Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 144: Spirit Field Mall, Chaos Level, Hospital Copy

[In August, Xu Wenhao found his teammates through official channels, and found that the four players were all classmates of the school! There are also two big beauties, the level is only two or three, they can form a team together, hehehe, cool!

Next, the trip to the copy began.

At present, the number of copies is sufficient, the resources are sufficient, and the low-level players are having a good time.

Xu Wenhao's own equipment is good, and he also has the original spirit card: enhancement card (seven-color level), which can create and strengthen some good equipment.

In just one month, Xu Wenhao was promoted to level five.

At this stage, Xu Wenhao was busy upgrading his Origin Spirit Card, so he asked where to buy the materials.

Tiannan Lingyu Mall. This is a mall in a different dimension, or a special secret place.

The four teammates also planned to accompany Xu Wenhao to go shopping together, and replenish their consumption by the way. 】

[September to November was originally the time for the school to start, but the official quickly helped Xu Wenhao and the other five people deal with the problem of class attendance. This made Xu Wenhao very excited! Finally, I don't have to go to school.

Tiannan Lingyu Mall.

This is a special forest that looks beautiful.

In addition to a large number of spirit card masters, there are also various spirit card creatures, including humanoid creatures.

Most items are expensive.

Most low-level players like Xu Wenhao can't afford it.

But several teammates were very enthusiastic and seemed to be rich, and helped Xu Wenhao get a lot of materials.

The materials to upgrade the Original Spirit Card were not cheap, which made Xu Wenhao feel embarrassed.

But Xu Wenhao knew in his heart that he had three powerful Origin Spirit Cards, and he had the ability to pay back the money!

It's a pity that there is still one missing material for upgrading the self-made item card (chaos level): the ghost crystal.

This kind of item is much produced in the Western Secret Realm. Tiannan Lingyu Shopping Mall doesn't sell it.

The team member - Zhao Min said that his uncle seemed to sell some, so he would ask Xu Wenhao for help.

Afterwards, everyone bought the items and left the Lingyu Mall.

After a few days, Xu Wenhao received his materials and upgraded the self-made item card to level 5!

Seeing this, Xu Wenhao was very excited, and soon made a special equipment, pink grade!

In the next few months, Xu Wenhao discovered his third original spirit card: a data card (chaos level), which could detect monster information in low-level spirit domain dungeons, which made everyone a lot easier.

Even hidden bosses, as long as they don't exceed level ten, Xu Wenhao can find out most of them! So it was processed very quickly, and it made everyone a lot safer.

Soon, at the end of November, Xu Wenhao reached the tenth level, which is the peak level of the first-order entry into the primordial state.

At present, he has reached the same level as his teammates. After all, the experience of level 10 to upgrade to level 11 is much higher than before, and the level has stabilized.

Xu Wenhao also learned a lot of skills from some special NPCs, and bought a lot of special skill books.

Moreover, Xu Wenhao ran a lot of dungeons, and killed some powerful hidden bosses, gaining a lot. Barely paid off previous debts.

It's a pity that I have reached level ten, and if I want to continue to maintain it, I have to upgrade the card again...

It took about five days for Xu Wenhao to deal with the three original spirit cards.

Of course, I also owed a lot of debts.

Fortunately, his 4 teammates seemed to be quite rich, and they were also easy to talk to, which Xu Wenhao secretly remembered. 】

Lin Yu touched his chin.

How do you feel that Xu Wenhao is living in the script? cough cough.

Then, Lin Yu glanced at the world information of global investment.

The disaster in Neon Country is getting worse and worse. Some coastal cities have lost a lot of population and have to retreat inland.

However, the Neon Country is only that big, and it can't be retreated, so it looks pretty miserable.

Of course, some dungeons of the Neon Kingdom are still very rich in resources, so in the current situation where the world crisis has not yet completely erupted, there are many strong card masters who are willing to go to the Neon Kingdom to acquire some good ones. copy material.

The Neon Kingdom official also opened the treasury and made some rewards.

Xu Wenhao:

[December, near the end of the period, Xu Wenhao was struggling to read the book... The official just helped him deal with the class, and didn't say that he didn't need to take the exam.

So **** real!

As the end of the month approached, Xu Wenhao finally finished all subjects.

Fortunately, after practicing, the strength of the cultural body has been improved, and the memory has also been enhanced a lot. Coupled with the original foundation, it is quite fast to learn.

At the end of the year, a difficult spiritual domain suddenly appeared in the Third Hospital of Guangnan City, and the authorities immediately blocked it.

This spiritual domain is not particularly powerful, and the monsters inside are only level 10. However, the spiritual domain has level restrictions. This dungeon only allows spirit card masters of level 10 and below to enter.

At present, a total of 7 batches of 5-person teams have entered this dungeon, but 5 of them were directly destroyed, and 2 teams barely escaped back, but there are only three people left!

After inquiring, I found out that this is a strange dungeon, and there are not many monsters inside, and it is even said that they cannot be found at all. And once the monster appears, everyone will die very easily.

In addition to the monsters, there are several big eyeballs hiding the BOSS.

At present, the official plan is to equip an elite team with at least red-grade equipment and even a few powder-grade equipment.

Xu Wenhao's team also received relevant information.

When Xu Wenhao saw this, he felt a little excited. There seemed to be a few related items in his investment space, which he hadn't used yet.

Soon, Xu Wenhao discussed with his teammates whether he should enter this dungeon to have a look. Several teammates looked at each other, and then said that they could apply to the official.

After a while, the official approval was passed.

It stands to reason that this kind of dungeon would not allow other teams to enter at will, let alone a team of college students! Obviously not enough experience.

However, the official also said that relevant high-quality equipment will be provided.

Xu Wenhao excitedly received the related equipment from the official, two pieces of pink equipment and six pieces of red equipment.

As for recent exams? Free directly.

Xu Wenhao wants to cry but has no tears... He obviously studied very seriously.

Soon, five people entered the instance.

The environment inside the dungeon has not changed much from the real environment, it is a hospital.

Five people entered the inpatient building and began to investigate, and soon a female monster appeared, an elite monster! Everyone's weapons are light attributes and Taoist magic weapons, and soon hit the female trick hard.

The female ghost dropped a soul orb, which has a higher value.

However, after everyone killed the monster, the atmosphere became much weirder.

The copy released a phased task

[Go to the 2nd floor of the basement to deal with the corpse monster and the unjust death. 】

Five people walked in slowly.

Soon there was fighting, darkness, screaming, spirits, fear.

It took half an hour for everyone to finish killing the monster. 】

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