Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 276: Two gods are present, a coquettish woman

Lin Yu's clone quickly shuttled through the black mist field, looking for monsters.

But nothing was found. Instead, the deeper it went, the darker the surroundings became.

In the darkness, there are always various bats and various insect monsters pounced on them, but they were quickly killed by the rain.

Lin Yu felt something was wrong, but he was not sure what was wrong.

But at the next moment, Lin Yu suddenly found something and snorted coldly.


Lin Yu snorted coldly, "Since you're here, get out!"

As soon as the words fell, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yu.

He exudes a gloomy chill, and his eyes are full of killing intent.

"Are you Lin Yu from the human race?"

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes and stared at the guy in front of him.

This guy looks ordinary, but he exudes a powerful coercion that cannot be ignored.

The point is that this guy should be a creature of this world, so why does he know his name?

Could it also be a force from outside the realm?

In this way, it is also possible that the soul bodies of other ancient gods recovered in advance, and then invaded here from other worlds.

Or try it first.

The strength of this person still looks quite terrifying.

"So what?" Lin Yu said indifferently, "Who are you?"

The man snorted coldly, "Hehe, who am I? You don't have the right to know who I am yet!"

A trace of coldness flashed in Lin Yu's eyes, "In this case, let's fight!"


The man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "I want to see how strong you are?!"

"It's useless to talk more, so let's try!" After Lin Yu finished speaking, he immediately released the icon.

Yes, icons! This holy statue was created by Lin Yu with the help of some special materials and energy given by the powerful Chinese, and then cooperated with himself.

After the icon was released, it instantly turned into a giant with a height of one hundred feet and punched the opponent.

A huge fist slammed into the man's body.

Amidst the loud noise, the man's body was directly blasted tens of meters away!

Lin Yu's attack is terrible.

And the next moment, Lin Yu's figure also disappeared.

He appeared before the man, holding the holy sword.

"Hehe, if you only have this little ability, then go to hell!"

The man smiled ferociously: "Then I'll cut off your head first! Then I'll kill those dragons and other races!"

Lin Yu ignored the man at all, but held the holy sword in his hand and chopped at the man again!

The giant elephant behind him also launched a powerful attack.


The icon punched the man, and the man was knocked back again. He roared angrily, and there was a black skull in his palm.

The skull opened its mouth wide and spit out a green bead.

The beads shot at Lin Yu in an instant.

The icon slapped it away, turning the beads into powder.

"Boy, you just wait to die!"

"Don't just talk hard, let me see what's so good about you!"


A huge black tiger suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yu, and slapped Lin Yu away with a slap.

Lin Yu glides in the sky, with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at the giant tiger.

This huge black tiger is much more powerful than the previous black spider.


Lin Yu's icon hit it again, but was knocked away again.

Then, with a thought in Lin Yu's mind, the icon flew back again.


The black tiger pounced on it again, its giant claws scratching through the void.

Lin Yu's icon is about to fly away again.

But the next moment, the black tiger's giant claws slapped on the body of the icon.


A crack appeared on the icon, and then it turned into pieces of rubble, but the icon quickly returned to its original state.

There was a look of surprise on Lin Yu's face.

He never expected that the icon was shattered once by the opponent's attack.

"Boy, you don't have to struggle anymore, you are not my opponent at all."

The man mocked, waved his hand, and another green magic crystal appeared on his palm.

Then he swallowed the green bead again.


Another green magic crystal exploded, and this time it exploded directly in front of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu dodged quickly, but was still affected by the explosion.

Lin Yu's icon body collapsed directly!


Lin Yu spat out a mouthful of blood and his face was pale.

"Haha, you can't do it!"

"Boy, I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy, or I will send you to hell!"

"It's still too late for you to kneel down and beg for mercy! Otherwise..." The man laughed wildly again.

"Cut, this is just a clone of mine, and its strength is less than one percent of the main body. I want to see what you can do!" Lin Yu snorted coldly, and his body returned to its original shape again.

"Boy, since you are obsessed with your obsession, go to hell!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yu rushed to the man again, and the man also went up to meet him. His two arms turned into black tentacles, and he drew directly towards Lin Yu's icon.

These two huge tentacles are full of strong black energy and exude an extremely strange aura.

Lin Yu kept guessing in his heart, which faction did this man belong to? The strength is actually so strong.

The next moment, Lin Yu's icon was shattered again.

"Bang bang!"

The man's offensive was very fierce, and the icon's attack was completely irresistible.

"Boy, your strength is still far behind."

Lin Yu's body was defeated again.

At this time, a cruel look flashed in the eyes of the black-robed man.

He summoned a black behemoth again.

This gigantic beast was fifty or sixty meters tall, covered in scales and sharp claws.

Its skin is dark red, and it looks like a mountain made of steel, very terrifying.

And there is a strange flame in its eyes, which makes people feel like a living monster, very frightening.


The giant beast roared and slapped Lin Yu's icon with one paw.


The icon was shot flying and crashed into a mountain range.

Suddenly, countless cracks appeared in that mountain range.

"Bang bang!"

The man again summoned two other giant beasts, both of which were three to four hundred meters long, and both had extremely sharp claws.

Every giant beast has the strength comparable to the peak of the fourth-order and ninth-level realm.

The claws of these two giant beasts can easily tear Lin Yu's body apart.


One of the giant beasts rushes directly towards Lin Yu's icon.


With a roar, the holy image rushed up again, head-to-head with the giant beast.

Although Lin Yu's icon is powerful, it still looks very small in the face of such a giant.

Soon, the icon couldn't hold on, and was torn apart by one of the opponent's claws, and then turned into pieces all over the sky.

Lin Yu spat out a mouthful of blood again.

But the man in black robe obviously doesn't intend to play with Lin Yu any longer.

I saw a huge black gas erupting from his body, endless swarms of insects and various black monsters rushing out of the gray mist, and the surrounding black mist faded a little.

And just when the attack was about to fall, a huge black and white magic circle descended from the sky.

"Tai chi array!"

"Extremely hot!"

I saw a burst of fire falling from the sky, followed by a large number of elemental legions rushing out.

Lin Yu's body is bathed in golden holy light.

"Sorry, I like to fight in groups."


The black behemoth collided with elemental legions one after another.


Severe noises can be heard endlessly.

The defense of the black behemoth is very strong. Even though the power of the elemental legion is very strong, although it did not cause too much damage to them.

Lin Yu said silently: "It's time to end!"

He held the Tai Chi Sword in his hand, and a black and white light shot out from the Tai Chi Sword, piercing the head of the black giant beast.

Lin Yu's figure flickered and disappeared instantly.

In the next second, he had already appeared behind the man.

The man felt the danger, turned around immediately, and then punched Lin Yu.


The Tai Chi sword blocked his attack and knocked it back.


The man's feet stepped hard into the ground, pushing the ground out of a deep hole, but his feet were stuck in the mud, and he couldn't pull them out at all.

There was a look of shock on his face, he couldn't figure out why he couldn't move his body? This is simply too unbelievable.

But he didn't look alarmed.

At this time, Lin Yu also flew up, holding Taiji sword in his hand, and stabbing at the man.

"call out!!"

The Tai Chi sword pierced through the man's shoulder directly, and thick black blood flowed down the man's arm.

Dripping ticking on the earth.

The blood fell on the ground and quickly turned into a thick mist.

The man just frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

But the next moment, he suddenly erupted, gathering a huge amount of black energy all over his body.


There was a loud noise, and a wave of energy spread out from the sky.

Lin Yu was sent flying out.


The man's body quickly flew up and fled to the distance. He didn't expect that Lin Yu would be so powerful with the combat power of the legion.

His speed was very fast, and he disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yu stood firm and looked in the direction of his escape.

"Damn! Let this guy escape!"

Lin Yu scolded angrily.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly discovered that there were several deep trenches on the ground, and several bones were hidden in them.

And beside the bones, there are a few special beads.

These beads seem to be the blood of the man just now.

Seeing this, Lin Yu immediately picked it up.

At this time, a wave of information flooded into his mind.

This part of the information is very special, it seems to be some special memories related to that man.

Lin Yu can probably know that he is a small part of a powerful being, a very small part, such as a drop of blood.

His main task is to contact other ancient spirit bodies, and then organize this force, waiting for the follow-up plan.

This shot was originally not in his plan, but he happened to see the soul of the fire dragon, so he wanted to deal with it.

Who knows that his strength is still unable to deal with Lin Yu, so he stumbles.

Lin Yu touched his chin.

He discovered that this group of powerful creatures all have some common characteristics, that is, a very small part of their bodies is always fused with memories.

Just like every cell is an extremely vivid life.

"Forget it, let's withdraw early. It's just a fire dragon, it's not worth continuing to fight."


The field of vision returns to Lin Yu's body.

On the surface of the entire world, phantoms of various powerful creatures appeared.

Fire dragons, spiders, mysterious men, the battle here is just a microcosm.

Lin Yu just entered the clone of the whole area and felt the whole battle process.


Next, various blood attribute and thunder attribute creatures appeared.

The energy in their bodies is very strong, but there is still a big gap with the two top creatures that Lin Yu has seen.

And when the time of the main world passed by about 5 minutes, two full years had actually passed in the world.

This time flow rate is obviously abnormal.


At this time, the world projector responsible for monitoring the northern hemisphere suddenly changed drastically.

A terrifying thunder suddenly rushed out, and even the entire projection room was occupied by dazzling purple light.


The power of endless thunder raged.


An oriental giant dragon condensed by lightning appeared in this field.

"Boss, boss, look! The Thunder Dragon has appeared! The Thunder Dragon has appeared!"

"...such a blinding light, I can see it."

Just when Lin Yu was thinking about something...

In the entire southern hemisphere, a huge scarlet field also appeared.

The terrifying blood-colored monster hides in the blood mist, and this rich blood-colored field spreads to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

Endless energy quickly strengthens the creatures in this area.

Both forces are like this!

Although the two most powerful forests in the world have not touched each other, they both feel each other's existence.

And in the central area of ​​the entire world, the entire war has already appeared, and endless giant beasts are fighting fiercely here.

With the recovery of the two top ancient gods, other creatures also appeared in this area at a faster speed under the call of this huge energy.

Powerful sea monsters, endless wars.

And most of the shelters of the human race have already been destroyed by this terrifying fluctuation.

The population of the entire human race is already very rare compared to before time accelerated...

Only those who accepted the existence of the soul body of the ancient gods lived well.

But even so, it is easy to be hunted down by the army of Wanzu.

The human race has no ability to resist.

And in the southern continent.

In a huge city, the figure of a woman is walking slowly.

At her feet, a huge blood lotus bloomed, and countless strange blood flowers fell one after another.


Suddenly, the whole earth trembled suddenly. An extremely violent energy burst out suddenly.

The woman raised her head, revealing a dazzling face. She looked at the sky and felt the terrifying and familiar energy: "Heck, is the war going to start again? I don't know how far this war will develop... "

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