After Liu Tetun heard Lin Yu's words, he was silent for a while, and then asked: "Aren't you planning to go directly to the school for the time being?"

"You may not know much about the resources of the super school. There will be many, many worlds that can be directly handed over to you here, and there are world beads behind these worlds, which cannot be found in the world gate of the Void Sea. of."

"More importantly, all the worlds you need for subsequent promotion can be solved within the super university, which is much more convenient."

Now, Lin Yu's limelight is getting more and more exaggerated. Although Lin Yu is relatively quiet this week, other races have already remembered Lin Yu, and they will definitely do something when he is promoted.

And it is the best to be promoted only in the place that has the world beads and the control of the world.

At that time, even if a powerful creature like the master of the eye of the stars appears, the official strong can handle it.

Lin Yu was silent for a while, and then said: "I have the next eight promoted worlds, all of which have world beads."

"how is this possible!?"

Obtaining world beads is very difficult, and most of them are obtained within the void sea.

"Have you gone to explore the void sea? With your strength, it's best not to go too deep. The horror of the void sea is beyond your imagination."

Lin Yu: "That's not true. I'm still shrinking near my territory, within a few hundred kilometers."

"Then how did you get your World Orb? There are very few ways to do this."

"I picked it up."

"...Okay. But when you are promoted, you must tell me in advance. This is also convenient, and we are preparing for it here."

"No problem at all."

"Then I want to know what you think about going to a super university now."

"To me now, it doesn't matter whether I go to a super university or not, it's at most an experience of life."

Investigator Liu was silent again. Although he really wanted to preach as an elder, but after thinking about it carefully, there was really nothing wrong with what Lin Yu said.

The mentors of super universities may not have investment resumes as exaggerated as Lin Yu...

"Okay. Tell me when you want to go, and I'll arrange it for you directly."

"Okay, let's talk about it when I want to go to play that day. By the way, do you have anything to say about my excellent performance in the Star Wars World of Ten Thousand Clans?"

"...You don't lack anything right now."

"Yes. But do you officially help with the marriage?"

"??? That little girl Qin Shiwan?"

"Well, I checked it recently, and the Qin family is a bit awesome. We are little people, we don't have much backstage, and we have to rely on the help of the official bosses."

"Okay, let's help. How about it, the army needs a talent like you to come and serve for ten years. This matter is settled."

"...You guys have a good idea. Forget it, I'll deal with it myself."

"Hey, you kid, I just said a few words, but you skipped it? Did you not like that little girl enough, or what? I'll go talk to her ancestor."

"You can't see her ancestor either."

"...You brat! What on earth do you want? If it's okay, I'll hang up."

"Wait for me to think about it, think about it. Your officials will also think of a way for me. It's really a hero and a beauty."

"Beep beep beep~"

He found out that this kid was filling the cup here! I really want to learn a lesson.


Yang Xiao looked at the beeps sent from the chat channel~, good guy, do you think this is a phone call?

"Forget it, after all, he is a boss, we can't beat him now."

Then, Yang Xiao was busy for a while and planned to take a rest.

But Xiao Ling suddenly ran over and said, "My lord, something happened to the Heroes of Invincible World."

"??? Heroes Invincible World? Do I have this world under my command?"

Xiao Ling was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, no wonder the lord has not issued any instructions about this world recently, so he completely forgot.

It can only be explained: "Master Lord, the world of heroes and invincibles is a super-large world that other Huaxia students participated in when you were in charge of the investment war world nearly forty days ago."

"Later, Lord Lord, you obtained the World Orb and cultivated several kingdoms."

"And these students have already finished their exams in more than 20 days."

"The overall power of this world has been raised from the second level to the third level in that world."

"In the follow-up, the major forces behind these main world countries, the angel race, the demon race, the elf race, the undead race, and the elemental race, began to increase their weight and start wars."

"The overall strength of the entire world has improved very rapidly."

"Currently, in the whole world, king-level creatures, that is, third-level creatures, have become the absolute mainstream."

"The gray fog area inside the world has also been developed a lot."

Lin Yu thought about it and thought of the world. After he entered the Eternal City, he put the world aside: "Then tell me, what happened? Did those big races fight directly?"

Xiao Ling nodded seriously: "Yes, my lord. At present, the angels and demons have gathered a large number of troops again, and there may be a second jihad. The first jihad was when the second level was promoted to the third level. .”

Xiaoling was afraid that Lin Yu would not be clear, so he explained something.

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

And soon, Lin Yu saw the world beads.

"Oh, it turned out to be that very, very large world."

It can be seen that there are still a lot of foggy areas on the surface of the world at this moment.

However, the major plates have been completely connected together through small paths. On the whole, there is no sense of separation as before.

As for the natural and demons, a large number of troops are set up in almost every sector.

"It seems that the war is a bit exaggerated."

Afterwards, Yang Xiao started to mobilize his own Taiji disk, inspected the whole world, and suddenly found something wrong.


First of all, a huge hideous demon appeared on the surface of the whole world, and opposite him was another powerful angel!

These two creatures use the world as a chessboard to engage in a game, and the powerful power on them is at least the sixth level! This is the information that Lin Yu felt by using the Taiji disc.

"Something's wrong, there's still information."

Although he didn't see anything more in his field of vision, Lin Yu felt vaguely in his heart that besides these two creatures, there was another layer of secrets hidden under the mist.

Lin Yu remembered that when special investigator Liu mentioned this world to him, he seemed to specifically mention that this world is not simple. I don't know if there is any secret behind it.

In the past, Lin Yu was not easy to ask, but now...

"Oh, I didn't expect to find this old man again."

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