All heavens and ten thousand realms group chat.

Due to the selection of the quota to enter the void sea, the group is still quite lively.

Originally, there was a limit on the number of people in the group chat, but Lin Yu later asked Qin Shiwan and Qin Hao to buy some things to enhance the entire server, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

"I didn't expect that so many brothers didn't choose to go. Will the boss beat us to death?"

"For the boss, there are still a few days, and there are so many legions under his command, so it's not a big problem. What's more, we are really going to die of old age due to the restrictions of the world, can we really not go? Boss doesn't need to worry at all, How can you be angry? Goutoubaosheng.jpg."

Lin Yu: "Oh, what you have done every day really makes me uncomfortable. I originally planned to find someone to help me explore the void sea, but now I can only leave it to my soldiers."

"By the way, I am the person who came to find the world of reincarnation."

"@古青, you have a little preparation on your side, plus several other big organization leaders in the group. Wait a moment and choose to enter the dungeon at the same time. There are some problems to be dealt with. Let me see if I can help you find a more suitable dungeon , send you all there.”

Gu Qing: "Boss, is there something important???"

Lin Yu: "Well. Most of the dungeons are infested with magic energy, and the difficulty has increased. However, the confrontation of the players seems to have decreased. At least according to the situation of the dungeons I currently control, it looks like this. So no You need to worry about internal friction."

"Just fifteen minutes later, can it be done?"

Gu Qing: "Understood! Guaranteed to complete the task."

The leaders of several other organizations immediately replied: "Got it!"

Gu Qing: "Boss, I would like to ask, this devil energy will not be similar to the spiritual world, or even the blood moon world and the world of divine creatures."

The conditions in these three worlds are obviously different, but what Gu Qing meant was to ask whether it is too difficult or not.

Lin Yu: "It's the same as the magic energy in the spiritual world. But it's just an invasion dungeon at present. Of course, after your dungeon suffers heavy losses, monsters that come to the main world may also appear demonized creatures."

Gu Qing: "..."

Gu Yang: "Take care! Smile.jpg."

"Take care of yourself!"


Gu Qing: "...I feel like everyone is not seeing me off, but sending me to the ground."

Gu Yang: "For peace."


Soon, Gu Qing and the others started to deal with it.

And they both made a global announcement.

Today, Gu Qing is already the top group of people in the world. Among the top 10 super organizations in the whole world, the leaders of 5 of them are all cultivated in Lin Yu's secret realm, and they are all in the chat group of the heavens and the world. They jointly issued an announcement that almost all reincarnators will follow at all times.

Announcement: There is a demonic invasion inside the secret realm, all rules may be modified accordingly, the player's confrontation will be reduced, and the player's confrontation with monsters will increase.

Please be careful not to hurt each other in the secret realm. The best choice is to fight against the monsters in the secret territory together.

The rules of the secret realm will not be completely changed, but will be fine-tuned. Don't think about the past secret realm according to the inertial thinking, but you can use some information from the past to deal with it.



Most of the reincarnations have also received several notifications, so they also believe that these super organizations have part of the ability to understand the world's information, and they will not exaggerate like the first doubts.

"Good guy! What the **** is the demonic invasion?"

"Hey, it's hard to deal with all the rich people, and the death rate has dropped. Now that this is happening again, I don't know what will happen."

"Look slowly."


Lin Yu sent out the information of the dungeon as much as possible, and then, Gu Qing and others only need to actively choose to enter the dungeon.

Lin Yu arranged them together as much as possible.

One thirty in the afternoon.

Soon, a new round of time acceleration in the reincarnation world began.

Lin Yu quickly looked at the copy of Misty Mansion.

Fortunately, Gu Qing and his strong team accounted for 50% of the total!

That would be much better.

Anyway, there are only a handful of top experts, they choose to enter the dungeon at the same time, and there are so few high-level dungeons, so the possibility of encountering them is relatively high.

[On the 1st, everyone descended on the small island area in the lake in the center of the six-pointed star building.

Soon, an NPC appeared and explained the rules to everyone.

Next, they have to go to each floor inside the building to deal with the monsters at the mission point, and put the dropped objects of the mission monsters into the altar in the center of the lake.

When the energy of the altar reaches a certain level, new priesthoods will appear and new meetings will be held.

The goal of the meeting is to describe the characteristics of the top ten ominous creatures in the dungeon, and then launch the Holy Judgment on one of them. The more detailed the description, the higher the damage caused by the Holy Judgment!

Everyone was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What are the top ten ominous creatures?"

"The top ten ominous creatures can be understood as powerful bosses in the dungeon. In each time node, only one group of ominous creatures will appear. This refers to the time node in units of one hour. So how do you understand the creatures you encounter? Is it the same one? Otherwise, even if there are more descriptions, it may not be able to cause high damage when the holy judgment is finally carried out."

Soon, everyone asked a few more questions to get a general understanding of the current dungeon situation.

The safe house, the coming of the gray fog, the low-level monsters in the gray fog, and the priesthood, these still exist.

And the core point is these ten ominous creatures! And according to the NPC's description, the fighting power of these ten ominous creatures is very, very terrifying, not a few people can fight against them, so the most important thing is to deal with the ten ominous creatures as soon as possible, otherwise they will die sooner or later.

After about half an hour, everyone finished asking about the rules of the entire dungeon, and then discussed the situation of their respective teams, and then set off.

Outside the small island in the lake, there is a green grove full of mist that looks scary.

The reincarnators from No. 11 to No. 15 were temporarily bound together and went to the eastern area of ​​the building.

Five people walked across the small bridge and carefully observed the surrounding woods.

Suddenly, a headless monster rushed out, and the five members of the team were veterans, so they shot quickly.

The reincarnators in other areas sensed the movement and rushed over immediately.

And the strength of this monster is actually at the third stage of the Dingyuan Realm, which surprised everyone slightly.

This is just a mob.

After quickly disposing of the few monsters that came, the crowd dispersed.

The hearts of the five were a little heavy, the mobs were so scary, and their seemingly remote mission was really a headache.

But had to bite the bullet, walked into the building, and then chose the stairs.

At this time, naturally no one dared to take the elevator, and when they were walking up the stairs, one after another, scary monsters climbing the wall followed in the dark...]

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