Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 254: The Qian family, the unimaginable power behind it

"Do you think it's possible that God Lin Yu is still alive? After all, it's not so easy for a character like God Lin Yu to hang up like a protagonist. "

Lin Yu's heart skipped a beat, brother, don't mess with the rhythm, I'm already dead!

Then he hurriedly used other accounts that the official registered for himself with his real name, and began to speak: "Brother, although I really want God Lin Yu to live, but this time, alas. God Lin Yu has always been firmly ranked on the list of eternal gods , This time I suddenly heard from the list, which is an official confirmation equivalent to absolute authority, so it is impossible for Lin Yu to be alive. Brothers, Bloody Demon Realm, charge me up! I will take the lead in charging! Don’t remember the loss! "

"Come on! Fuck him! It's been a long time since I've had anything that makes my blood boil."

"Come some investment analysts, at ten o'clock in the evening, just kill him!"

Suddenly, a voice came: "Is it really okay for you to lie to them like this?"

The voice is slightly smiling.

Lin Yu took a closer look, and found that Qin Shiwan had already cultivated and was standing beside him at the moment.

Lin Yu stood up, rubbed Qin Shiwan's head, and asked for no reason: "Do you think we are living together now?"

Qin Shiwan was taken aback, did the topic change so quickly? Then his face turned red.

"Hmph! Can you be more serious?"

"Do you think we can do some things that we should do when we live together?"

"Hmph!! No! liu.mang!"

"After all, we are now a missing person. If we do something bad, we probably won't be caught."

Lin Yu suddenly hugged Qin Shiwan from behind.

"Ah! No...don't! It's a little...early."

The voice is getting weaker and weaker.

"Hey, are you scared?"

Then, Lin Yu let go of his hand and walked out of the door of the training room. Outside was the sumptuous lunch prepared by the soldiers.

I have to say that this kind of life of pretending to be dead is a bit boring.

Originally, I often filled cups in front of the audience and gave some guidance by the way. Life is much richer, but now I can only stay in this ocean base at a depth of 1 kilometer.

I can only tease and tease Shiwan, haha.

Just when Lin Yu was eating happily, suddenly, the communicator rang.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Lin Yu picked up the communicator, looked at it, and frowned.

Qin Shiwan next to her gently put down her chopsticks, quietly waiting for the news.

Lin Yu put down the communicator, and then said: "It's nothing serious. The group of monsters in the Void Sea Demon Pit broke out. At present, I have planned to divide the soldiers under my command into various camps, and then lead them to other places. If It’s obviously not normal for them to carry on.”

Qin Shiwan asked in a low voice: "If these monsters are allowed to wander around at will, how can they find this place?"

Lin Yu: "The novice area after awakening will be about 10,000 kilometers away, and there will be a new void sea lord. We have counted the list of these people during this period, and they probably have unconsciously collected There are a lot of troops."

"Although it can't hold the red-eyed monster, but the red-eyed monster is limited by the rules, it is impossible to launch a large-scale attack."

"If it really doesn't work, we can only borrow a base from someone else."

As for Qin Shiwan's base, it is also pretending to collapse at present. After all, no one can imagine that the top ten **** domains will attack together. Then how huge is the power behind this time to kill Lin Yu!

Qin Shiwan is a little curious. The red-eyed monsters can come near Lin Yu's territory, and they are obviously not restricted by the rules. Why do you say that now... But she won't ask too much.

Now the base where Lin Yu is located is a small abandoned base under Huaxia's subordinates, and there are officials to help identify him.

If you really want to be discovered, it is very normal to have the firepower to kill sixth-order creatures. After all, it is an official base, not my Lin's base.

Then, Lin Yu and Qin Shiwan continued to eat.

Who knows, another message came.

The information this time...was that one of the Martial Saints of the Ten Directions came to the door, and the chat was about the Qian family's affairs!

Yes! Qian Family!

The explosion of the starship is naturally related to them. Otherwise, how could the huge energy tank suddenly turn on the self-explosion mode? This is not a self-exposure caused by any external force, but it is automatically produced by the system...

At present, Lin Yu is already a dead man, and behind the Qian family, there is a strong man of the ninth-level holy city mirror sitting in charge, so it is not easy to do anything. After all, in this world of high martial arts, no matter how talented you are, as long as you die, it is worthless.

No force will go to war for a dead person. After all, this is the most straightforward interest and the power related to survival.

But sorry, Lin Yu is alive.

Lin Yu took a closer look, and it was generally an investigation of the Qian family's property.

There is still a lot of trade between the Qian family and the Wanzu. After all, this kind of technologically tested weapon is very popular.

Among them, there are also many transactions with many races that have been officially banned.

Of course, in normal times, many families would do this kind of thing, but everyone kept one eye open and one eye closed.

At present, the official has pointed out that Lin Yu's death has something to do with the Qian family's starship.

After all, that fuel explosion swept across the nearby planets. Although there were a lot of monsters in it, it couldn't cover up the fuel explosion.

However, the Qian family has always explained that it was only the explosion after the monster attacked the energy cabin, and it was not the explosion of the energy cabin that caused Lin Yu's death.

As for why put so much energy? Of course, it is for Lin Yu to live better, so that he can continue to flee for a long time.

These are all open to interpretation.

If Lin Yu is not alive, this one will definitely not be able to suppress the Qian family.

Moreover, the Qian family secretly controlled public opinion on the Internet, criticizing the government as a scapegoat!

Later, the Qian family declared that they did make some mistakes this time, and then smashed ten billion void spirit stones, vowing to avenge Lin Yu!

Good guy!

After seeing the information, Lin Yu called it a good guy!

For the sake of his wife and revenge, he spent seventeen figures, what a blessing to the Qian family!

Fortunately, the money was indeed used to deal with aliens, and the superficial project must be done well.

However, who was bribed behind the Qian family is a big question.

There is no need to do such a risky thing with a strong man in the ninth-level holy city state sitting in the town, and he is a powerful force in the human race. After all, in that situation, it is almost impossible for Lin Yu to escape alive.

Lin Yu touched his chin: "who wants to harm me?"

After hearing Lin Yu's words, Qin Shiwan smiled unconsciously.

"Hey! You girl interrupted my train of thought, you must teach me a lesson!"

However, Lin Yu's psychology is somewhat speculative, maybe the Qian family was corrupted by the power of the top ten **** domains. Only this possibility can make him do this kind of thing...

If this is the case, the encroachment of the entire world by the ten **** domains is probably more hidden and more terrifying than imagined.

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