Chapter 134

Perhaps he did not know that I would fight the government to the end, and Chairman Im Jin-yong looked slightly surprised.

Even before that, there was an opportunity to reconcile.

If, at the time of the press conference, the illegal investigation by the civilian inspectorate and the prosecution had been quietly passed on without disclosing it to the media, they would not have been hostile to each other as they are now.

I’m not doing this out of self-esteem without thinking.

In the worst case, K Company is split from a consolidated corporation into an independent corporation, and OTK Company is even thinking of withdrawing from Korea.

Taek-gyu and I are naturalized to the United States.

Of course, you should avoid going into this situation.

Chairman Im Jin-yong poured the alcohol from his glass into his mouth.

“Now let’s talk about work.”


“Seoseong Group made several mistakes during that time. There are two of them that are not left out.”

“I think I know what it is. One is Andromeda, right?”

He nodded.

Paul Kate, creator of Andromeda, a smartphone OS, visited Suseong Electronics in the early stages of development and offered to take over, but Suh Sung Electronics refused.

At that point, it was already developing its own OS.

After that, as everyone knows, Andromeda was acquired by Gubble and split the smartphone OS market with NPL’s NOS.

The acquisition price of Gubble is said to be $60 million, and so far it has earned more than $30 billion from Andromeda alone.

It is unknown whether it would have happened even if Suh Sung Electronics took over, but it is true that a good opportunity was blown away.

“The other one is Nikola. Founder Allen Eberhart visited Seoseong SB in the early days and requested a large supply of 18650 batteries.”

18650 means 18 millimeters in diameter and 6.5 centimeters in height, and is a universally used battery for cell phones and laptops.

The biggest advantage is that the price is cheap as it is mass-produced.

Electric vehicles are expensive because of the price of batteries. Allen was thinking of lowering the price of electric vehicles by connecting thousands of 18650 batteries, which are general-purpose small batteries, in parallel, rather than large batteries for automobiles.

It is true that he is a great genius, but anyone can come up with an idea like this. However, making an idea a reality is impossible for anyone to do.

The battery does not end with just connecting it, but it also needs to control performance uniformly and manage heat.

Everyone thought it was impossible, but Allen was confident that he could solve the problem with his own technical skills.

“Seoseong SB rejected that request.”

“At that time, Nikola was not a company that made a single car. Allen was confident he would buy as much as he could make, but he couldn’t take the risk for a new startup.”

In the end, Allen visited Technics in Japan and signed an exclusive contract.

After that, the electric vehicle Nikola released was evaluated as revolutionary and sold like a wing, thanks to which Technics, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, was revived.

Currently, Seoseong SB is in the process of courting Nikola, but Nikola has announced that it will be exclusively supplied by Technics.

From the standpoint of Seoseong SB, it means that they have missed a golden opportunity to become the dominant player in the battery market.

If it went well then, wouldn’t there be no way to work with me?

Chairman Im Jin-yong tilted the bottle and refilled the glass.

“Seosung Group has grown thanks to government support.”

“It was the same for all big companies.”

When developing countries achieve state-led economic development, they intensively promote companies with limited resources.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current chaebol groups were raised with the people’s taxes. It provided low-interest funds, protected the domestic market, and saved lives by injecting public funds in case of a crisis.

“The Korean market is narrow. Relying on the domestic market will only lead to extinction. So my grandfather and father always said we should go out into the world. As he grew up with support from the state, he thought that earning foreign currency was the way to patriotism.”

“That’s right. That’s real patriotism.”

The Seosung Group earns tens of billions of dollars a year abroad, which plays a role in supporting the Korean economy.

Of course, without Seosung Electronics, another company could have taken the place. However, just because companies with a market capitalization of 300 trillion won disappear, 10 companies with a market capitalization of 30 trillion won will not appear.

This is a fact that only Japanese electronics companies can see.

While the market caps of Sony and Toshiba declined, new companies did not appear, but rather foreign companies such as Suseong Electronics and NPL lost the market.

“Seosung Electronics was able to leap forward as a global company thanks to semiconductors and smartphones. The problem is now. If we do not create a new growth engine in the future, we will always be left behind.”

“Is the growth engine the automobile industry?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong nodded his head.

“What do you think about hydrogen cars?”

“What do you think, senior?”

“Even among our experts, opinions are divided. Some say that the era of electric vehicles will not pass for a few years and that hydrogen cars will move on, while others say that electric cars and hydrogen cars will coexist.”

“Anyway, it’s saying that hydrogen cars will play a part.”

“There are many advantages over electric vehicles. It will not be impossible to push out electric vehicles as long as the price is lowered through technological development and mass production.”

“On the other hand, if electric vehicles can solve the problem of secondary batteries, they can push hydrogen cars into tubes and nail the lids.”

Chairman Im Jin-yong’s eyes lit up at my words.

“Is it possible?”

I said with certainty.

“It certainly will be.”

* * *

three days later.

Professor Homin Kim visited OTK Company directly. After receiving a call from the information desk, I quickly went down to the lobby.

“If you had told me, I would have come to you.”

“OK. After all, today is a day without lectures.”

I took him to the CEO’s office. Professor Homin Kim said while scratching his head.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a few days. I also talked with Professor Myung-Jun Kim.”

“What did you say?”

“I highly recommend it as a good opportunity.”

After all, there is only the head of our department. I’ll have to say thank you later.

“Can you keep all the promises I made before? Not to interfere in any way with the development direction and to treat researchers well.”

Seeing you say this, it looks like you have made up your mind.

I nodded.

“of course.”

“You may not be aware of it, but being a researcher is not usually difficult. There is a lot of work, but the salary is low, and there is no guarantee that I will do well later.”

“We will give the best treatment to both the professors and the researchers.”

Professor Homin Kim looked at me and asked.

“Can you really make me rich? Money is money, but I want to show my kids that if you work hard on R&D, you can become more successful than an entrepreneur or an investor.”

“Yes. Your professor will be your role model.”

Professor Homin Kim held out his hand.

“Good. Well then, please, sir.”

I grabbed that hand.

“I would like to thank you, Director of the Institute.”

* * *

It’s been a long time since I met Hyunjoo noona alone.

“I bought you coffee.”


My sister still looked tired.

“The necklace and earrings go well together.”

Hyunjoo noona laughed at my words.

“Thank you for the gift. Do I have to do something too?”

“I have a lot of money, so I’ll take my heart.”

Hyunjoo noona put a cigarette in her mouth and lit it. I sat down and drank coffee.

“How are you doing?”

“It’s always busy.”

“These days, Golden Gate has been doing really well.”

Golden Gate, which entered the Korean market, began to expand its business in earnest. As well as stocks, he has extended his hands to bonds, funds, futures options, asset management, corporate loans, and PF.

Among them, the most differentiator among domestic securities firms is overseas funds.

Since last year, it has launched several funds that invest in the ASEAN market, and the management capabilities it has accumulated in the global market have shed light and made huge profits. Of course, it is also thanks to the global economic recovery.

As the yield became known, funds flowed into the fund.

Domestic securities companies, which operated by picking up the ground and swimming, screamed in pain all at once. Still, some brokerage firms responded quickly by expanding their sales networks and launching new products.

In the meantime, foreign IBs have not had much power in Korea. The fact that Golden Gate was able to establish itself in a relatively short period of time was largely thanks to the head of the branch, Hyunjoo noona.

“How about yours?”

I told you the progress.

“We have hired the head of the research center, and we are establishing the research center as planned. I think the money will be settled by the OTK Games dividend coming in next quarter.”

Hyunjoo noona asked, putting on her glasses.

“I’ve been curious about this for a while, is there any reason to proceed in such a hurry?”

There is an order in things.

You can take over an automobile company first, expand factories according to sales volume, and then invest in new R&D.

However, I am in the process of acquiring, developing technology, building a factory, establishing a battery joint venture, and establishing a battery research institute at the same time.

“It’s good if things go as planned, but if things go wrong, it will collapse one after another.”

“It’s not that I don’t know the danger.”

If it hadn’t been for the foreknowledge, I wouldn’t have worked like this.

“But why?”

“The future is coming sooner than you think.”

The industry is changing rapidly in every way.

Sharing economy, big data, artificial intelligence, simple payment, etc.

In China, instead of using a card or cash, you can also pay with Genie Pay at street vendors. Since commerce is impossible without Genie Pay, Myeong-dong and duty-free shops with many Chinese tourists have started accepting payments.

Blockchain technology, which was not even a concept until just a few years ago, has risen sharply, and the prices of various cryptocurrencies, including Vantcoin, have skyrocketed day by day.

In the United States, calling for Iver instead of catching a taxi has become a daily routine, and in China, Dada Chuxing, established jointly by Alijini and Weichent, took its place.(Read more @

In comparison, Korea is no different from the Galapagos. This is because all kinds of regulations are preventing innovation.

“Autonomous driving and electric vehicles will change the world. That time is short.”

Hyunjoo noona rubbed the cigarette into the ashtray and put it out.

“What kind of future do you envision?”

I smiled.

“Actually, I don’t even know.”

The information I know is fragmentary and limited. It’s like a single point. However, if you connect the dots, it becomes a line, and if you connect the lines, it becomes a face.

Then maybe you can figure out what kind of picture it is?

“Then why did you tell me to come?”

Hyunjoo noona drank her coffee while leaning her back on the sofa.

“There are rumors that the Financial Supervisory Service will investigate the transaction between Golden Gate and OTK Company,” she said.

“Are you the Financial Supervisory Service?”

If the Fair Trade Commission is the underworld for companies, the Financial Supervisory Service is the underworld for financial companies.

“For what?”

“We are going to check to see if there were any preferential treatment or illegal activities in the transaction process. Then, if a problem is found, we will sanction it.”

“After the National Intelligence Service, the Prosecutor’s Office, and the National Tax Service, the FSS?”

“I don’t know what else will come next. There may be another tax audit.”

As long as Ronald is present, it is impossible to do such a ridiculous thing as last time. However, it is also true that there is no way to stop it when it comes to the legal investigation.

“I met Chairman Im Jin-yong before… … .”

I told him what I was talking about, and Hyun-joo nodded her head.

“That’s right. At least, because Park Si-hyung looked competent unlike other politicians. I thought that if everyone could develop the economy and make a country where everyone can prosper, they could just ignore their personal faults.”

Park Si-hyung shouted business-friendly under the belief that the people should prosper only when businesses prosper. In fact, thanks to various privileges, large corporations have grown significantly.

However, the situation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) below them has become even more difficult, and as the wage increase rate has decreased, real income has taken a step backward.

If you think about it, it’s normal. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for most of the manufacturing employment. Can the economy of the working class improve in a difficult situation?

Nevertheless, the public still supported Park Si-hyung.

“Even if there are not one or two incidents that have happened so far. If it had been any other president, he would have been impeached sooner.”

“That’s why people’s image is always important.”

If he is a politician with an image of integrity and innocence, he will be hit hard by even a small corruption.

In the case of Park Si-hyung, the opposite is true. It has the image of doing a good job even though it has flaws, so it is an atmosphere where even if any corruption occurs, it will be the same.

If we find evidence and expose our relationship with PAS, would it be fatal?

Is there any other good way?

At that moment, a hologram appeared in front of me.

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