After these monsters came out, they began to spread around, intending to completely surround Lin Yu.

"Boom boom boom!"

Violent beams of light shot out one after another and landed on the crowd of monsters, followed by a violent explosion.


Some seemingly powerful monsters were instantly blown to pieces, and then, a large number of space cracks appeared around them!

But this time, there are not only space cracks on the monster's side, but also Lin Yu's troops who have prepared early.

On Lin Yu's side, various elemental legions attacked. This time, they were not spheres, but all kinds of powerful elemental dependent legions!

The battle became extremely fierce all of a sudden.

Lin Yu drove the starship and flew to other places under the protection of the fleet and his own troops.

Lin Yu also looked back at the group of monsters. Generally speaking, these monsters are actually very powerful. After all, they are dependents cultivated by high-level divine creatures, and their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary third-order peak creatures.

But Lin Yu's side is obviously not a vegetarian. He is well prepared and it is relatively easy to deal with these monsters.

Immediately afterwards, countless space cracks appeared on Lin Yu's way forward.

It's just that there haven't been any pictures of some powerful divine creatures attacking forcibly.

The battle continued like this.


In Nankou City, the battle continued.

This is the battle of tens of thousands of powerhouses of the seventh rank and above. This area has long since collapsed, and the originally luxurious buildings have turned into dust.

The nearby monsters, led by powerful monsters, rushed towards Nankou City.

And the major powerhouses in China also began to mobilize their own spiritual armies and entered this world, and the scale of the war became more and more exaggerated.

"Buzz~" sounded.

Just when thousands of miles around are battlefields.

A golden domain power instantly enveloped the area.

Immediately afterwards. Golden giants rushed out of the magic circle one by one.

"Not good! It's Jin Yao Wusheng of the human race!"

Jin Yao Wu Sheng! This is a martial saint who is very good at large-scale wars. From the era of the cataclysm, he rushed to kill all the worlds, and with his amazing record, he became the existence of the martial saints of the ten directions!

I saw that the area covered by this magic circle became more and more exaggerated.

The boundaries within tens of thousands of miles have become the core of the magic circle, and even covered the entire 17 cities near Jinkou City!

These cities have also become the core of the formation, and huge spiritual energy penetrates into the formation.

Seeing this, the monsters also know that the human side is really serious, and they must go all out here, otherwise, they will be destroyed in an instant!

The next moment, countless space cracks appeared in this world, and a large number of monsters gushed out.

The world rules of the Blue Star main world are still very advanced, and this also belongs to the main world where the investors are located. This group of monsters needs a huge amount of energy to break through such a huge space rift in the human-controlled area of ​​this world...

Obviously, the various races behind this group of monsters are also trying their best to compete with the human race.

The war intensified.

Countless powerful creatures died, and the fifth-, sixth-, and even seventh-tier powerhouses who seemed to be superior in countless worlds would die in an instant!

The special energy of these strong men after death will slowly dissipate under the aftermath of the battle...


The speed of information dissemination in this era is still very fast. In the first few seconds of the confrontation, the news began to broadcast live footage.

Investors living in this era can hardly imagine that someone would be so arrogant and launch such an exaggerated war in the main world.

But in fact, the older generation of strong people naturally have a lot of understanding of these things.

After all, in the era of cataclysm, countless alien creatures came to this world. In that era, the lives of the Blue Star humans were worthless.

Later, countless strong men of the older generation continued to fight and improve their strength in the Ten Thousand Realms, and finally formed their own armies, and recovered Blue Star at an extremely fast speed.

The urgency with which investors carried out world baptism back then was much exaggerated than it is now.

Unlike today's people, it may take a few days before they are ready for an investment...

"This group of alien races are too tm arrogant!! Killed directly on our territory?"

"I heard that it seems to be to kill God Lin Yu!"

"It's so **** disgusting! It must be counter-killed!"

"I don't care. I'm going to start an investment now. It just so happens that my opponents are a group of goat-headed monsters. They haven't been very good with us humans."

"My more than 30 weird worlds are coming to an end now, wait for me to prepare and kill him!!"

"Brothers, don't be too impulsive. If you give it to others, it will completely lose our own strength. I think it's better to go to some big live broadcast channels and hang out with the anchor. They have dealt with it for a long time, and the overall investment is stable. Some."

"Yes! I know, several anchors have already started to deal with these things. They are all drawn from the war world that they have been running for a long time to invest in for everyone!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Brothers, big deal!?"

"What's the big deal, can you screen-scrapers explain it? This makes my heart itch!"

"The live broadcast room of God Lin Yu is open!! A full 100 worlds have been prepared directly. All of them have Tier 3 and Tier 4 worlds with a large number of alien races. The total investment amount is as high as one hundred trillion!"

"Fuck! Is it true?"

"Let's go, brothers, go and have a look!"

Soon, everyone went to Lin Yu's live broadcast room and found that it was indeed the case.

This live broadcast is naturally hosted by Linger, and Linger is currently explaining some major world situations.

These worlds perfectly meet the conditions of war-like worlds, and Lin Yu's system, during this period of time, has been very, very perfect in exploring various data of these worlds.

What's more, everyone is very top-notch now, even if they lose money, they have to fight straight away!

"Brothers! I'll go to 100 billion first!"

"Brother, although I understand your feelings, the live broadcast room of Lin Yu has always been very restricted... This time only 1% of the investment property is allowed. Alas, I only invested 10 billion."

"It's okay, even if it's 1%, it's okay for me to invest 100 billion."

"Then pretend I didn't say it."

"I suspect that both of you are planning to come to Versailles..."

It was originally expected to be a very, very high investment, but the fundraising was completed within five minutes of the broadcast.

If you want to make these monsters feel the pain, you must stare at the group of alien investors behind them and beat them hard!

It's a pity that Lin Yu's current strength is still too weak. Although the system's ability has been enhanced, the level of exploration for the world above the fourth level is still extremely limited.

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