[This investment is over. 】

[Settlement in progress. 】

【Congratulations, you have obtained 17985521 world coins. 】

[Prison Blood Demon God's job transfer scroll (third-order colorful), worth 100 million. 】

This reward is simple and clear.

When Lin Yu saw this reward, he was secretly startled, it was too exaggerated, nearly 1180 times more!

And this job-changing scroll is roughly equivalent to a kind of inheritance technique, and after using it, you can get related abilities.

When settling rewards, the high-quality exercises obtained are similar to the Void Sea low-level pipeline production workshop obtained before, which is a bit of a welfare.

But this is also a reward increase of up to a thousand times!

I have to admit that the super high rate of return can indeed obtain extremely high value items.

It's a pity that this scroll doesn't have much use for me for the time being.

But let's keep it. See if it comes in handy.

Then, Lin Yu looked at the income of the other nine cities except Nancheng.

All very amazing.

A total of up to 1.5 billion in cash income and various materials worth 3 billion. Most of these materials are mineral materials.

It's so easy to make money! Hahaha.

Finally, Lin Yu glanced at Nancheng's income.

The initial investment amount is 5 million, and the cash obtained is 113 million! The material value is 150 million.

Good guy! More than 50 times the profit!

Look at the barrage again.

It exploded.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Although I really want to complain about what other words you can use besides shit, but now I just want to say, shit! Awesome!"

"To be honest, if I just made such a high rate of money, I wouldn't be particularly surprised. The point is that out of the 723 people invested by this anchor, only three TMs died!"

"Yes! I just watched other anchors invest in this world, and I tried it myself. The death rate of almost every city is above 1/10."

"Some anchors choose multiple investment targets, and the death rate is even higher! Some people invest ten, and five die! They are all specially selected high-talented players."

"I'm going, is it true or not? Is the death rate so high?"

"If you don't believe me, go and watch it. There is a new streamer named Little Fox, who is probably the same as this streamer. Both are high school seniors. He invested in 10 with SS-level talents, but 5 died in the end."

"In addition, he also invested hundreds of people in the same city, trying to form a force, but lost more than 30%! And the internal instability."

"Although in the end, even after deducting a lot of investigation expenses and investment funds, it is still profitable, but there is no comparison with this anchor!"

"That's right, I also came from Little Fox. It is said that she also spent 8 hours observing the world, and then explored various data."

"Also, this anchor is really awesome! Investing more than 700 people, they actually organized a guild, and the final group's rate of return has reached this level."

"Hey, I've said it all, our Brother Lin is awesome, you don't believe me."

Lin Yu looked at the massive barrage, and then looked at the 5,000 people online in his live broadcast room, which is not bad.

At this time, I was too lazy to talk, so as not to lower my B rating.

In the next 5 minutes, the popularity of Lin Yu's live broadcast room increased crazily.

It may be that the official has also noticed the situation on Lin Yu's side.

And for those anchors who have obtained super high yields and have shown strong investment capabilities, whether it is luck or other means.

Douhu officials will give a lot of traffic support in the corresponding time period.

Five minutes later, the number of viewers in Lin Yu's live broadcast room reached 10,000!

And people in this world are not short of money, so the "噗噢噐" people frantically swiped a lot of gifts, at least a few million.

"System prompt: The little fox rewards 100 spaceships (100,000 one

Lin Yu said in his heart: **** it!

Then a bullet screen floated by.

Little Fox: Anchor, can I add a friend?

Lin Yu said a little 'reservedly': "Let's private message the backstage."

We are not short of money, so it is definitely not for money, the main reason is to make more friends!

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly found a call from his mobile phone.

I didn't plan to pick it up, but after looking at it, it turned out to be the frogman who left his contact information before!

Kung fu!

Hahaha, today's luck is really overwhelming.

Seeing this, Lin Yu said to the live broadcast room: "cough cough, I have an important call here, I have to turn off the live broadcast first, sorry."

Then, Lin Yu directly turned off the camera and sound.

"Quack, quack, little brother, the master is back, do you want to come over and have a talk. The location is in the central building of Tianhe City."


"Yes, after all, the master's time is more precious. Quack quack ~"

Lin Yu has no doubts about robbery at night. After all, the laws in this world are strict and protect every investor very well.

Even the top forces cannot say that they will kill investors.

What's more, investors can escape into the void territory at any time.

So it's okay to be idle, it's better not to provoke other people.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yu said, "OK. Wait a moment. I'll be there in half an hour."

"Okay, little brother, please hurry up."

Immediately afterwards, the phone hung up.

Just broadcasting an investment world, the call came so quickly...

Originally, Lin Yu planned to take advantage of this period to accumulate more popularity.

Forget it, skills are the most important thing.

And Lin Yu is really curious about what kind of third-order skills will appear inside the chaotic **** stone, which he has never heard of before.

Turn on the camera and sound again.

At this moment, the barrage is still chatting very happily.

I have been arguing about the previous wave of investment. Looking at the popularity, it is more than half a million.

This popularity is almost all based on the reward value and the fiery chat barrage. It is really supported, and there is no moisture.

Lin Yu: "Well, brothers, I'm sorry, I have something important to deal with here. As for the settlement rewards in Nancheng, all the items will be put on the store in the live broadcast room, and the final amount will be distributed to everyone in proportion."

"Good guy! Anchor, the popularity is so high now, it's all on the top recommendation, don't you plan to accumulate popularity?"

"The anchor is really capricious!"

"Aren't you naive! When the anchor is still more willful, when he opens an investment project, he only takes a part of it for us to invest. Those who don't invest, just watch from the sidelines."

"What? True or false?"

"Really, you still don't believe what my 10-year-old fan said?"

"Anchor, don't turn off the live broadcast! We still have to chat in the live broadcast room."

Lin Yu saw this barrage accurately, and said: "Well, some people say that there is no need to turn off the live broadcast, and everyone can chat here. I thought about it, and yes, anyway, I will come back later, and I will not turn off the live broadcast , See you later, everyone. By the way, when I'm not around, you don't need to be stingy, you can give a lot of rewards."

"Damn! Did the new host make up the barrage so smoothly???"

And Lin Yu has left the territory, and in the live broadcast screen, there is only a vast sea of ​​void left.

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