Chapter 132

As soon as I got out, I called Sangyeop.

[How is it?]

“I want to think about it.”

[In the top 1% of professors for tenure at Hankuk University. Will he really leave the place?]

“I will.”

People in high positions tend to avoid risk.

Professors are guaranteed social status, economic stability, and honor. So everyone is trying to become a professor.

However, the professor I met was more like a scientist than a professor. If he were a scientist, he would have no choice but to be swayed by the offer of support so that he could devote himself to research and development without any conditions.

[But why is Professor Homin Kim? There will be many others if you look for it.]

“He is the most suitable. do you know If we succeed in research and development, will we receive a Nobel Prize in the future?”

Perhaps my words sounded like a joke, senior Sangyeop burst into laughter.

[Haha, wouldn’t it be faster for you to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics?]

“Hey, what Nobel Prize in Economics am I?”

The Nobel Prize in Economics is not strictly a Nobel Prize. The award was established by the Central Bank of Sweden to commemorate Alfred Nobel.

However, since it is the most prestigious award in the field of economics, most economists dream of winning it. The actual winners are world-renowned scholars. Milton Friedman, Paul Krugman, Angus Deaton, etc.

Of course, it is not an award that can be received for making a lot of money by investing well, but a great achievement must be made in the field of economics.

[I don’t know anything else, but the rumors are clean. Without stealing research funds or harassing children who are taking master’s and doctoral courses.]

A good scientist doesn’t necessarily mean a good personality.

Some professors steal research funds or subsidies to embezzle them, extort salaries from research students, or treat them like slaves.

In universities, professors are the absolute power, so even if this happens as a custom, it is not easy to protest.

After all, the academic world is at the bottom, so if you hate your advisor for nothing, you won’t be able to keep your feet up for the rest of your life. Here, men are also entangled in the military issue.

Professor Homin Kim, at least on that matter, is pretty clean. He took good care of the research students and actively helped with thesis and employment.

However, the situation of the students was not very good. There is a lot of work, but the salary is almost at the level of the minimum cost of living. However, if the university cuts off research support, you have to worry about your livelihood right away.

I offered to set up a research institute, hire them all, and give them the best treatment. If Professor Homin Kim is responsible for them, he will have no choice but to accept my proposal.

“Please look for the lab building right away.”


“There is nothing wrong with preparing in advance.”

[Okay. I will proceed immediately.]

Sangyeop did not ask any more questions and hung up the phone.

Can I just wait for an answer now?

Instead of going right back to work, I took a short walk around the campus. It was lunchtime, and the students were gathering three or three and heading to the dining room.

There were also high school students with uncle-like appearances, and there were also fresh freshmen with high school identities still remaining.

Since the semester had just begun, their faces were full of anticipation and excitement for college life.

Once upon a time, I had such a youthful time.

… … When I think about it, I feel like I’m really old.

If I hadn’t jumped into this job, I would have been going to school and preparing for a job right?

When I think about it that way, I feel kind of weird. I have a slight desire to go back to being a student again.

what are the kids going to do?

After that, all contact with the classmates was cut off. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Minyoung and Kyungil.

I headed towards the business school.

I don’t know if Yuri came to school today.

I was trying to contact you, but suddenly the phone rang. Surprisingly, it was glass.

“Oh, Yuri.”

Yuri said urgently.

[Senior, did you come to school?]

“Huh. how did you know?”

[where are you now?]

“I’m on my way to the business school building. We are almost there.”

Yuri shouted at my words.

[You can’t come!]


[Rumors are spreading that the seniors are here now, so lectures and everything are stopped and students are flocking to this place. If you come here, you won’t be able to get out.]

I was surprised by that.


I was afraid that complicated things would happen, so I only told Professor Myung-Jun Kim and came to visit. I don’t think the head of the department had any rumors.

“Who made the rumors?”

[Are you Hyemi-senpai?]

“Huh? Hyemi Lee?”

Why is he here?

[You saw the department head meet and come out.]

“… … .”

It’s really not helping anything in my life.

I quickly lowered my head and turned around. I have to get out of this place.

At that moment, someone grabbed my arm. When I turned around in amazement, there was Yuri with a cell phone in his hand.

Yuri said with a smile.

“I was here, old man.”

“Sigh. You were surprised.”

“It’s been a while.”

She wore her blonde hair in a ponytail, a tiered skirt reaching her knees and a white neck polara. It’s still cute and lively.

Yuri said as if giving her pin cup.

“Didn’t you tell me in advance that you would come to school?”

“Anyway, the moment I was about to contact you, the phone rang.”


She was in 1st grade when she first met, and she is now in 3rd grade. Time goes so fast.

Just then, a group of students passed by us.

“What’s up?”

“Jinhoo Kang came to school.”

“Really? Department of Business Administration and that Kang Jin-hoo?”

“okay. CEO of Otaku Company.”

“Isn’t that OTK Company?”

“jackpot. Let’s go!”

“… … .”

How popular was this?

Anyone who sees it would know that he was a Hollywood star.

In fact, it was more of curiosity than popularity. It must be the feeling of wanting to see Kang Jin-hoo’s face at least once.

Yuri grabbed my hand and led me.

“It’s a big deal if you get caught. Run away quickly.”

We quickly moved to the parking lot.

I got into the driver’s seat, and Yuri got into the passenger seat naturally.

“Are you going to work right away?”


“I told you before that you would take a tour of the company.”

“… … .”

did i

“How about your class?”

“It’s all over.”


Yuri gently avoided my gaze.

“of course.”

“… … .”

It seems to be tingling somehow.

“Come on, Knight of the River. Let’s go quickly.”


I started the car.

* * *

On the way to work, Yuri talked about school work.

“Senior Min-young got a job at a defense company. Senior Kyung-il went to KATUSA Soldiers.”

“Both of you are going to suffer for a while.”

Still, speaking as a retired sergeant, it’s a hundred times better than just going to the army.

“Did you know that Hyemi sunbae talks a lot to her juniors? All freshmen know that the two of them are in a relationship.”

“… … .”

Can’t this be sued for defamation by spreading false information?

“You didn’t graduate?”

“There were a lot of gaps in my grades, so I had to go until this year. I was confident that I would join OTK Company when I graduate.”

What else is this?

“Ah! Seon-ah sunbae graduated and she got a job at GH Construction.”


After going there, it seems that she is still dating.

“I want to graduate early and get a job. If I do well, I think I will be able to attend until the first semester of next year and graduate early.”

I was quite surprised by that.

“You seem surprisingly good at managing your grades.”

“Are you surprised? No other student works as hard as I do. Please take good care of me when I get a job later, CEO.”

“… … .”

Are you really going to come to OTK Company?

Yuri said softly.

“Dad and Uncle Cheol-gyun said that we should have a drink with the senior.”

“I am honored.”

“Can I wear it too?”

“If it’s not a business place, it doesn’t matter, right?”

“Hehe, senior gave permission, so I’ll have to tell my dad. But what made you come to school?”

“I just saw the head of the department after a long time… … .”

It’s something you’ll find out later anyway, so I said it to be honest.

“I’m trying to set up a battery research institute, but I want to bring in a chemistry professor as the head of the research lab.”

“Aha, that’s why you came to persuade yourself?”

“It’s like that.”

“Acquired an automobile company, built a battery factory, and now even a research institute. Aren’t you making things too big?”

“That’s it.”

At first, they just invested in Karos, but somehow they are reaching out to the automobile industry in all directions.

What is the outcome of this?

“But in terms of basic science research, doesn’t it take quite a while to commercialize it?”

Technology or patents do not in themselves make money. In order to commercialize it, countless experiments and trials and errors are required.

In some cases, this process fails, and in other cases, better technologies emerge along the way.

“Investing with a long-term perspective.”

It’s good if it’s early, and it’s good to be able to get research results worthy of a Nobel Prize in Chemistry even if it’s late. Even if you invest, you won’t lose anything.

“The government seems to have decided to push hydrogen cars.”

Perhaps thanks to the direct instruction of the president, the hydrogen car development plan progressed smoothly. The local government has already started to select a site for the charging station, and the government has signed a contract to purchase 300 hydrogen cars.

The only hydrogen cars released in Korea right now are the PotenHY of Eunsung Motors, so of course PotenHY was the target.

As hydrogen cars began to rise rapidly as future cars, related stocks showed an upward trend all at once. The silver car, which is expected to benefit the most, also rose by 3 percent.

On the other hand, EV-related stocks are showing signs of weakness. Seoseong SB’s share price also fell below 300,000 won again.

If hydrogen cars become mainstream like this, companies that invest in electric vehicles will suffer huge losses. My damage would be huge.

As I was driving, Yuri stared at my face from the side.

“What is it?”

Yuri smiled and said.


* * *

It was quick to get to the company.

I parked and headed straight to the top floor. Yuri looked around the CEO’s office and admired it.

“Wow! You can see Tehran Road at a glance. You work in a very good place.”

“Isn’t your father’s office the same?”

The RCK Bros office building is also located in Gangnam, and the building size is similar.(Read more @

“Ah, it’s not like this. Does Taegyu oppa work here too?”

“The COO room is downstairs. The structure is almost identical.”

“Then are you working downstairs now?”


These days, they are quite busy walking around the establishment of an e-sports team.

“Go. I’ll show you other places.”

I took Yuri with me and showed me around the company. Then I ran into senior Ki-hong at the publicity room.

Senior Ki Hong asked with a surprised expression.

“uh! Shin Yuri?”

Yuri bowed her head in greeting.

“Ah! Hello, sir.”

“What’s going on here?”

Instead, I said as an excuse.

“He said he wanted to visit the company.”

Senior Ki Hong smiled and nodded her head.

“Hmm, that’s right. Have a good time.”

“… … .”

what does it mean?

After I finished looking around, I asked Yuri.

“Have you not eaten lunch yet?”


“Let’s go. I’ll buy you something delicious.”

“Ok. I’m hungry, so let’s go.”

As I went out of the building, I saw Taek-gyu and Ellie coming in together.

“Hey, Jinhoo! Did you go to school well?”

Ellie, who was waving her hand warmly looking at me, looked at the glass next to her.

“this person is… … ?”

I said confused.

“Ah! This is a junior in school.”


Ellie greeted him warmly.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Ellie Kim.”

Yuri nodded her head.

“Good morning. This is Yuri Shin.”

The two smiled and greeted each other. They seem to recall something from each other’s names.

“A foreigner who used to go to school with Jinhoo senior during vacation… … ?”

“The junior who followed me home… … ?”

“… … .”

“… … .”

For a moment, in the silence, Taek-gyu put his hand on my shoulder and said in a low voice.

“I knew this day would come one day, my friend.”

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