Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 234: Dog Eats Dog, Gorefiend Countermeasures, Gathering

"TMD, who the hell! Get out if you have the ability!"

"Stop yelling here. I didn't see that the opponents are using divine creatures. It is obvious that someone has used the special abilities of divine creatures to target our examination room. The main world beads can't prevent these things."

"Damn! Damn! Do you know what I lost? How much did I spend to train so many soldiers in more than 50 years? Now they are all dead! Can you understand? Fuck!"

"Are you sick? You say it as if we have nothing to lose. What's the use of you screaming here?"

"You're **** sick! Can you understand my loss? You only sent so few soldiers, and I got all of them! Allin!"

"The school has to lose money! This is obviously a world arranged by the school, how did you come up with so many ghost things, and now they are found by others, and there is no movement at all? Rnm, refund the money!"

Lin Yu looked at it and found that this group of people started to quarrel by themselves: "Hahaha, it really is the behavior of elementary school students. It's so cool!"

But the following information still caught Lin Yu's attention. Those blood-attribute divine creatures are obviously the official end of their school. They want to take back the dominance of the world. Otherwise, Lin Yu's power has penetrated into every corner of the world. Then they hold the bead world bead and follow Nothing is the same.

This is war!

When the school first started, the blood moon world of Lin Yu school was attacked by a group of strong men from the blood demon clan.

It is true that there is reincarnation between life and death, who will the heavens spare.

Just when Lin Yu was looking at the information, there was a sudden change in the whole world. On the surface of the world bead, one powerful blood attribute divine creature appeared one after another.

They even started to put their power into this world, and Lin Yu even saw a fifth-order divine creature!

"Hahaha! The school has finally made a move. Let's wait and see this group of divine creatures! Haha. Still want to fight with our mentors? Hmph!"

Lin Yu: "Che, a middle-level race is still so arrogant. The top schools of our human race are not better than yours? It's just that there are too many investors in the human race and the educational resources are scattered."

Then Lin Yu found that there were a total of 7 fifth-level divine creatures. They mainly mobilized the dependents of other worlds, but this world was only the top-level third-level after all, so it was impossible for them to mobilize their power beyond this limit.

Moreover, the number of attitude monsters should not be too exaggerated, otherwise, it will trigger the punishment of heaven. After all, divine beings are only divine creatures after all, and their power is far from that of the ancient gods.

The power of the ancient gods, no matter what, can be poured into the world without restriction, because in a sense, the power of the ancient gods is the essence of the entire world.

Lin Yu doesn't know the specific and more detailed research, but in short, it can be used as long as it can be used.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu twisted his neck. His current strength is absolutely huge.

"Since you want to play, then I will play with you."

Then, Lin Yu looked at the various divine spirit soldiers and divine creatures, there were more than 200 in total.

Soon, Lin Yu sent a master negotiator to start negotiations with the human group in this world. Through the contract mode, more creatures will descend, and then let the divine creatures start to penetrate the world with energy.

This time, Lin Yu didn't hide anything. After all, the other side also knew of his existence, so there was no point in covering up.


The other side was also surprised by this force.

"How is it possible!? How could there be such a huge legion? When did it infiltrate?"

"Didn't you find that the legion sent by this person has a lot to do with that genius of the human race?"

Everyone was shocked, and after recollecting it, it really is!

"But how is this possible? How on earth did he do this?"

"Hey, after all, he is a genius of this era, after all, he always holds some hands that we can't understand. Moreover, he may have seen more things in Tai Chi Palace."

Everyone was silent. These cases behind the Eternal City are very, very special, and Lin Yu is the only one who can make such a big scene by advancing from the second level to the third level in nearly 100,000 years.

In the previous tens of millions of years of historical records, there are more than 30 people in total. The performance of these people is very, very amazing, but the strange thing is that they all disappeared... Only the people from the Eternal City are left. Legends about them have been passed down.

Everyone couldn't understand why such a genius suddenly disappeared.

As for their contemporaries, although their talents were worse, they survived anyway, but these bigwigs were unwilling to talk about what happened back then. No one dared to pry open the mouths of these people.

"Oh, it's troublesome."

"We have an enmity with the human race. This is a war! There is no trouble, the worst is to lose a world."

"Report the information of this world, there will be a genius from our Blood Demon Race to teach him a lesson! He is only a third-order human after all."



Why didn't Lin Yu take care of these shit, anyway, he had to sleep anyway, and the legion had to have a party at 12 noon, and I don't know how the uncle's preparations are going, so he must arrange for himself when the time comes Some big scenes.


Eight in the morning.

After Lin Yu got up, he looked at the situation in all the worlds. Generally speaking, they are all moving forward steadily, and there is no big problem.

On the contrary, in the world of the Blood Demon Tribe exam, more powerful legions have appeared. These legions are gathering in those wilderness areas and are building strongholds.

And the quality of this batch of blood attribute legions is obviously much higher, their intelligence is also very high, and the interior is orderly, not the kind of crudely made garbage monsters that are huge and rely solely on strength...

"Oh? It looks like the opposite party is going to fight me to the end, haha."

In this battle, in the small third-tier world, the value of the total troops invested has reached nearly one trillion yuan. After all, they are all elite forces cultivated, and the value is very high.

"System, start scanning."

[Due to the presence of a large number of external forces and various subsequent changes, this scan will take at least 6 hours. 】

"Six hours? It's not a big problem, I can still go to the party and have fun. It just so happens that this party lasts for a day, hehe."

Lin Yu suddenly thought that he could take out this world and show it directly in front of everyone, and then...Lin Yu unconsciously showed a smirk.

That's it!

Afterwards, Lin Yu simply cleaned up and was ready to go to the Eternal City.

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