Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 22: Subsequent investment potential, priority investment rights

[During this period, the fire mercenary group has gained a lot! They discovered a large number of high-grade minerals in the Black Demon Mountain Range. These minerals were formed under the influence of the Void Sea God's biological energy, and they were extremely valuable! 】

【In addition, the Agni Mercenary Group also obtained many good things related to divine creatures! It has been rewarding. 】

[In the entire Jiangcheng, the rewards are naturally higher. 】

[This investment is over. 】

[Settlement in progress. 】

【Congratulations, you have obtained 3517145 world coins. 】

[Crimson Arowana Card (ten people, peak spirit realm, second-tier gold)*10. 】

[Single-section straight pipe (empty sea) *20. 】

【Ten-meter-diameter training chamber (empty sea)*1】

[Crimson Deep Submersible (Void Sea, Tier 3 Purple Grade)*1]

[31157 points of spiritual energy. 】

When seeing this reward, Lin Yu also took a deep breath.

The value of the card is about 500,000, and the value of the pipeline is 200,000. This cultivation difference is worth 1 million! The deep submersible is worth at least 2 million!

"Total income worth more than seven million yuan. The harvest from the mercenary group is definitely not simple! Only the information is a little brief."

What's more, after Jiangcheng's counterattack, they haven't received all the benefits yet! The most important thing is the special mineral veins formed by the influence of the energy of these two neurobiological groups.

Moreover, other cities are in poor condition.

Jiangcheng seemed to be the boss of this area!

It also means that in the next year, two years, or even three years, there is a high probability that Jiangcheng will have high returns!

And Lin Yu looked at his contract, and he has the priority to renew the contract within five years!

Seeing this, Lin Yu looked at his income from the Jiangcheng Alliance Committee again.

[This investment is over. 】

[Settlement in progress. 】

【Congratulations, you have obtained 6177145 world coins. 】

[Crimson Arowana Card (ten people, peak spirit realm, second-tier gold)*10. 】

[Black Demon Giant Ao Card (Ninth Level of Fixed Origin Realm, Second-Rank Gold Grade)]

The ninth level of the Ding Yuan Realm is also the peak of the third level. Gather nine spirit weapons. This is also the limit of the number of spiritual weapons that most living organisms can condense during the Yuan Dingjing period.

A second-tier gold item means that at least one of the spirit artifacts condensed by this creature has at least one gold item!

This card alone has a minimum value of 800,000!

If the quality of the nine spiritual artifacts is relatively high, then it is quite easy to sell them at a higher price.

After all, such items are necessary for the development of the Void Sea.

[Single straight pipe (empty sea) *200. 】

[61748 points of spiritual energy. 】

It seems that the higher the profit margin, the more likely it is to produce something good.

This 3 million investment seems to be much worse than the 500,000 investment except for the world currency.

As for the previous investment in Qin Jun, the main reason is that the base is too low, so there are not many good things.

Looking at these items, one can understand without thinking that the group of people who observe the world information of investment projects in real time has exploded.

"According to investment practice, this power point directly belongs to me."

"Besides, I can take 20% of other people's investment profits."

"I do have the right of first repurchase for these items. But there are too many channels, so I don't have to accept them all."

"Wait until I figure it out..."

"Adding my 100,000 investment amount, I can probably take away 1.6 million things. This card is worth 1.3 million, and I will definitely win it. Besides, I can also get about 300,000 in cash."


Investment program group.

"Damn it! Fucked! It's a **** profit! Fortunately, I invested five thousand! Hehe, I made more than ten thousand with the backhand."

"Hehe~ I, who invested 10,000 yuan, can't be happy, double the profit, why don't I invest more!"


"Look at the information in this world, don't you find that in the next few years, there is a high probability that you will make money?"

"Also, don't you plan to have a hand in the battle between the two groups of divine creatures?"

"But investments related to void sea **** creatures are very dangerous."

"Stick to death the bold, starve to death the timid!"

"Well, I just want to say something silently. The priority seems to be in the hands of big brother Lin Yu. You are not considered investors Our capital injection contract is only signed with big brother Lin Yu. "

"Wait, we signed a capital injection contract?"

"Well, what we signed is not an investment contract with Wanjie Bio, we signed a capital injection contract with Mr. Lin Yu."

"Fuck! Contract trap! Insidious!"

Group news: Wu Xin was proposed to chat group.

Lin Yu: "The speed of time has passed. You can also collect money according to the contract. By the way, I want all the cards, and I will charge them at 1.3 million. Then, I will take part of my cash. I will put the remaining 200 single-section pipes in the mall of this project. The unit price is 10,000 yuan each, and you can buy them at any time."

"Brother Lin Yu~ You can find someone else for the next round of capital injection~ You can open the conditions as you like."

Click on the avatar, space.

Female classmate?

Hiss~ Long legs, good looking.

But we, gentlemen, will never be tempted.



Project mall news: Ji Ziyue spent 2 million world coins to purchase a single-section straight pipe (empty sea)*200.

After reading the news, Lin Yu shook his head with a chuckle: "well, I'm really rich. Alas~ I'm still far behind. "


Territory of the Void Sea.

Lin Yu looked at the gray void sea not far away, and felt an urge to try.

"The void sea in the novice stage is protected by special rules. There are very few creatures with the strength of the fixed origin state. I have a group of good soldiers here, but I can give it a try..."

But Lin Yu was a little timid in his heart. After all, in the sea of ​​void, he might really die.

But Lin Yu gritted his teeth again, and after thinking about it, he had a third-tier purple deep submersible, and he had a lot of money, so he could buy life-saving things casually.

It's the novice period now, what a fool!

Stretch the bold to death, starve the timid to death!

Go for it! At least be aware of your surroundings.

When he walked to the edge of the territory, Lin Yu saw a large number of shark fins emerging from the water, at least a hundred.


Swallowing, Lin Yu felt something was wrong with his territory...

Looking at the black shadows, it was as if he was waiting for himself to step out of the territory.

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