This group of inner disciples had extremely complicated hearts. They were curious about who that young man was.

But this kind of thing, they definitely can't continue to understand.


And the value of this magic circle is not just for attacking.

More importantly, he can also help them increase the speed of cultivation, which is the most important thing!

This magic circle can even allow Jin Yanguo's warriors to quickly improve their cultivation, which is a huge temptation that Jin Yanguo cannot refuse.

The preciousness of this magic circle is not comparable to those of ordinary magic circles!


At this moment, a series of explosions sounded in the distance.

I saw that in the distance, the army of the evil race erupted with terrifying power again, and a group of puppets among them absorbed a large amount of death energy at an extremely fast speed.

The powerhouses of the human race were stunned for a moment, and it seemed that the evil race had prepared for this.

Soon, a large number of evil legions rushed over, and Jin Yanguo's 18th legion also withdrew into the city. Blindly resisting was useless.

On the city wall, everyone was trying their best to defend, but they still couldn't stop the army of the evil race.

"Bang bang bang..."

Soon, most of the city wall was smashed through, and people kept falling from above and falling to the ground.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, another wave of offensive came, and it came even more ferociously.

Some powerhouses of the fourth and middle ranks were even directly swallowed by the massive army of evil races.

"Damn! How can these evil races be so powerful?"

"Yeah! And my cultivation has been suppressed so much!"

"We will definitely not be able to hold on like this!!"

"These evil insects, these monsters, what is going on with them? Why do they seem to be strengthened suddenly? The body is also so strong!"

Indeed, the evil army at this moment is surrounded by terrifying black energy. It is obvious that the gods from outside the world participated in this war, but they did not show their faces.

"Damn it, we're no match for them at all!"

The hearts of the powerful people of all races are full of despair. Facing so many armies of evil races, they have no ability to resist at all.

And at this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky above everyone's heads, and a purple-black beam of light appeared.

Everyone raised their eyes and saw a huge purple-black beam of light shooting straight towards their heads in the distance. It was an extremely terrifying coercion!

And there are all kinds of wronged souls on this beam of light, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"It seems to be someone from Yinshen religion!"

"It's so possible, isn't the Yinshen Sect already destroyed by the joint efforts of all the top forces?"

When everyone saw the attacker clearly, their hearts trembled.

But they know that these Yinshen sect members are extremely terrifying existences!

Their exercises are extremely special, mainly devouring people's souls, and their cultivation speed is very, very fast.

Especially the elders of the Taiyin Sect, their strength even far surpasses the elders of some sects!

But at this time, these Taiyin Sect members appeared above everyone's heads.

And also broke through the defense of everyone!

All of this was beyond their expectation.

And Lin Yu in the dark also saw all this, and he could feel that behind these so-called yin **** religions, there was also the shadow of the soul of the ancient god, which might be the ancient **** related to the strange kind.


"Bang bang bang!!"

The Yinshen Cult's attack quickly landed on the city wall.

A loud bang came from the city, and many people's chests were smashed, and their clothes were stained red with blood.


The miserable shouts resounded throughout the city, causing many people to feel a bit of pain.

They didn't expect that Yinshen Cult would appear, and the effect it exerted would be so terrifying!

"Quickly withdraw into the city!"

"It's too dangerous here."


These people shouted loudly and retreated one after another.

However, at this time, two purple-black ghost attacks were shot from a distance, flying towards the city gate.

This time, everyone was terrified.

"Get out of the way!!"

They used secret techniques to dodge one after another, but the two purple-black beams of light did not directly shoot into the crowd, but exploded halfway.

There was a terrible shock wave.

The power of this shock wave was so powerful that many people were shocked to spit out blood, and some people were directly seriously injured.

And unknowingly, a series of ghosts floated into the city. The energy contained in these ghosts is very strange. Once they invade a person's body, it will cause extremely bad consequences.

"So strong!!"

"This attack from Yinshenzong is simply too terrifying."

"Yeah! If their target is us, it is estimated that no one will survive."

"No wonder the Yinshen Sect caused such a big commotion back then."

"This time, I'm afraid I'm really going to lose. No matter how strong the Taiji sect is, it's impossible to stop this huge seed with our own strength."

"Let's leave early so as not to be affected."

Everyone was discussing.

And at this moment, three more purple-black beams shot towards the city gate.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three beams of light exploded one after another in mid-air, erupting with terrifying power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The power produced by these three attacks was extremely terrifying, and many people on the city wall were directly blown to death.

And behind them, huge deep pits appeared, and there were still flames in the deep pits.

This is the power of Yin Shenhuo!

But at this moment, the entire Tai Chi Sect's legion was besieged by a large number of evil race legions.

Soon, Yin Shenzong launched another attack, and this time it directly used a formation.

A giant in the center of the formation stood up!

A huge amount of energy suddenly gathered in his head, and then blasted into the city.

This huge energy exploded in mid-air, causing the purple-black flames to fly in all directions, forming a series of fire snakes, spreading towards the surroundings.

The buildings in the city were burned, causing some surrounding buildings to collapse.


"Crack, click..."

Just like that, there were constant explosions in the city.

Soon, cracks appeared in the city gate.

Then, these city gates collapsed, the stones on the gates rolled down, and black shadows poured into the city one after another.

Seeing these evil insects pouring into the city like a flood, no matter if they were ordinary soldiers or cultivators in the city, their faces showed fear.

In their minds, the strength of these evil insects is more terrifying than those demons!

Because those demons are terrifying, but they are easy to block.

But these evil insects are more flexible.

Moreover, there are so many of these evil insects that they cannot be stopped.

"These evil insects are really too many, we can't resist them at all!"

"If this continues, sooner or later we will be exhausted and perish!"

"This is how to do ah!"


Everyone in the city panicked.


The city gate was destroyed again, and black smoke poured into the city from the gate.

Seeing the black smoke pouring into the city, the soldiers all exclaimed: "Ah! These evil insects are highly poisonous!!"

"Run! Run!"



"Puff! Puff!!"

People are constantly being recruited, their bodies are corroded, their skins are festered, and their flesh is bloody.

Soon, everyone in the city was enveloped by the black smoke.

Black smoke began to rise from their bodies.

However, the black smoke did not spread throughout the city, but only spread outside the city.

However, in this way, the people in the city became even more terrified, they frantically ran in all directions, and kept fleeing in all directions.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the city, in a city, soldiers were recruited one after another.

"'s going on, how did my body become like this??"

"How can there be so much black smoke in this city?!!"

"My skin! My skin..."

"my body......"


The people in the city exclaimed.

They used secret techniques one after another, trying to expel the black smoke from their bodies.

"Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

However, the black smoke is getting more and more, and the speed is getting faster and thicker.

"Not good!! This black smoke is poisonous!!"

"Our bodies are decaying..."


Everyone screamed in horror and kept urging the secret method, hoping to get rid of the black smoke on their bodies.

" body is melting!"

"My body is melting!"


One by one, the soldiers found that their bodies were constantly corroding, as if their bodies were being placed in a boiling oil pan and slowly melting away, this feeling made them terrified!


"Are we dying?"

"no no!!"


Everyone screamed and kept backing away, not daring to stay for a moment.

However, the speed of these black smoke was very fast, and there was no chance for them to escape.




Just like that, the city was in chaos, and many people fled one after another, but some people were killed, swallowed, or directly corroded.

Soon, 70% of these soldiers died!

Seeing the tragic situation in the city, some of the remaining soldiers knelt down and cried bitterly. They knew that this time they had to sacrifice.

They also know that even if they surrender now, they will not live long, because the black smoke will not restore their vitality.

Moreover, the black smoke seemed to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands.

"Boom boom boom!!"

At this time, houses outside the city began to collapse, and countless evil insects poured into the city, and began to kill wantonly.


The people in the city couldn't help shouting in pain, but they didn't have any strength to resist.

The only ones who can resist are the strong men who came to support them. Under the protection of Taijizong, they can barely resist...

"how so?"

"What kind of means did this group of evil people use? It is impossible for the Yin God Sect to be so strong!"

"Also, why didn't the Taiji sect go all out!? Is it because they are afraid of death?"

And at this moment, everyone in the city discovered that all the people shrouded in black mist had turned into mummies.

Most of these corpses are ordinary people.

Their bodies had a strong stench of corpses, and their eyes didn't show the slightest sign of life. Their bodies are constantly disappearing.

These mummies were all caused by being invaded by special evil insects, and then gradually mutated under the erosion of black smoke.

Their eyeballs also became pitch black, without any soul power inside.

"Are we all dead?"

The mummified soldiers stared at him incredulously, with horror in their eyes.

Their bodies quickly withered, and then quickly disappeared.

All of this seemed to be arranged by fate.

In just a few minutes, most of the soldiers fighting the disaster were corroded by black smoke.

"No...don't come over...I beg you don't come over!!"

A woman looked at the mummy walking towards her in horror, her eyes were full of despair.


Suddenly, a huge net appeared above her head, and that huge net instantly enveloped the mummies.


The woman screamed again and again.

But soon, the mummy fell down.

A golden light also appeared around the woman's body, helping him get rid of the evil energy in his body.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling golden light began to force back the black mist and dissolve the original mummy.

Some people must be complaining in their hearts that they were too focused on why they didn't do it just now, but now they are like this.

And the next moment, a colorful ray of light swept across the city, shining on the corpses.

The corpses quickly disappeared.

the front of the battlefield.

In Tai Chi, the death energy here has become more intense, and the power of life has also become more vigorous.

The members of the Xiezu Legion rushed towards the formation one after another.

Even though a batch fell, there are still countless batches of evil race legions attacking the city...



Some of the remaining soldiers on the city wall also continued to wail.

Soon, the evil army outside the city surrounded the entire city wall.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One after another, purple-black abilities continuously bombarded the city wall, making ear-splitting explosions.

"Bang bang bang!"

But at this time, a black light flew over, landed on the city gate, and then turned into black phoenixes, rushing towards the surroundings.

These black phoenixes hovered in the air, and black flames burned one after another, burning the army of the evil race.




a corner.

Lin Yu looked at the huge soul body condensed by Yinshen religion in the distance.

This is the broken soul body of the ancient **** is constantly gathering.

"Hehe, this battle is really getting more and more interesting."

As for the large number of soldiers and powerful men who fell down below, Lin Yu naturally saw it.

It's just that Lin Yu didn't say much at the moment.


And the mid-level expert on the side of the evil demons looked at the scene on the battlefield and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it looks like that guy doesn't plan to make a move."

"It's not necessarily true, maybe I'm holding back some bad tricks."

"That's true. But after killing so many people, it's always fun."


And so the war continued.

The decline of the Taiji sect is becoming more and more obvious.

Even the invincible formation that appeared originally seemed to have weakened at the moment.

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