Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 17: high capital injection, contract

Lin Yu didn't speak, but simply looked at the several elite players present.

The little loli Roy, the blue-haired woman who cultivated the ice attribute - Beina, the gentle-looking Zheng Yuan, the tempered yellow-haired Yepeng who cultivated the fire attribute, the silver-haired youth - Chen Hao, and the family boy who had some thoughts about Liu Mingyue - Ding Chen.

"I feel that everyone's qualifications are pretty good."

This really makes Lin Yu look differently.

Among them, Liu Mingyue even has a fire spirit body, which is very common in that kind of high-level world.

But in this world, to have this kind of physique is very remarkable.

Suddenly remembering that time seemed a little tight, Lin Yu quickly restrained his intention to chat and said, "You should also understand my identity. Then let's talk about investment."

Liu Mingyue remained polite and said, "Mingyue has only heard about the investors. Mingyue may not understand the specific operation."

"Well. Then you receive the information."

Soon, a special voice appeared in the minds of Liu Mingyue and the others:

[There is an investor from Ten Thousand Realms of the human race who wants to invest in the fire mercenary group you are in. 】

[The investment contract will be signed under the justice of the will of the world. 】

【Information loading...】

The seven also instantly learned about investment information.

"Personally, I am more optimistic about your mercenary group."

"First of all, I will sign this year's one-year contract first, and I will have the priority to renew the contract for the next five years. This is the basic requirement."

Liu Mingyue listened carefully: "Yes."

As for the counter-offer, we have to wait for Lin Yu to finish speaking.

"First of all, I will give you two cultivation methods of second-level red products. And these two cultivation methods are directly injected into your soul, allowing you to comprehend instantly, not the kind of comprehension by reading."

"Five direct comprehension of gold-grade cultivation methods."

"Secondly, I will also sponsor ten purple-grade cultivation methods, half of which can be comprehended instantly, and half of which can be understood by oneself."

"In terms of training materials, 1,000 second-order purple psychic pills, Qi and blood pills..."

"In terms of life-saving items, ten second-order red grade talismans..."

"Ten flame-type armored vehicles (eight people), 2 million rounds of various types of ammunition, 20,000 high-explosive grenades..."

"Other types of items, such as high-quality magic potion formulas, mining robots, etc. It can be regarded as a rainy day."

Liu Mingyue and others are not particularly clear about the prices of cultivation materials, but they understand the value of the modern weapons behind them!

Lin Yu's investment is absolutely amazing!

Seeing that Lin Yu's handwriting is so big, Liu Mingyue is a little worried about whether Lin Yu has other plans, because this is so strange that it has to be suspected.

"This... If the investment amount is so large, the income of our mercenary group may not be able to meet your contract requirements. Moreover, you should also be aware of the current situation of our mercenary group..."

In fact, Liu Mingyue wanted to ask directly, are all investors so hasty? ? ?

Or...with ulterior motives...

Lin Yu looked at Liu Mingyue with a smile on his face, which made Ding Chen, who had always been very calm, a little out of control.

For a while, Liu Mingyue thought more and more, and didn't dare to look directly into Lin Yu's eyes.

It has to be said that long black hair, slender legs, and a flawless face as a cultivator should be placed in the previous life, a proper goddess school girl.

But for Lin Yu now, it is not very attractive. In the end, we met by chance.

Seeing the delicate atmosphere, Lin Yu waved his hand, and a stack of five-page contracts appeared on the table.

"Miss Liu, you can take a good look at this contract with your team members. This contract is supervised by the will of the world, and there will be no contract traps."

"I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer within half an hour."

After speaking, Lin Yu left and went to the core area of ​​Jiangcheng, intending to talk to the members of the alliance committee.

And Liu Mingyue and others also looked through the contract...

Above the contract, there are various clauses that are quite satisfactory.

The investment amount of 500,000 yuan, the list of materials provided, and the terms that the fire mercenary group needs to fulfill.

For the mercenary group, the terms to be fulfilled are really very easy, which is to simply hand over part of the harvested materials.

In the end, as long as the supplies of 100,000 world coins are handed over, there will be no punishment.

Roy asked in a low voice, "Leader, shall we sign this contract?"

Liu Mingyue looked at Lin Yu who had left the conference room, and said calmly: "Sign. We only need to follow the contract. You don't need to worry about anything else."

Lin Yu gave too many things. Although Liu Mingyue didn't know what other investors were like, it was absolutely impossible to give so much!


On the other side, Lin Yu flew to the core area at an extremely fast speed, and he knew what Liu Mingyue and others were thinking.

"This group of people will definitely think that I have plots against their leader!"

After all, the moment Lin Yu looked at Liu Mingyue just now, the atmosphere was indeed a little delicate.

"Hey, it's inexplicable to take the blame. Where can I go to reason?"

In fact, Lin Yu originally planned to tease Liu Mingyue and set a clause: if the handed-in supplies are less than 500,000 yuan, Liu Mingyue needs to sign a master-servant agreement.

Such terms, the will of the world will also agree. Because, in the eyes of the will of the world, Liu Mingyue's value is much lower than 500,000 world coins. Of course, if Liu Mingyue himself did not agree, the contract could not be signed.

Many investors, also relying on this kind of terms, accepted many servants in the heavens and the world, and later established the Void Sea base together.

But Lin Yu thought about it, and it's not necessary, he is a gentleman after all!

"Actually, I feel that if I really signed the master-servant contract, it would be quite exciting to think about it. Let it go to the island, build a small house, and from then on..."

Lin Yu quickly shook his head and put aside his thoughts.

"Cough cough cough, after being rich, people with great perseverance like me will be affected by beauty!"

"No! You must practice and cultivate your xinxing."

"I, Lin Yu, am definitely a gentleman!"

Some words are half a joke and half a promise.

And then, the contract of the League Committee was surprisingly smooth.

It seems that they have been approached several times before investing.

Lin Yu's investment is also very important to them, so they negotiated it soon.


Six forty.

Within the Territory of the Nether Sea.

There are only about 20 minutes left before the time-space acceleration of this world!

The cash that Lin Yu can get is more than 600,000.

As for the cultivation methods, arms cards, and construction materials for the void sea in the afternoon, it is impossible for Lin Yu to sell them.

Lin Yu looked at his investment panel in this world.

investment situation.

Dragon Valley Continent, River City Alliance Committee: 100,000/3 million

Dragon Valley Continent, Jiangcheng Fire Mercenary Group: 500,000/500,000

"Tsk tsk, the funding gap is close to 3 million. This is an astonishing figure."

For Lin Yu three hours ago, this funding gap was an extremely desperate figure!

But for Lin Yu now, hey! That's different.

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