Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 187: Rewards, intimacy, and investment mechanisms in the reincarnation world

[On the tenth floor, a young man's eyes changed slightly, and then he acted as if nothing had happened.

Then, he looked around and looked at one of the roofs.

The man walked towards the elevator, and soon came to the 17th floor, and found that it was a bit quiet here...

【warn! warn! Gray fog is coming. 】

Seeing this, the man retreated to the safe house on the 16th floor.

There are 8 people in the safe house, and your avatar is also here.

[Lin Yu: ...It's a pity that the meeting time is too short, and my sub-soul can't receive the information I gave in time, unless my soul is stronger. 】

The man thought for a while, and chose to reveal his identity: he was a corpse seeker, and there was a corpse on the 17th floor. When the fog is over, you can go together. Whoever does not walk together is a killer.

While speaking, this person was also observing the changes in the expressions of the crowd.

The avatar was expressionless, but nodded in agreement. The same goes for everyone else.

I don't know if there is a hidden killer among this group of people.

[The gray fog dissipated, and everyone went to the 17th floor through the stairs.

When I first arrived outside the room, several figures inside the room observed it.

"What should I do? Nine people are here."

"They're coming this way."

"I will cover, everyone evacuates directly."

Soon, a spreading black mist appeared outside the room. Seeing this, everyone retreated immediately.

Seeing the changes here, everyone believed in the corpse seeker's words even more.

After only a minute, the black mist dissipated.

Everyone stepped forward vigilantly, but found that no one was hiding inside.

Soon, three bodies were found.

[Someone found the body, please go to the lobby on the first floor and start an emergency meeting. 】

On the way back, two more bodies were found.

Downstairs, everyone counted and found that there were only 91 people left.

The corpse seeker stood up and said, "I went to find the corpse together with 8 other people. There are three of them in room 1708 on the 17th floor. When I passed by, there was a black mist, which should be the skill of the killer. Said There should be a killer nearby.

And when he came back, two corpses were also found in the corridor. This location is more conspicuous, it should be killed after calling the police.

So, for the other eight people, we should be able to protect each other.

If you can protect each other, talk about it and rule it out. "

Next, some people who could guarantee each other stood up. It's just that since there are 4 killers, it is impossible to believe what some people say.

In the end, there were 23 people who could not be identified.

They reported their positions.

Then, the corpse seeker asked them to report in detail the safe house they were in during the fog, and the location half an hour before.

Some people spoke very fluently, ruling out doubts.

In the end there were seven people left.

Your avatar suddenly stood up and pointed at one of them: "The two of them should belong to that room."

"Blood! The two of us are on the 5th floor. How can we go to the 17th floor?"

"No one can testify to you. And when you speak, you are flustered and your psychological quality is poor. I am not the only one who can see it? Well, let other people on the fifth floor talk about whether they have met you. "

However, people on the fifth floor and nearby floors did not find any trace of these two people, and the two people became more and more confused.

After all, it is the first time to play, facing such life and death rules, it is difficult to calm down.

Then, the crowd began to vote.

After the voting was over, one of the two people suddenly flew up to the statue in the lobby on the first floor.

Immediately afterwards, a long sword pierced his chest, and then black blood flowed out.

This means killer!

The last lingering misgivings of some were dispelled.

Unfortunately, only one can be judged at a time.

The other one, at most desperate to change one, but he is definitely the next one who must die!

Rules: Good people cannot kill killers, even if they are attacked, they can only defend and escape to the maximum extent.

The killer cannot disclose the information of the team members, otherwise he will go to the cross directly, and wait for the next emergency meeting, he will be executed directly and cannot be resurrected.

If the killer side wins, all members will be resurrected in the end. Good people are not resurrected.

This exposed killer will die next time!

But you can only count on the players to win too. 】

[From the 2nd to the 15th, the next period of time was much quieter.

When the police called the police again, the killer had already killed 7 people, and the gray mist had also taken 15 lives during this time.

Because the number of safe houses is getting smaller and smaller! There is now only one safehouse every fourth floor.

This time, the police called the police and executed the person found last time. Unfortunately, no new killer was found. After all, the body was discovered too late, and the cooldown of the corpse seeker's skills was three days, which was too long.

The completion rate of the task has reached 57%. Because of the mechanism of the gray fog, everyone is a little nervous when doing the task.

The night of the fifth day.

【warn! warn! Super gray fog is coming. 】

This time, it was extremely sudden, and everyone had only half a minute to escape.

Many who did not find a safe house escaped in the corridors, and so did your avatar.

Suddenly, a fierce battle broke out on the 10th floor.

Everyone found that some weird things can still compete! It's just that the thicker the gray fog, the stronger the monster.

Some people got good rewards and certain points after beheading some monsters.

This is the first time that everyone knows about this matter, and no one has dared to do this before.

After killing for a while, your avatar also retreats into the safe house.

It's just that the situation in the safe house is vaguely wrong. The six of them were very wary of each other.

When the strange noise outside became louder and louder.

The three killers around him suddenly made a move, each choosing their target. One of them killed your avatar.

The blood claw appeared, 'bang', with a huge impact, it rushed your avatar to the wall.

But he didn't succeed in this blow!

"Damn! Skills can't kill him! Quick! Let's do it together!"

But your avatar is still fighting with its wounds on its shoulders, and it triggered the corpse.

In the end, he survived until the gray mist dissipated and escaped.

Soon, other people heard the movement and saw some information.

Everyone rushed downstairs and started the meeting.

It was found that there were only 61 people left!

No way, not familiar with the mechanism, good people die quickly. The next task is also slow.

Fortunately, the last three killers were completely exposed.

Then it was much easier.

The remaining two killers negotiated, delaying time, trying to kill as many as possible, and the remaining one dragged it to the end, using the sense of fear, after getting close to the good guy, so that he dare not complete the task! After all, the remaining one can fight and kill a person when he is dying. A good person is also afraid that this person will go crazy, and he must take himself away when he is dying.

Unfortunately, after the two killed seven, the bodies were discovered. In this case, with the existing number of people, it is obvious that the task can be completed faster.

Then, on the tenth day, a super gray fog appeared, reducing the number of people to 35, which also gave the killer a glimmer of light.

Unfortunately, on the fourteenth day, everyone completed the task.

Your avatar won the first place, and you will get the spiritual potion (second-level red product)*5...

Your avatar won the first place, and you will get psychic potion (second-level red product)*3...

After seeing the generous rewards, everyone was excited, but they also understood the cruelty of this battle.

Soon, after some reincarnators quit the dungeon, they began to write dungeon information guides.

Generally speaking, it is to kill gray mist monsters, gain points and so on, and various internal mechanisms. 】

Everyone's rewards add up to tens of thousands of world coins, which is barely average.

This is still the upper limit that the dungeon can give at present, mainly because the monsters killed by everyone are too few, so the rewards should not be too much.

Just when he thought that the world of reincarnation was like this.

Suddenly received a new message.

【Congratulations, you have established an intimate relationship with 35 reincarnations. 】

[Reminder: The value of intimacy is judged according to the degree of influence of the rewards given to the reincarnation and the degree of training in the copy. 】

[With intimacy, these reincarnations will accumulate certain points when they make contributions in the main world. Points can be used to purchase various exotic items in this world. 】

[Intimacy will continue to decline over time. Please build more copies to train the reincarnation. 】

"Intimacy??? Good guy, let's play a nurturing game here."

And to be honest, the mechanism of this kind of world really doesn't take the lives of reincarnators seriously, the death rate is too high.

Of course, it may also be a problem of extracting a copy yourself.

There should be a copy of the low death rate, right?

But after reading various copies, it seems that there is nothing safe.

"Should we make more copies?"

Looking at the population of the world that has dropped from 8 billion to 7 billion within 50 years, this is still the level reached when births are encouraged...

"Forget it, let's draw a few more copies."

[Thank you for investing 10 billion world coins in this world. 】

[The world fragments of the corresponding level are being extracted. 】

[The extraction is complete. 】

[Congratulations to you for successfully drawing 17 copies including the second-level copy-Hospital of Terror, the second-level copy-Longtoushan Guardian Battle, the second-level copy-Doomsday Bunker...etc. 】

[You have control over these copies. 】

These dungeons, every time they are opened, have intervals.

Because it takes time, restore the dungeon monsters and the environment.

Of course, you can also directly spend World Coins to solve these problems.

It is even said that some monsters can be purchased directly with world coins, and put in to increase the difficulty of the dungeon.

Lin Yu saw the names of various monsters in the supplementary panel of the misty office building, such as white-faced monsters, black-haired monsters...there are relatively few types at present, and when more copies are opened in the future, they will continue to update evolution.

In addition, the ability of the killer and the ability of the priesthood can also be selected.

You can also use world coins to add some rewards that adapt to the rules of this world.

That being said, that goblin could do the same.

Definitely stay behind!

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