Investing for All: I Can See a Return on Investment

Chapter 30: Blood Sea Empire, North Sea Vortex

[From February 2nd to February 28th, Arthur has been training the soldiers seriously, and from time to time he will be taken to the blood-red forest near Black Rock City for combat training. 】

【Arthur did not choose to deal with external affairs for the time being, but chose to wait and see what happened. 】

[During this period, Earl Arthur also received a lot of news from the outside world, but most of them were bad news. 】

[The blood barrier of the imperial capital has disappeared, and a large number of monsters have poured out from the imperial capital, including some intelligent humanoid monsters, but no living person has been seen...]

[The large city near the imperial capital - Ronal City was attacked by Demon God Cultists. A large number of **** monsters swept the whole city! 】

【Ronal City was completely destroyed overnight. According to the refugees who escaped, these monsters had three horns on their heads, reddish faces, and a fishy smell on their bodies. 】

【Sequoia City, Bloom City...】

[In just one month, the prosperous cities near twelve imperial capitals were destroyed successively, and a large number of refugees died in the wilderness. 】

[The three dukes still choose to stand still. 】

[It is even said that the three dukes were completely shocked by such a scene, they were afraid of the enemy. 】

[At the end of the month, the Demon God Cult sent out apostles with extreme arrogance, to the territories of the lords of the counts and above, and delivered a message: Those who surrender to the Demon God! live. 】

【The three dukes beheaded these apostles very decisively. But most of the lords who were closer to the imperial capital chose to surrender. 】

[Subsequently, the Demon God Sect announced the founding of a nation, named the Blood Sea Empire. 】

[The territory is the imperial capital and more than 30 nearby cities, covering an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers, which is much larger than the territories occupied by the other three dukes. 】

[It is said that in addition to a large number of monsters and some intelligent monsters similar to deep divers in the Blood Sea Empire, there are also many human beings who choose to be sincere! 】

[This point has defeated the psychological defense of many human races. After all, there are so many people dragging their feet to survive, why do they have to die? 】

[As for other areas, it is not known whether there are people who joined the Demon God Cult secretly. 】

[The entire Ice Empire has been completely disintegrated. 】

[A powerful demon cultist also came to Black Rock City. 】

【It is absolutely impossible for Arthur to cooperate with this group of monsters and directly intend to kill the apostle. 】

[The members of the Demon God Cult have mutated. 】

[It was a very disgusting monster with three bright red horns on its head. After transforming, it looked like a lobster more than ten meters long, with a thick black liquid flowing from its carapace. The three horns had powerful magic attack capabilities. 】

【Evil, weird, chaotic...】

[But the spiritual weapon in the God's Stone has a strong restraint effect on this monster. 】

【Arthur held the golden spear in his hand and instantly pierced through the monster's abdomen with astonishing power. 】

[The monster's body quickly decomposed and turned into a gray crystal. 】

【Arthur consulted the encyclopedia of materials given by the investor, and finally chose the item to be handed over to the investment space. 】


Room 301.

Earl Arthur hasn't had much movement in the past two months, and now he finally has something to gain.

And this kind of item has no effect on most creatures from all realms, and will only cause evil pollution.

But after turning in, it can increase the number of Void Sea items when the reward is settled.

Right now, it's just the beginning! Next, it will definitely be better.

Then, Lin Yu looked at the expressions of other people. Most people's expressions are very ugly.

After all, it can be seen from the **** World Orb that most people's investment goals are not in a good situation.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look quickly! Look at Beihai!"

Lin Yu looked up, and there was a huge **** vortex in the Beihai area on the top of the world pearl, and it was still expanding.

Around the vortex, you can see dense blood-colored monsters, and they frantically devour the surrounding islands.

The current direction of the entire vortex is the North Cold Continent!

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart.

Anyway, the data of the system is here. For Earl Arthur, if he wants to survive this year, there should be no major problem.

Others started talking.

"Hiss~ Ice Empire. In the first month, the imperial capital was completely destroyed. It has already been made like this, and this wave has another **** vortex."

"It's a good thing I don't have the head iron to choose the Ice Empire."

"Now it's not a question of whether it's tough or not! It's that the blood demons are declaring war!"


second floor.

Li Yun and other family members who invested in the Ice Empire are not particularly happy at the moment.

After all, the main investment targets they chose were all in the Ice Empire! The total amount of investment is also very high.

Wang Ziyue asked in a low voice: "Sister Ziyue, can the power we arrange be able to stop it?"

Ji Ziyue still had a very calm expression, and said: "A temporary failure does not mean a total collapse. A war involving the entire world is destined to be a long-term game."

Wang Ziyue puffed her mouth, thinking in her heart, can you be more straightforward?

Then she looked at the World Bead again.

The three dukes and the royal family of the entire Ice Empire are the targets of their investment.

I thought I could defend this continent, so that I could get a high score. It can even be used as a resume when taking the exams to the nine super universities. After all, the hatred between Huaxia Kingdom and the Blood Demon Clan is very deep...

It's just that I didn't expect that the royal family collapsed as soon as they came up. The Blood Demons are also madly attacking the North Sea Continent...

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