Chapter 130

There were many twists and turns until the release of Lost Fantasy M.

The development was on the verge of being canceled due to a dispute with the management, and when OTK Company decided to invest in the development cost, Shigeru Ichikawa left Linix Pentagon with the development team.

Then, with the invested 1 billion yen, he set up OTK Games and independently developed Lost Fantasy M. He had the production rights because he was the developer of the Lost Fantasy series and a former representative of the Pentagon.

After that, an additional 400 million yen was added to the development cost, and the cost was added as they went directly to publishing.

The total investment amount is KRW 18 billion.

Taek-gyu Oh insisted on making an investment decision.

Whether successful or unsuccessful, the Lost Fantasy series produced by Shigeru Ichikawa himself was the reason why it must be released.

Taek-gyu was confident of his success.

“I’ve played almost every game, and this is more than that.”

“Isn’t it because you like Lost Fantasy?”

“no. I tried it during the beta service, and it was absolutely amazing.”

Sangyeop senior said.

“I don’t think the reaction on the Internet has been very good.”

“No worries. The garden game is supposed to be played.”

As it is a series that wants history so much, there are many loyal fans, but it is difficult to make a profit only with the fanatics. It is impossible to know how much console game users will move to mobile.

I said with a smirk.

“How much money do you need to be successful? It would be nice if we could even get the development cost.”

“Because it’s really great.”

I nodded my head dryly.

“Okay. If it goes well, that’s good. It’s money spent on hobbies, so don’t waste it.

Taek-gyu said in protest.

“What do you know about the game?”

* * *

There was only one condition that Taek-gyu made when he made an investment.

It was released simultaneously in Korea and Japan. Other than that, I didn’t touch anything.

This is the first time the Lost Fantasy series has been released as a mobile game rather than a console or PC.

There were far more negative comments on the Internet.

-Who plays the game without the sweet water?

-It’s not a casual game, and it’s an error to make an MMORPG mobile.

– The release was too late. I don’t know if it was released last year, but recently there have been too many masterpieces.

– Looking at the system, there wasn’t much difference from other games.

-To be honest, Shigeru-ong went a bit too far.

– If this goes down, you’ll probably have a retirement plan.

Apart from Korea, there were other reasons why Japanese gamers reacted negatively.

OTK Company was once misunderstood as a Japanese company because of its name. The Japanese applauded the fact that a company of Japanese origin was a company that had achieved tremendous results in the global financial market.

But later, when it became known that the CEO was Korean, he seemed to feel a kind of betrayal.

– OTK Company, the parent company of OTK Games, is the main cause of major damage by attacking the Japanese foreign exchange market during Brexit.

– Do you want to play a game invested by Koreans?

– Withdraw from the Japanese market because you are going to fail.

– Jo Sen-jing, get out of the archipelago!

-Turn it off, tyrannical corporations!

On the other hand, Lost Fantasy fans expressed a positive opinion.

In an interview with the media, Shigeru Ichikawa said that OTK Company’s investment was not for profit, but pure fan love, and thanks to this, he was able to develop it happily without any interference.

– Were you an otaku, not an investor?

– A sample of a successful otaku!

-Otaku company as well.

-If it wasn’t for OTK Company, Lost Fantasy M wouldn’t have come out.

-If I have enough money, I want to support the production of the anime I want to see.

?Ichikawa Shigeru was confident of his success.

“Lost Fantasy M is the most complete game in the Lost Fantasy series so far. Those who have played Lost Fantasy in the past will be able to feel the memories, and those who are new to it will be able to feel the novelty.”

The official release date has arrived with anticipation and concern.

It is released through each app store, and as with most mobile games, an in-app payment system was chosen. The game itself is free, but you can purchase items in the game for a fee.

So what’s the result?

[Lost Fantasy M Simultaneous Release in Korea and Japan][5.8 million users on the first day in Japan, sales of 3 billion yen!][2.5 million downloads on the first day in Korea. 12 billion won in sales!][Lost Fantasy M Connection Runaway!][Propose a new horizon of mobile games!]

?As soon as it was released, the number of concurrent users was over 100,000 and the server was paralyzed. It went into an emergency inspection and managed to recover in the morning, but after that, visitors and waiting people continued to flock.

We were taken aback by the unexpected success.

It was so great that words couldn’t describe it. It has already surpassed ‘Emperor of World’, a strong player in the mobile game tradition, and climbed to the top of the App Store in both countries.

How much did you earn?

The development cost was recovered from the first day’s sales alone.

Taek-gyu, who was the only one who predicted this situation, burst out laughing.

“Uh-huh! What did I say?”

“… … .”

I thought I was just throwing it away and invested, but this kind of invitation is going to explode!

The gaming business is the goose that lays golden eggs. It’s hard to succeed, but once you succeed, you consistently earn money.

A jackpot like this really only happens once every few years. By now, the Linix Pentagon will hit the ground and regret it.

“Did you think you would be this successful?”

Taek-gyu smirked at my question.

“It’s Shigeru Ong. Form is temporary, but class is eternal.”

“… … .”

Is this guy lucky or is he feeling good?

* * *

As Lost Fantasy M hit the jackpot, other developers hurriedly started making similar mobile games.

The media pointed out that payment inducement and speculative content were excessive. In fact, there have been reports of verification that they have already paid tens of thousands of won.

The Lost Fantasy series was a box office hit in Korea, the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Judging from the current situation, the jackpot was expected to some extent in other countries as well.

A 100% stake in OTK Games is owned by OTK Company, of which 12% is allocated as stock options for the management.

If the game had gone down, I wouldn’t have exercised the option, but things changed when the jackpot hit. Naturally, the developers, including Shigeru Ichikawa, exercised all stock options and took a 12 percent stake.

After leaving, Shigeru Ichikawa announced that he would make Lost Fantasy Online. There was no reason to stop the development cost because it could be covered by the current income.

While Lost Fantasy continues to be a box office fever, I looked for a thesis written by Professor Homin Kim. About 100 papers have been published so far, including co-authored articles.

Among them, I printed out and read the most recent paper published in a foreign journal. It was in English because there was no translation yet.

On the aluminum substrate constituting the anode… … Anode active material… … Consists of cathode material, anode material, and separator… … NCM-based battery… … .

“What the hell is this?”

Numbers and symbols are intricately intertwined, and there are dozens of unknown words. And even though it’s a list of words I know, I can’t figure out what it means.

I’m glad I didn’t go to science.

I gave up and leaned my back on the chair and muttered.

“The Nobel Prize in Chemistry… … .”

Korea’s IT technology is world-class. However, only a former president has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and so far no scientific award has been awarded.

The reason is that Korea neglects basic science that much. On the other hand, advanced countries such as the United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom did not spare much investment in basic science.

It’s not that Korea doesn’t invest, either, but I hope that plausible results will come out within a year or two, regardless of whether it’s the government or corporations.

Under these circumstances, research on basic science cannot be conducted properly.

“What kind of battery did you develop?”

As seen in Yeji, Professor Homin Kim will be the first in Korea to receive the Nobel Prize in science.

However, due to limited information, it is not known when the Nobel Prize will be awarded. It could be as early as next year, maybe even a few decades from now.

Anyway, as he holds the key to the next-generation battery, we need to meet him in person.

I checked to see if any of the staff knew Professor Ho-Min Kim. I didn’t expect much, but to my surprise, one of the employees was from the Department of Chemistry at Korea University.

His name is Park Kwang-hyun. After graduating from college, he completed the CFO course and worked for a fund company before moving to our company.

I called him to the CEO’s office.

After a while, a man in his mid-30s came in. He had a sullen look with a plump physique.

“Hello, President. This is Park Kwang-hyun.”

He looked confused as to what he was called for.

“I heard that he graduated from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Korea, right?”


That’s a lot older than me.

I brought up the subject right away.

“Do you know about Professor Homin Kim?”

“If it’s Homin Kim… … Ah! That professor?”


“of course.”

“Who are you?”

“Usually, he teaches only one subject per semester, and he is mainly in the lab. He’s a bit geeky, but he’s a good guy. Not to mention the skills.”

Hankuk University has various research facilities on campus. Some of them are directly supported by universities, while others receive research grants from large corporations or foundations.

“Are there any other special features?”

“Well… … .”

He thought for a moment, and then he remembered something.

“Ah! He will be quite friendly with the head of the department of business administration.”


Were you close with our department head? This makes the conversation a bit easier.

Park Kwang-hyun asked cautiously.

“But for what reason?”

Because he’s going to win a Nobel Prize for developing the next-generation battery.

… … I can’t say that, so I roamed around.

“This time, our company is investing in batteries with Seoseong SB. Professor Homin Kim is an authority in his field, so I want to ask you something.”

“Oh, I see.”

When the conversation was over, he said goodbye and left.

I immediately called the head of the department.


“Hello professor. This is my disciple Jinhoo Kang.”

* * *

I got in my car and headed to school.

It’s been a long time since I went to school. Is this the first time since you finished your first semester last year? After that, everything really happened.

When I arrived at the school, I parked my car and went to the head of the department. Upon entering, Professor Myung-Jun Kim stood up and greeted me.

“Who is this? Isn’t that OTK Company CEO Kang Jin-hoo?”

“It’s been a while, Professor. How you doing?”

“then. Sit down.”

As I sat down, Professor Myung-Jun Kim looked at me and smiled.

“You’ve been hiding it for so long.”

I laughed out loud.(Read more @


“The investor who robbed the foreign exchange market during Brexit must have been my student. Did you know that the whole school turned upside down during the press conference?”

“I heard about it.”

told Yuri.

“Aren’t you thinking about going back to school?”

“I’m a little busy with work right now, so I’ll think about it later.”

Professor Myung-Jun Kim said sternly.

“I don’t know if there is anything I can teach the CEO of a large company.”

“I still have a lot to learn. Everyone around me does the work.”

“Using people well is the basis of management. I’m doing just what I’ve been taught.”

“It’s all thanks to the professor.”

I slowly spoke up.

“How did you go about asking for it?”

Professor Myung-Jun Kim nodded his head.

“Now that we’ve talked about it, you can go to the lab.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah! Sign an autograph before you go. Hang it on the wall alongside the Southwell sign and show off.”

“… … .”

* * *

The science and engineering buildings were located in the innermost part of the campus.

I went into the lab next to the College of Natural Sciences building. You must have a pass to go up to another floor.

I told the staff at the desk.

“I have an appointment with Professor Ho-Min Kim.”

“How is your name?”

“My name is Jinhoo Kang.”

The staff looked at me with a surprised expression. Then he handed me the visitor pass.

“Just go to room 705 on the 7th floor.”

“Thank you.”

I climbed the elevator and knocked on the door of room 705. There was no response, and the door was slightly open.

“Excuse me.”

I carefully went inside. It looked like a personal book. The interior is full of books, with a large blackboard hanging on one side.

The blackboard was full of numbers and symbols. I didn’t write it all at once, but every time I remembered it, the inclination and font size were different, so it looked like graffiti.

At that moment, a voice came from behind.

“Do you know what it is?”

I turned my head to see a man in his early 40s wearing glasses.

“Professor Homin Kim?”

He nodded.

He woke up with frizzy hair, a robe soaked in kimchi soup, and even blue crocs.

The future Nobel Laureate in Chemistry looked more like a beast than a professor.

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