

No wonder under my arrangement, Li Yun's winning rate is only 33%.


All-out war in City Fourteen soon broke out.

The fighting power of this group of blood fiend ancient soldiers is indeed extremely terrifying!

And the number is also extremely high, reaching a full 20,000.

From the looks of it, most of the blood demon clan's sacrifice energy was spent on summoning blood fiend ancient soldiers.

In the sky above this group of soldiers, huge **** heads frantically attacked the city.

The city wall quickly cracked.

The originally strong fortifications were also destroyed.

The defenders in the city seemed unable to stop it.

The army of blood demons and other races rushed into the city very quickly.

The Terrans are defending the second layer of fortifications in the city.

[The human race used a special chaotic slate. 】

[Trigger the special event of "The World of Kings": the ruins of the golden royal family. 】

In the very center of the city, there is a huge golden sword about 100 meters long.

Immediately afterwards, nine long swords of various colors separated the parties.

One hundred and eight smaller long swords fell among the enemy group.

The blood demon commander immediately ordered to withdraw from the city.

But the next moment, a 100-meter-tall warrior in golden armor descended from the sky.

"Fight for the royal family!"

Purple gold, gold, silver, copper.

Soldiers in various armors rushed out from the space crack.

The space in the entire area was also blocked by the sword array.

The Blood Demons didn't dare to delay, and immediately used a lot of items to launch a counterattack.

The human side continued to resist.

The battle stalemate.


An ultimate blood fiend was condensed and swallowed the human sanctuary in the center in one gulp.

Soon, the human race was completely defeated.

When the holy demons were enjoying themselves.

The golden light shines, and the angel descends.

[You have activated Holy Light. 】

[Current remaining usage times: 1. 】

This war is over.


Several teammates around were hesitant to speak.

Lin Yu naturally understood what they meant, and then said: "One time of holy light and a special chaotic slab. The consumption on the opposite side is 3 billion or more higher than expected."

"And this hinders the advancement of the Blood Demon Race."

"The follow-up effect achieved is even more exaggerated."

"It doesn't matter if you give up a city."

"Just follow my command."

"If there is something wrong with what I do, the upper-level people will naturally remove my position as captain."

"Now, the whole army summons spirit soldiers and begins to attack the No. 4 city of the Bone Ogre Demon Clan...the No. 37 city of the Demon Clan!"

Zhao Fei: "That..."

"Huh? Is there a problem?"

"Uh, no, no."

Everyone also knew what he wanted to ask, why did he attack the demon clan's city? Isn't this pulling hatred out of thin air?

But Lin Yu obviously has no idea of ​​explanation.

In fact, it can be seen from the whole layout.

The eastern and central regions of the continent are separated by huge mountains.

And the demon clan specially chose a city here, didn't they just want to monitor all parties and make some profits by the way?

They want to use their status as a higher race to be a so-called 'neutral force'.

Lin Yu did not hesitate to start the war in advance!

Anyway, the strength of your demon clan is in the western and central areas.

If I don't hit you now, will I wait until you dominate the mainland?




The remaining troops of the human race assembled at an extremely fast speed.

And the united water elves, snake people and other races began to attack other cities in this area.

The demon city has indeed maintained its neutrality, and issued a statement: it only collects wild monster resources and will not launch attacks on other cities.

As for the main force of the Blood Demon Clan, they were much more peaceful.

In fact, they lost a full 600,000 main force in the last battle!

When launching an attack now, if they encounter the situation of defending the city before, they will completely lose the possibility of development.

So during this time, they are also collecting wild monster resources in a safe manner.

As for the cities attacked by the human race, they also adopted a defensive mode.

What is strange is that none of the cities that the blood demons sent heavy troops to defend were not attacked.

It's like their defense force was checked in advance by the human race.

The member of the Igola family of the Gorefiend even suspected that there were spies inside, and there was a high probability that they were from other races.

But other races complained: follow your blood demon race, keep saying, rich and powerful.

As a result, although he won the first battle, he didn't get any money, and instead lost a lot.

Now we're under attack, and you can't help at all.

"Damn it! You shouldn't have helped the blood demons attack the human race back then."

"Heh! The blood fiend ancient soldiers are strong, but they still can't defeat the human race."

The members of the Igola family were also very angry, but they could only appease the various clans.

It's a pity that they can't find any countermeasures at all now.

After all, the two battles of the human race instantly brought many neutral and friendly races into his lineup.

But at the end of the year, things seemed to turn around.


City No. 37 of the Demon Clan.

The city guard general (spiritual soldier) questioned: "What do you mean by the human race? Are you going to start a war with our demon race?"

"Hehe, our 3 million troops have already arrived at the city, what do you think?"

"You! Humph! You humans don't regret it! With such a big appetite, you are not afraid of dying."

"Hahaha~ Don't worry, we won't die. Right now, we just want to eat enough! Kill!"

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