Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 240: create! The shock brought by the Hunyuan Shenjue

The soldiers of other people are indeed very good. At the same level, it is possible to fight one against a hundred or one against a thousand, but there is a limit. One's own energy will definitely be constantly depleted during the battle.

But this group of giants can continuously absorb the energy of other people, which is more terrifying than the method of absorbing stars...

And Lin Yu's energy-absorbing attack seems to have completely enraged this divine creature.

I saw that the space crack was constantly expanding, and huge evil divine power was constantly pouring into this world.

A black cloud in the sky became thicker, and immediately after, a large number of monsters gushed out from the space crack and fell into the lake. It looked like this divine creature.

But when the group of monsters kept pouring out, the black giant still attacked, his body exploded violently again and again, the entire space collapsed violently, and all the monsters were still turned into pieces.

Although the size of the black giant itself is shrinking, the monsters that were blown into pieces have also become food.

The artifact creature seemed to be aware of this and wanted to attack.

Countless tentacles rushed out, and then this area was also shrouded in a special barrier.

In this enchantment, the strength of all the dependents under this divine creature has skyrocketed, and their combat effectiveness is very terrifying.

The six elemental giants also began to entangle with this group of monsters, and a steady stream of monsters climbed up on them.

These monsters stretched out their tentacles and inserted them into the bodies of these giants, continuously extracting the energy of the giants.

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast was very surprised. Is Lin Yu going to roll over?

But on Lin Yu's side, the colorful giant never attacked, so everyone had some guesses in their hearts.

Just when the body of the divine creature came out, the colorful giant moved.

His body suddenly dissolved and turned into countless colorful energies, coordinating with the Yin-Yang Legion's magic circle in the entire domain, causing huge storms.


Countless thunders of seven colors fell on this area, and the energy in the bodies of those dependents was instantly drawn out.

Immediately afterwards, colorful elk, dragon crocodile, turtle-like creatures... Countless looking terrifying creatures fell from the sky.

After these monsters appeared, they began to frantically devour the fragments of the surrounding monsters, and their bodies gradually became full, as if they were growing rapidly.

At present, the colorful giant is still under relatively large restrictions, and cannot directly use its own creative power, which is why such a scene occurs.

And the people who participated in the party were well-informed, and naturally many people saw the connection between these elements.

One of the aliens suddenly remembered, water and fire, light and darkness, life and death.

Destroy, and, create! !

He exclaimed: "This is the Hunyuan Divine Art!!"

Hunyuan Shenjue, in the Void Sea, has a high output, and it is not exclusive to the human race. Naturally, other races have also cultivated geniuses who practice this technique, and the cultivation progress of individual geniuses is much higher than that of the human race. It's just that no one has been able to successfully cultivate to the realm of the law.

Under the law, they are all ants. It's just a pity that these geniuses, in their original era, were all wonderful people.

Seeing this, all races began to think. If other geniuses practiced this exercise, everyone would definitely not believe that someone could create miracles. After all, so many geniuses have spent their lives on this exercise. And when they first practiced this technique, most of them thought they could create miracles.

Of course, this skill is also given to some people who are not very talented.

After all, after practicing this skill, the exploration of luck in the whole world will become more and more terrifying. It is only the seventh-level strength, and it may even influence the battle layout of some eighth-level or even ninth-level worlds. These are all real cases.

And Lin Yu, with these geniuses, has one thing that is most different...

That naturally entered the Taiji Palace with the strength of advancing from the second level to the third level!

"Hey, the human race has such a genius, and I don't know if it's good or bad."

"This is a Terran venue, so it's not appropriate to say more."

On the human side, it is naturally extremely exciting.

In the barrage, there were also some Brother Tang who explained the situation of this exercise to others.

"Hiss~ awesome! Damn! I mean, God Lin Yu is definitely not an ordinary person. "

"I just want such a powerful technique, once it breaks through to the realm of the law... then it's worth it???"

"Indeed, even if it is only sent to some war worlds, it can achieve extremely exaggerated effects."

"Haha, what if you become a saint?"

"Then, don't dare to think...don't dare to think..."

Look at the entire battlefield again.

A large number of powerful creatures appeared on the battlefield. The divine creature was very crazy at the beginning, calling more troops to launch a counterattack, but the group of creatures seemed to be fighting more and more, and even began to directly devour its body !

This made the divine monster feel very frightened and wanted to retreat directly.

But the black giant rushed up suddenly, and then bumped into the crack in the space, grabbing the octopus head of this divine creature with both hands, boom boom boom, its body exploded continuously.

This is the octopus head of a divine creature. Even though its resilience is terrible, black and thick evil energy continues to flow into the lake, and more and more terrifying evil things continue to be produced.

It wasn't until this moment that the divine creature realized that it seemed impossible to retreat...

This evil divine creature kept making strange roars, trying to escape from here with all its strength, but in the end it was of no avail...

Even its body was directly pulled out by the colorful giant, and then devoured.

This point is even more shocking!

This is a divine creature.

Their energy has a special divinity. It is very special and cannot be devoured casually.

But now not only has he been swallowed, but even a group of third-order creatures, and even a large number of second-order creatures among them, have completely swallowed him up, it's almost wiped out!

Afterwards, the battle ended, and the eight giants began to return to their original forms. It can be seen that some individuals have grown in size, and their strength has also improved.

After the battle ended, the director began to switch to other screens. After all, he was also shocked by such a scene...

The picture keeps changing.

More and more battlefields are displayed.

The son of the Qian family whose family business is science and technology, the combat effectiveness of the science and technology army under his command is terrible.

And these robots are not just simple machines, but special life forms, similar to Transformers...

The Yan family with terrible fighting power, the failures under their command, all of them are very terrible.

It's just that after watching Lin Yu's battle scene, the appetite of the audience in the live broadcast room has been whetted, and no one else wants to watch it.

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