Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 238: Crushing potential, Black Demon Lei Ze

Lin Yu looked at his soldiers, but didn't speak.

And these soldiers are not so cute and cute on the surface, jumping around, giving people a very weak feeling.

Because these soldiers are all units obtained from the settlement rewards of the 8 World Jewels given by Tai Chi Palace!

As for the 8 world beads, Lin Yu has been dealing with them all the time.

Fire element, water element, dark element, light element, life element, death element, the world of these six elements naturally does not need much introduction. After all, all the creatures inside have related attributes.

The world of creating elements and destroying elements is the most special.

The areas of these two worlds are extremely exaggerated, and the strange humanoid creatures inside have special abilities.

For example, creating a world of elements. These strange humanoid creatures have mastered some creative powers since birth. They can use materials obtained from the wild to create various creatures!

Lin Yu tentatively called these creatures the spirit of creation. The most powerful of them could even create an existence comparable to gods!

Although this world is only a third-order world, almost all the creatures in it can fight by leaps and bounds.

The creatures of the extremely rare holy grade cultivation method are extremely common here!

There are even powerful cultivation methods that surpass the cultivation methods of holy grades.

Yes, there is another cultivation method above the holy cultivation method, but this cultivation method has not been heard of in the main world for the time being.

Maybe the higher-ups knew about it, but they didn't make it public.

When Lin Yu invests in these creatures, there will not be any world coins in the settlement rewards, only the soldiers of these spheres.

Of course, there are occasional soldiers that are more special than spheres, and Lin Yu doesn't plan to take them out now.

Look at the organizer again.

Everyone is very curious about what kind of strength Lin Yu's soldiers can master, but Lin Yu obviously doesn't plan to say it now.

And the organizers don't intend to ask for the time being, anyway, they are about to enter the world and accelerate, and in the end it still depends on their respective combat strengths!

"In three minutes, we will enter the battle of the first month. And this time, our organizer has prepared a very special time acceleration tracking technology. The general function is to be able to accelerate time for all the battles of each team in the period. The information will be recorded, and the most exciting parts will be shown to everyone. And the processing process is very, very fast, so you don’t need to worry, the exciting battle information of all teams will be announced in real time.”

At this time, the live broadcast platform has opened a small live broadcast room for a team of 200 people including Lin Yu.

Next, if you want to pay attention to the major teams, you can directly click on these live broadcast rooms, and you can follow them directly.

Naturally, Lin Yu's live broadcast room has the largest number of people, directly accounting for half of the total number of people in the big live broadcast room!

"I'll go, brothers have come to this live broadcast room, I feel that this live broadcast room is about to explode."

"Hahaha, who doesn't want to see what God Lin Yu can do this time."

"Indeed, these spheres look, to be honest, I don't think they are very good, but we all know that God Lin Yu can't just put them badly."

"Yes, yes, that's the feeling! God Lin Yu has trained so many spiritual soldiers. If these small spheres are really not strong, God Lin Yu will definitely take out all those soldiers."

"Okay, time will start to speed up soon, and I don't know if the new technology mentioned by the organizer is awesome or not."

"If you dare to take it out on such an occasion, it is probably intended to do publicity, and it must be relatively well-produced."

And soon, the whole world also entered time acceleration.

Soon, the picture of Lin Yu's area began to change.

Originally, Lin Yu's soldiers were in the city, but they were quickly moved to a forest. In the picture, the million spirit army was divided into ten teams.

One of the teams was broadcast in the live broadcast room as a battle scene.

I saw the green sphere, constantly drawing the vitality of the trees.

And the gray sphere extracted the dried trees again, and then turned them into ash.

"I'm going! Destroy the greenery!"

Soon, these actions of Lin Yu's soldiers attracted the attention of the powerful plant evolution beast in the forest!

I saw the huge ancient tree with a height of more than 200 meters in the center of the forest, and began to mobilize its own branches and roots. These branches covered an area of ​​more than 3000 meters.

Immediately afterwards, some trees in the forest turned into treants.

Shockingly, the team's 10,000 small green spheres suddenly merged into a giant several hundred meters high.

And this giant stretched out his hands, and with two green pillars, he rushed directly towards the huge tree.

The tree was a little scared, and used its own branches to build a defensive net, but it was quickly penetrated, and the part that was in contact with the green beam of light was instantly extracted, and a huge amount of life energy poured into this huge green sphere within.

"Fuck! This green sphere is so awesome!"

"Really? I also have some of these spherical soldiers under my command. They are also balls. Why is there such a big gap?"

"It looks like some invincible monsters in anime? A regular-level creature?"

The screen changes very, very fast.

The entire forest was destroyed in just half a minute.

Corresponding to the subordinate world time, it is about half a day.

This is a forest of thousands of square kilometers, and there were many very powerful evolutionary beasts before coming here. But in such a short time, it was gone...

The whole studio fell into silence.

And then the screen in the live broadcast room turned wildly.

The Huoyanshan area was originally fiery red, and then turned dark black.

All the flame creatures living in this area were almost sucked dry.

The spheres under Lin Yu's command have a suction force that almost no creature can resist.

"Good guy! Is this going to start a big sweep right away?"

"Is there really such a terrifying spirit soldier?"

"We don't know, and we dare not ask..."

And when everyone was talking wildly, the organizer and all the creatures in the party were staring at Lin Yu's picture. Even these geniuses were silent. They had hardly seen such a terrifying third-order appearance. creature.

The organizer is also very understanding, and quickly adjusted a picture.

I saw that there was a huge lake in the picture, the sky was covered with thunderclouds, and thunderbolts fell one after another, and the information black demon Lei Ze was covered beside it.

Among them live three powerful overlords who are in the half-step spirit palace realm.

And what this kind of person is most curious about is Lin Yu's soldiers. Can they use such a big ability when they deal with monsters of this level and their attributes do not match?

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