Lin Yu: "Okay, okay. You take the picture, and I will help you deal with it when the time comes. But let's remember to sign a contract."

Little Fox: "No problem~"

Lin Yu turned off his mobile phone, and everyone around him was looking at him.

Lin Yu coughed lightly: "let's take a look at the auction."

"Hey, Captain, there must be something wrong with you. I was still laughing when we were chatting just now. With my many years of experience..."

"Huh? Based on your many years of experience? It seems that our Young Master Zhao is not living well. It's time to report."

But as he talked, he seemed to admit something.

Lin Yu immediately changed the subject and said, "Well, let's watch the auction."

At present, among the nine super base cities, five base cities have withdrawn.

The price has reached an astonishing 350 void spirit stones!

Demon City No. 2: "400 Void Spirit Stones!"

This sudden price increase made the scene instantly quiet.

In room one.

"Is there any more?"

"Add 30, if you can't win it, forget it. Otherwise, the payback period will be too long, and for us, it will not have much substantive effect."



"430 void spirit stones."

No. 2 Demon City shouted without hesitation: "450 void spirit stones!"

It was finally sold at this price.

Everyone also watched the excitement.

4.5 trillion! !

Sure enough, it was the work of Super Base City.

Lin Yu also chatted with the team members for a while, and then returned to the void territory.

When he just returned to the Void Territory, Lin Yu received a message from the little fox: "I got it, happy. jpg. Zi Shishizhu, send it to Brother Lin Yu immediately."

"Okay, let me observe for a few days before arranging investment?"

"Of course, fox laughs.jpg, you can arrange it after Brother Lin Yu is busy with the investment battle."

"That's probably at least a month."

"I've got all the World Beads, don't be in a hurry. Besides, I also want to try my investment ability, heh heh, I'm also very good! The fox is proud.jpg."

"Then don't cry."

"Hmph! Yes! I'm almost an adult."

"That's what it used to be, haha."


Next, Lin Yu chatted with the little fox for a while, and it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Every time Lin Yu replies with less content, the little fox will cleverly say that he has something to do.

In the past few days, the two have also talked like this.

It's a bit like the feeling when I just fell in love in college in my previous life.

"Speaking of which, I really miss it."

"It was difficult to find someone who could go through four years."

"Now, everything seems to be at your fingertips."

Then, Lin Yu took a rest for a while, lay down in the purple light bamboo forest, and looked at the cloth bag in his hand.


A golden palm-sized token was found.

Lin Yu took it out curiously.

"I don't know what kind of token it is that can make Mr. Liu pay so much attention."

Take a closer look, it's pure gold, and there are two words engraved in the middle, which makes Lin Yu excited instantly.

This may be the first time Lin Yu is so excited after making money like drinking water!

two words.


Lin Yu immediately turned to the back, 4-397.

The number in front means the fourth level, which is also the upper limit of the strength of the Eternal City.

397 is the number.

Lin Yu immediately used the token of soul induction, and then walked to the gate of the world.

Throw this token directly into the gate of the world.

[Congratulations to Terran-Lin Yu for successfully linking to No. 4-397 Eternal City. 】

"It's actually true!"

"But yes, it can't be fake."


Lin Yu took a deep breath, and he was extremely excited at the moment. The value of the Eternal City token cannot be explained in a few words.

Then, I looked at Xiao Ling, she was live broadcasting.

"There is material!"

This is the Eternal City!

A high school student going there would be too exciting.

However, looking at the forging master, it is better to use the avatar.

Then, Lin Yu took a closer look at the cloth bag and found a small note.

After a closer look, it was the names of several people.

If you encounter a problem, you can ask these people for help at that time.


In the live broadcast room.

A group of spectators chatted constantly.

And Xiaoling has also learned some talents recently, such as singing.

Other than that, just chatting.

"By the way, brothers, do you think there will be special changes in the gamified world?"

"No way, the rules of this kind of world are generally very stable. Moreover, it is a national-level investment board set up by our country, which is usually monitored. No new information has been released yet."

"Wait, the male water friend seems to be here."

At this time, Lin Yu also appeared in the live broadcast.

Straight to the point, without giving the brothers in the live broadcast room any time to react.

"Brothers, let's take everyone to have fun today."


"Heh! I know it's brothers."

"That's right, that's right. If the anchor doesn't engage in Boda, the brothers will stab you twice."

"Hahaha, one shot to death."

Lin Yu: "cough, be serious, I will take you to a good place."


"Good place? Hey, is this place you're talking about serious?"

"Anchor, go! We will stop Chaoguan for you, hehe."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes. These water friends have a bit high **** recently. What are they thinking about?

At this time, Lin Yu has come to the gate of the world.

"Is it a new world?"

"It should be, otherwise what could it be?"

"It is estimated that there is some big action, hahaha."

"I just like to watch the anchor play some unexpected operations."

"Isn't it a male water friend?"

"Oh, that's right."

At this time, a diamond-like space door appeared on the right.

Lin Yu walked in slowly.

"What kind of space door is this? I haven't seen it before."

"Gate of the World bought a skin?"

"Hahaha, are you trying to laugh me to death? Buy skins."

"Then what is this?"

"Uh, I haven't seen it much, can anyone tell me something big?"

"It seems to be the gate of the Eternal City... But isn't the anchor a high school student? This thing can only be obtained if you go to college and do well and have money?"

Lin Yu didn't answer everyone's questions.


Soon, the screen changed.

In front of Lin Yu's eyes is an extremely magnificent city.

[Congratulations to No. 4-379 Eternal City. 】

There is also this message on the city gate.

"The Eternal City!"

Two 100-meter-tall giant lions were guarding the door, just lying lazily on their stomachs.

The barrage instantly refreshes the screen:

"Damn it!!"

"I just want to say now: Fuck! Awesome!"

"Did the anchor drop out of college?"

It wasn't until this time that Lin Yu showed a smile, and said, "I am a third year in high school. However, my performance is a little bit good."


"It is estimated that the anchor has a great background. They are all rich, so they have to pretend here."

Seal forever in seconds.

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