Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 181: Insufficient funds, red envelopes came, startled

The fourth is the voodoo demon **** who is similar to Medusa with a snake tail in life, and is mainly active in Southeast Asia.

The fifth is the giant demon **** with the shape of a small thread, who is active in western countries, including the Australian mainland.

The sixth place is the appearance of the Deep Sea Demon God early on, and various octopus monsters appeared in the dungeon, which are his troops, who like to erode the coasts of various countries.

The power of this demon **** in the ocean is also extremely large, and he always leads a large number of ocean monsters to attack the coast.

The seventh is the Destroyer Demon God, who looks ugly, like a green-skinned radiation-infected monster, with ears that look like murloc gills, but his combat power is extremely terrifying. One of his generals appeared in the secret realm on the western coast of the Eagle Kingdom. The ten 200-level powerhouses in the Eagle Country were all severely injured, and one of them died. Later, they were captured by the World Extraordinary Organization.

The eighth is the Death Demon God, whose specific image is the Western God of Death, the Ecstasy Messenger, the one in black robes, who appears in various horror dungeons. The mortality rate of such copies is extremely high.

The ninth place is Thunder Crocodile Demon God, a pure combat power demon god.

The Level 100 Thunder Crocodile Dungeon that Xu Wenhao handled in Africa killed one of his subordinates.

"A promotion ceremony?"

After all, they are the Nine Great Demon Gods, and they happen to be in the Ninth Layer Spiritual Palace where the team members are at the peak of the Spiritual Palace Realm.

"There is a high probability that it is a demon investor."

"Based on the size of the demon clan's spiritual palace and the penetration of this world in less than ten years, the combat power is a bit scary."

"And dare to take a whole blue star-sized fourth-order world as a sacrifice for the promotion ceremony, this person may have reached the level of a certain Eternal City's four-rank list. Or it is the old fourth-order spiritual palace that has survived hard The strong."

"The promotion ceremony for this type of character is a bit difficult to stop..."

"Unless there is another ancient god?"

But it's just something to think about, not to mention that if the ancient gods really appear, then the world will be cool.

Lin Yu, who was waiting for the time in the spiritual world to speed up, suddenly saw Xiao Ling trotting over.

"Leader... my lord."

"What's wrong? Tell me straight."

"Well, my lord, I'm afraid the crowdfunding in the spiritual world this time is not enough."

"??? What's the situation? No one voted?"

"No, it's not. It's just that 300 billion is going to be raised this time. It took half an hour to raise, and it reached 250 billion. Although there are still 250,000 viewers, the speed of raising has slowed down, and the time may not be too long. Sufficient... not enough backup funds..."

Lin Yu's raised amount is actually very high.

At present, there are only a few head anchors who can do this live broadcast.

A small number of anchors may only reach their peak.

In fact, the current situation of the Lingyu world investment market is mainly because Lin Yu's contract with this world is relatively loose, and the recovery ratio is not high.

After all, Lin Yu's ultimate goal in the spiritual world is to obtain gifts from the world!

So overall, investment in the world is semi-welfare.

Originally, there was still one or two times the profit.

But now, there are more and more disasters.

Most of the country's funds are used to support and help some disaster areas.

According to the contract, in difficult times, the proportion of handover can be flexibly lowered.

So margins are getting lower and lower.

In the past two years, there have been losses of 10 to 20 percent.

It looks like it's going to get worse.

And once there are signs of losses, investors who have invested heavily will not follow up.

After all, if you lose 100 million yuan, you will lose 10 million yuan! They don't do this kind of thing.

Lin Yu can't blame them either. Normal people are like this.

As for the little fox, he went to sleep obediently, otherwise there is no need to be afraid of these things?

Of course, it's impossible for Lin Yu to let the little fox waste money with him every day, so in normal times, Lin Yu will help the little fox's subordinates invest in many worlds.

mutual benefit.

What's more, there are further possibilities, ahem.

Lin Yu touched his chin and felt that he had entered the period of losing money.

As for the large amount of materials hoarded before, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Yu to buy them at will.

"Now the spiritual world has reached a critical period."

"In another ten or twenty days, the gift of the world will be in hand. Can't cause accidents because of the investment amount."

"Xiao Ling, you should make arrangements first."

"There are still twenty minutes. Don't worry about money."

Xiao Ling nodded obediently: "Understood, my lord."

But Lin Yu took out his mobile phone leisurely, who can he find?

After thinking about it, I went to the group of rich students in Shanghai.

Huan Yu: "【No. 3-79 World Investment Encyclopedia】"

"I'll go! Boss Huan Yu, why are you posting so early today???"

"Hiss, this content is still terrifying!"

"By the way, brothers, will our candidates be judged as cheating by the school this time?"

"Uh... cheating is also a kind of skill."

"Yes! Networking is also a kind of skill."

Huan Yu: "I sent it so early today, I'm just asking everyone to borrow some money. Change it within ten days."

"Shocked!! Boss Huanyu is actually short of money?"

"If I have this technology, won't my world coins fill up the entire Demon City?"

"real or fake?"

Huan Yu: "I've been spending a lot of money recently."


"Hey, senior high school student, auction, spend a lot of money, start targeting!"

Zhang Peng: "[The red envelope is here]"

"Fifty billion is not a tribute. It doesn't matter if the boss doesn't pay it back."

"Damn it! Zhang Peng, you bold all of a sudden?"

Zhang Peng: "Hey, he's Huan Yu after all."

In fact, everyone also wants to talk about whether Huan Yu's account will be hacked or not.

And when Zhang Peng gave out the red envelope, the others had already chatted privately, saying that if it wasn't for Huan Yu, it would be cool.

After all, Huan Yu is so familiar with Little Fox, so he can borrow it.

But Zhang Peng said this: 50 billion, although it hurts, but if it is really Huan Yu's boss, it will be a big profit. Take the long view. As for being cheated? never mind. Dealing with no background, being a man every minute, or staying in the void sea for a lifetime without being caught.

Soon, Lin Yu received more than 400 billion yuan, and then stopped.

"Tsk tsk, the foreign debt is 500 billion, but I don't feel anything..."

"Sure enough, the debt is too heavy."

The next thing will be much easier.

Soon, the spiritual world entered time acceleration.

Lin Yu simply looked at the information.

This year, the demon investor seems to have restrained himself a little, and concentrated his efforts on the southern African region.

At present, part of its nine spiritual palace legions have all been sent to the southern part of Africa to take over a large number of monster groups in this area.

In the middle of the year, he made a sudden attack and wanted to wipe out a small African country.

But fortunately, Lin Yu reminded that the World Spirit Card Master Organization was well prepared to withstand this wave of shocks, but then had to choose to temporarily abandon some areas due to high losses.

At the end of the year, a large number of secret realms appeared in the nearby area.

The World Spirit Card Master Organization has arranged for relevant personnel to go here to deal with the secret realm, and will reward those who perform well.

Among them, many people with luck ability have gathered.

Finally, enter the settlement interface.

Lin Yu looked at it, cash plus various materials reached 350 billion.

The main profit regions are Neon Country and Huaxia Country.

Africa is a no-lose-no-gain region.

"so far so good."

Then, Lin Yu opened the group chat of the heavens and the world.

Lin Yu sent a message to Xu Wenhao on a whim: "@许文浩, work hard."

Just one sentence shocked Xu Wenhao, why? Is my time running out, or is the world hopeless?

"??? Brother group owner, something serious?"

Lin Yu: "It's not a big deal. Just kill the enemy as soon as possible."

Xu Wenhao breathed a sigh of relief: "Understood!"

After finishing his work, Lin Yu went to practice.

As for the world of reincarnation that I planned to continue to deal with?

Destroy, I'm dying of exhaustion.

In practice, at least you can close your eyes, sit for a while, and take a rest.


Tuesday, September 16.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Outside the meeting room of Tianhe Investment Warfare.


Lin Yu stretched his waist: "Fortunately, Mr. Liu allows you to choose the meeting time freely."

just opened the door...

It was found that everyone was already seated.

"Everything is here, let's get started."

"Captain, hey, why don't you talk about the Eternal City today?"

"That's right, President, we couldn't fall asleep after watching it yesterday."

Lin Yu: " are all co-authors in the live broadcast room, why didn't Lingyu World help invest last night?"

"Captain, I'm wronged, I voted one billion."

"Ahem, captain, we can be regarded as a big fan."

Lin Yu: "Okay, let's talk about the business. The immortal dragons of the sixth-level spiritual palace have appeared, so what about the eternal city?"

Everyone: "..."

In fact, everyone is a little curious about the Eternal City. Although their families also have information, every Eternal City is different.

What's more, Lin Yu is at the same level as them, and the information obtained by their peers is the most suitable.

And there are very few people who can enter the eternal city in the third year of high school.

It is even less if you can enter within half a month of the first semester of the third year of high school.

"Has the chaotic slab opened by the demons started to move towards us?"

"Yes, Captain. Yesterday, the Chaos Tablet opened the stone tablets within a range of 100~1000 grids. I don't know when the next stage will open. Preempting the stone slab area in advance will reduce the pressure of selection. And the demon clan opened a new chapter this year. There are more than 1,700 stone slabs. We are already planning to compress our space. After today is over, I am afraid it will be directly compressed."

"Well, I see. I'll arrange it. What's the state of the world?"

"Major regions have appeared..."

After dealing with it for about half an hour, everyone packed up and went to the battlefield.

This time, Lin Yu's expression has been more dignified.

So everyone was much quieter.


In the chaotic space.

At this moment, the expressions of the powerhouses of all ethnic groups are obviously much more dignified.

Undead Minglong.

Even if only a part of the force is deployed, it is extremely difficult for all ethnic groups to contend.

Fortunately, the things opened by the chaotic slate are much better than expected.

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