Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 149: Taboo Slate, Jihad Capital!

Every sneak attack by a hostile race will trigger a fierce battle, which will end with the victory of the human race.

After all, this is the home of the human race!

The people who planned the attack, the troops they sent, had no intention of leaving alive.

As for less, there is almost no possibility of success. The biggest possibility is to catch them in advance.

In foreign countries, there are many successful cases.

But it is said that the success was achieved only with the participation of high-level people from the inside behind the scenes...

Among them, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa are the most.

After being quiet for a while, Lin Yu said: "Teacher, two hundred million a month, will you be my bodyguard? Just leave school to deal with some small things. When you need help, you can do anything else."

"Heh! You are a student, and I am a teacher. I will be your bodyguard? I don't want to lose face? You have to pay more for a monthly subscription!"

"Help me make an investment of 100 billion yuan. There is no guarantee that I will make a profit."

Teacher Li said without hesitation: "Deal!"

face? Ah! Does it matter?

Afterwards, the two sides were quiet for a while.

It's kind of embarrassing to have a student guide your own investments. But Mr. Li is really envious of Lin Yu's investment ability!

Look at your investment ability, which is comparable to disability.

It's really sad to smell, and to cry when you see it.

In all kinds of fifth-order worlds, they can't get along at all!

This also greatly interfered with the layout prepared for the promotion.

It's been more than 70 years, and it's more than 25,000 years in the subordinate world!

For so many years, I have been stuck at the peak of the fifth-order spirit pool. It's not because of the inability to prepare the perfect promotion ceremony.

In order to be promoted, I also spent a lot of money and found various senior investors to help.

Although he helped a lot, he didn't have enough energy for every promotion, after all, his background was not strong.

Perhaps, now there is some hope?


Tianhe city center building.

No. 125 investor war exclusive conference room.

Wang Ziyue: "Ah~ what should I do? The captain hasn't come yet. Is four hours really enough? Other races have already dealt with it. And the Chaos Dimension was announced in the early morning, and three taboo slates appeared this year! I don’t know who opened it, and I don’t know what function it is, alas~ If it is used by us, it will be uncomfortable.”

Zhao Fei: "Oh! Our captain is too willful. However, he is really capable."

"Those who are incompetent have been kicked out."

" problem."

Sun Liang: I TM!

After everyone was quiet for a while, the door opened.

Seeing Lin Yu coming in, the two immediately stood up and said, "Hello, Captain!"

Lin Yu glanced at everyone.

"Haha, he is indeed a child of a big family, and he is quite polite."

"Okay, sit down."

Thanks to Sun Liang!

Sun Liang, my good brother!

Then, Lin Yu walked to his seat, and the first sentence he said was to ask, "by the way, has your family given suitable spiritual soldiers?"

Everyone looked at each other, obviously there was.

Starting from the second year of the investment war, the battlefield will change more and more, and the spirit soldiers will gradually become a force that cannot be ignored.

Seeing this, Lin Yu looked at Li Yun on the right, and said, "Let's start with Brother Li, the type of arms, strength, quantity, and completion of belief."

"One thousand flame spirit armor soldiers, from the first to the third level of the fixed origin state, and the degree of faith completion is above 80%."

This is also considered by the family.

It is found that Lin Yu's yin and yang soldiers are quite powerful, and the fire attribute can just match.





It has to be said that the foundations of the major families are still good.

Moreover, almost every family has its own characteristics. It must be very good to have a well-established training system for arms and to display real combat effectiveness.

There are about 10,000 Dingyuan Realm soldiers from the 15 family children, and the degree of faith completion is more than 50%.

This kind of soldier often has a certain growth potential, and is not simply a puppet made of spiritual materials.

And this is only the amount invested in the second year.

Lin Yu touched his chin and commented: "Not bad."

And the system has already begun to substitute the relevant spiritual soldier data into the investor war world.

Since this combat mode is relatively special, there are a large number of investor factors interfering, so the system data is not very accurate.

What the system detects is only the result of the factors loaded in the current world.

Within a few minutes of Lin Yu discussing the world situation with everyone, the system completed the investigation. After all, there is the previous data basis, so the investigation is faster.

"Captain, there are three taboo slabs this year, what should I do?"

Lin Yu: "What else can we do? The taboo slate is too powerful. If we take the initiative to use it on us, we can't bear it. Since we can't resist, we can only enjoy it."

Wang Ziyue: "..."

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay, let's go to the chaotic space first."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yu got up and went to the place where the original gate was.

Seeing this, everyone followed.

On the way, Lin Yu glanced at the changed data on the system.

Looked at his city data.

Found several new cities in the plain area, and the rate of return is good.

As for the three cities in the Earth Sea region. One of the core cities - No. 3 city that Lin Yu was originally in charge of.

Return rate: 300%~400% (53%), 50%~80% (47%)

The rate of return fluctuates greatly. If you can bear it, you will earn more. If you can't bear it, it will be a bit embarrassing.

But Lin Yu must bet on it!

When Lin Yu looked at cities of other races, Lin Yu was a little puzzled: "Huh? What's the situation?"

[Sort by the lowest return amount. (interracial)]

[First, Blood Demon Clan No. 11 City]

【Best investment amount: 0】

[Negotiable recovery ratio: 0%]

【ROI: 20%~30% (13%), 5%~10% (87%)】

【Estimated maximum return on investment: 00,000】

If you observe a foreign city, you must look at the bottom ranking list, hehe.

This is obviously a city that must be lost.

The nearby cities are also at a disadvantage, including 4 human cities.

But, there is a way to save it.

Soon, Lin Yu thought of something. It's probably the promotion stone that triggered the negative effect, or someone else used it on the blood demons, haha! pretty!

Depending on the situation, the former is more likely. Otherwise it wouldn't be so casual

Seeing this, Lin Yu's mood is much better.

When he first arrived at the place where the original gate was located, Lin Yu saw several big brothers chatting aside.

Seeing Lin Yu coming in, Mr. Liu waved to Lin Yu.

"Captain Lin, come over for a chat?"

Lin Yu: "Er..."

It sounded weird, but it was honest.

When he just walked next to Big Brother Liu, Lin Yu secretly took a look at the other two big guys. One of them is the principal of No. 1 Middle School in Tianhe City. It has always been the avatar that walks in this world.

The other, a blond man, was unknown.

The skin looks like a Chinese, but it always looks weird.

"Well, ahem, old... Brother Liu, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, are you still going to call me Lao Liu?"

Lin Yu touched his head in embarrassment.

Then, Investigator Liu suddenly took out an item.

It was a golden bead, a bit like a dragon ball in some movies.

But what can be vaguely seen is that inside the bead, there is an energy group in the shape of a small animal.

Like a sea creature?

The head is a dragon, the neck is long, there are two tails, the arms are a bit like the arms of a praying mantis, and the body is covered with blue hair.

"This is the divine orb of the deep-sea ghost dragon cultivated by our human race, a late-stage fourth-order divine creature. Now I leave it to you, and you can use his divine power at will."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yu was completely stunned.

The divine creatures in the late stage of the fourth order are actually directly handed over to their own control!

It is definitely very, very troublesome to cultivate a fourth-order divine creature, and the resources consumed are also very exaggerated.

Moreover, there are many battlefields of the human race, and it is relatively difficult to allocate such divine biological resources. I did not expect to support one of them for myself.

But Lin Yu was not polite, took the golden bead, and said a little seriously: "Don't worry, I will be serious about this investment war!"

The big guy next to Lin Yu who didn't know couldn't help laughing: was it perfunctory before co-authoring?

Brother Liu's face darkened, and he said, "Let's go, hurry up and do your work, don't embarrass us humans."


After finishing speaking, Lin Yu walked towards the original gate.


In the chaotic space.

At this moment, most of the races have gathered here.

Look again at the slates on all sides.

Dragons and Titans each opened more than 300 slabs, reaching the upper limit of 100 stone slabs in the early stage.

Then, the two sides are fighting for the stone slab in the middle area.

The demon family, the elf family, the machine family, and the undead family have opened more than 70 yuan this year.

They all moved forward, and did not come to interfere with the human race's route.

On the other side of the lower and middle races, the stone slabs were chaotic and slightly crowded.

"Captain, can you open the slate?"


"Start moving forward, (1.11)..."

[Congratulations to the human race for obtaining the Demon Cage (giant)*1 (fourth-order powder). 】

【Congratulations to Terran for getting...】x28


The whole is constantly moving to the right and forward.

The items are pretty good, but relatively speaking, the effect is not as good as the first year.


[Congratulations to the human race for obtaining the Taboo Slate-Jihad Imperial City. 】

[Information introduction: In a certain ancient world of national warfare, there was a country that, in times of despair, gathered the power of faith of all beings. 】

【Look! That's light! That's an angel! That's the Holy Spirit! 】

【You, do you believe in light? 】

[After use, special events can be triggered...]

[Notice: There are races that trigger taboo slates. 】

The gazes of other races looked over directly.

Lin Yu smiled awkwardly but politely, and said silently, "That's not our human race."

Demon Race: "Hehe~"

At present, the human race is opening stone slabs. What about ghosts?

Afterwards, the various races began to discuss immediately.

Lin Yu looked at his teammates around him. They looked resentful. It would be nice to drive with everyone earlier...

"What are you looking at! Go turn over the slate for me!"

Everyone was shocked immediately.

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