Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 178: The Vault, a brutal and true sanctuary

Lin Yu looked at the time, it was eleven fifty-five.

Time is about to speed up.

The system has also calculated the amount of materials to be put in, and Lin Yu has also bought them.

These purchased supplies can be given to players or sold to players to earn sacrifice energy for the shelter.

It's just that Lin Yu hasn't seen the data on the rate of payback until now... and he doesn't know what's going to happen next.


Next, make arrangements for this avatar of yourself.

"Do you want to spend 100 million world coins for the avatar to adapt to the world rules?"

"??? What a trap! Yes!"


Territory of the Void Sea.

Lin Yu looked at the world beads, and then chatted with the little fox.

She has also made a choice according to Lin Yu's arrangement.

This time, Lin Yu arranged ten shelters in total.

Then, start the live broadcast.

Lin Yu: "Brothers! It's about to start! This time is the initial stage. All kinds of expenses are to stabilize the foundation, so we don't bother to open investment."

In an instant, the barrage burst into 'crying ghosts and howling wolves'.

But soon, time began to speed up, and everyone became quiet.

It's Shelter One.

That is, the area of ​​the Black Bone River.

[In January, a group of novices watched a miraculous scene in front of them, and it happened that they really came to a different world!

At the same time, they also discovered that all the terminal illnesses they had had had been cured. Even the one whose internal organs were shattered in a car accident is healed!

Everyone was a little noisy at first, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the guardian spirit and the troops that came with the shelter.

Shelter Survival Rules: Each person must collect enough sacrificial energy every day, otherwise there will be no free food.

and various rules...

After everyone settled down, they began to enter the awakening pool in the center to awaken their spiritual weapons.

Soon, the result came out.

3 people got gray level psychic weapons, 57 people got white ...... 27 people got red level psychic weapons, 3 people got pink level psychic weapons! Your avatar gains chromatic-level psionic weapons.

Your shelter and overall luck are beyond expectations.

Some shrewd people already understood some of the rules of this world, and began to seek the protection of those powerful people.

During the daytime on the first day, the shelter did not ask everyone to go out to hunt for supplies, and today's food was also distributed for free.

We also allocated their own rooms. At present, the number of rooms is sufficient, and conflicts have not broken out.

However, the allocated houses are all 10-person rooms. If you want to get a high-rise double room or a deluxe single room, you need enough contributions!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately everyone can get used to it first.

But just at night, everyone discovered that there were various terrifying cries and various sounds of mucus sliding outside the shelter.

'what! ’ With a sound, a woman standing by the balcony was suddenly entangled by a group of black tentacles.

Before everyone could react, the woman was instantly pulled out of the window.

'puff! ’ A little blood spattered into the house.

Everyone backed away immediately, away from some balconies and window areas.

[Notice: Low-level evils cannot break the protective glass. The balcony area is currently not closed. Each player can choose their own next action. 】

Everyone naturally understood the meaning of the sanctuary, which was to force them to fight against monsters.

However, those monsters are so terrifying that everyone has no courage to face them...

Suddenly, another window area, a disgusting octopus covered in black slime and dozens of tentacles crawled in.

Everyone was frightened and ran away crazily.


A gunshot sounded, and an owner of a red-grade spiritual weapon made a move.

The psychic bullet flew across and hit the monster's head.

The octopus let out a miserable howl, and the people around felt their heads were about to explode.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three shots in a row and the octopus dies.

The black liquid slowly condensed and became a small bead.

The person next to him just wanted to **** it, but was knocked away by the guardian spirit.

People who moved their minds did not dare to move immediately.

And that person just stepped forward, picked up the small black bead, and stuffed it into his spiritual weapon.

His kind of weapon needs to consume energy when fighting.

The wave just now can only be regarded as neither profit nor loss.

Next, the night became darker and darker, and more and more monsters entered the shelter.

Everyone started a crazy battle.

Your incarnation, holding a golden long sword, is astonishingly powerful.

Outside the shelter, powerful creatures appeared.

The hundreds of forts in the shelter also started to fight back frantically, consuming a lot of energy.

The next day, everyone started going out.

The most important task is to obtain energy beads!

While long-range weapons are expensive, short-range weapons are not expensive, but the risk factor is high.

Everyone started forming a team.

Your avatar has chosen four members of the red-pink psionic weapon team and headed out into the wild.

For the next month, everyone will go out during the day and fight at night. When someone dies, everyone will mourn silently.

Some people find these lives so boring that they feel like they are going to be driven crazy.

But the guardian spirit just said coldly: If you still want to return to the previous world, remain terminally ill, and wait for death, you can propose it before the end of this month.

As a result, at the end of the month, only three people proposed this idea. Most of them were very weak and only terminally ill, but they could barely live for a while.

Soon, these three people were thrown back by the rules of the world.

There is no right or wrong to this choice. 】

[From February to June, there are still endless battles. Some people's weapons have absorbed a large number of energy beads and successfully advanced. Most of them have improved their quality, and a few have been promoted to second-tier weapons.

This gave some people with low weapon levels a glimmer of hope.

At the end of April, an underground cavern appeared nearby.

There are 10 floors in the entire cave. Every time you defeat a floor, you can get some items and unlock the complete collection of shelter items.

Among them, there are many entertainment items, including game consoles and the like, which can be used in the shelter.

Seeing this, your avatar led the strong men in the sanctuary to clear the crypt. Immediately afterwards, the world currency was used to exchange a large amount of supplies. Lest the player's sacrificial energy be given to the Eternal City.

In this way, it continued until the middle of the year.

At the end of June, a strong man stopped suppressing himself completely, and started to act recklessly. He kissed and fanned a woman in the wild, and then killed her.

The strong man in the sanctuary discovered this while investigating outside, and then executed the red-pink strong man.

His psychic weapons were also sealed away. 】


"Hiss, I think this shelter looks interesting, but it's a bit too real and cruel."

"...they're all dying. Nothing cruel."

"What's more, in the Ten Thousand Realms, there are many people who died in various wars."

"Just sigh, as an investor, we will not be overwhelmed with sympathy."

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