Chapter 153

The season was full spring.

But before I could fully enjoy the spring sunshine, yellow dust and fine dust from China blew. From time to time, disaster messages urging people to refrain from outdoor activities and the dangers of fine dust have arrived.

On severe days, it was difficult to even go out without a mask. Masks were sold out at pharmacies and convenience stores.

The company fully operated the air purifier and distributed masks to the employees. The packaging says it’s made in China.

Taek-gyu said in a strange way.

“They also export fine dust and masks.”

I nodded.

“This is the true creative economy.”

In order to reduce fine dust, which is getting worse day by day, eco-friendly vehicles should be widely distributed. We need to launch an electric car and sell it all over the world.

I had a video call with Daryl after a long time. It looks like he’s been through a lot of hardship, or he looks tired My hair seems to have decreased a bit too.

Among the companies that OTK Company has invested in, there are companies that make a profit, and there are companies that lose money.

The company that loses the most is, of course, Carlos. You’re forgetting more than you’ve earned elsewhere.

After refusing a request to increase sales margins, relations with dealers deteriorated, and sales plummeted. The factory was also partially shut down because inventory only increased when production had to be done. When the production line stopped, the workers had nothing to do.

Fortunately, the new car development proceeded at a rapid pace.

Chrysler has already gone through several financial difficulties and has streamlined its lineup. As a result, only a few models are currently on sale.

I plan to discontinue all of those models and launch two new cars under the Karos brand. One sedan and one SUV. It is medium in size and uses the same platform to reduce development costs.

The engine was improved as much as possible from the existing one, and the mission decided to purchase from a German company instead of developing it in-house.

Although internal combustion locomotives will be released first, EVs will focus on electric vehicles once the new plant is completed and battery supply and demand are met.

Even if it is a new car, it is not significantly superior to other automakers in terms of performance or fuel economy.

An important fact is that it will be equipped with level 4 autonomous driving technology for the first time in the industry. The software has already been developed and the test run has been successfully completed.

It seems that they are almost there, but it is not an easy task to mount it on a mass-produced car.

In order for the software to work perfectly, the performance of the hardware must be the basis. Fortunately, our partner is none other than Suseong Electronics.

Seosung Electronics has the world’s best manufacturing technology for electronic products, and has been preparing to enter the electric field business for a long time, so work progressed smoothly.

Currently, in Silicon Valley, Karos and Suseong Electronics researchers are working together to maximize the performance of software and hardware.

“The problem is cost. If you add up the hardware costs for the experimental vehicle, it’s $100,000.”

For data processing, vehicle AP Exarus Auto, various semiconductors, and communication equipment are installed, and various sensors such as 3D cameras, LIDAR, radar, and ultrasonic waves are installed on the front and rear of the vehicle to replace the driver’s eyes and ears. do.

“The key is how much cost can be lowered through mass production and technology development.”

If you think about it, the hardware that implements advanced technology has always been expensive. In the early 1990s, 386 computers cost more than 5 million won. (Considering the inflation rate, it is now over 10 million won.)

But now you can buy a computer that is hundreds of times more powerful than that for less than a tenth of the price.

If the mass production of autonomous vehicles starts in earnest in the future, the prices of related parts will also fall rapidly. But that’s a later story anyway. What matters to us is the present.

No matter how many cars are equipped with autonomous driving, if the price of a mid-size car exceeds 100 million won, how many people will buy it?

Whether it’s an electric car or a self-driving car, it should offer a realistic price that the middle class can afford. That’s why Nikola is betting on the production of the 30,000-40,000 dollar Model TH.

How much the parts price can be lowered is entirely up to Suseong Electronics. I think we should discuss this issue with Chairman Im Jin-yong later.

Technology is also technology, but the key is how much will you have in that area.

“As you can see from the report, there is another big problem.”

Daryl talked about the situation for about 30 minutes. Hearing it, it turned out to be a lot more serious than I thought.

I nodded and said.

“I am going to America. I’ll go ahead and tell you the details.”


We ended the video call.

I said to Taek-gyu.

“I want to go to America.”

“I am busy these days.”


“The inauguration ceremony of the pro game team is just around the corner, can I be without me?”

“… … .”

Were you still doing that?

OTK Company’s creation of a professional game team was quite an issue on the Internet. Above all, gamers were very interested in the fact that the vice president was interested in it and proceeded directly.

From OTK Games to the founding of a professional game team. He is showing himself that in order to do ductwork, you have to do it on this scale.

Thanks to this, the reputation of the ‘hermit otaku’ on game sites is increasing.

In hindsight, it is correct that the original president and vice president move separately. One of the two has to protect the company.

“It’s boring to go alone.”

Who would you like to take with you on a business trip?

After thinking for a while, Taek-gyu said.

“What do you have to worry about? It’s obvious if you’re going with someone.”

* * *

I crossed over to the next building.

Golden Gate’s legal team is made up of half Koreans and half foreigners due to the nature of many foreign affairs.

I saw Ellie working among the men in suits. I sent a message, and she was talking to a foreign employee. Ellie checked her phone, then raised her head to look at me.

Ellie apologized to the other staff and went out into the hallway.

“Hey, Jinhoo. What did you come here for?”

Is it because I just saw you working? For some reason, Ellie’s face seemed to shine.

A woman who works hard at her job is nice.

“She was at work and she suddenly wanted to see her.”

Then Ellie’s face turned slightly red.

“Hmm, really?”

I smiled.

“What I want to see is the truth, and there is another story.”


“I’m going on a business trip to the US, would you like to go with me?”

Ellie blinked her eyes.

“America? I need Jessica’s permission to go.”

Since I am the main body at work, I cannot move without the permission of the branch manager.

“Don’t worry. I got permission from Hyunjoo noona in advance.”

At my words, Eli rejoiced like a child and embraced me. She looked around her in surprise, but fortunately there was no one in the hallway.

Can she kiss me?

I wrapped my arms around her Ellie’s waist and kissed her lightly.

“It’s the day after tomorrow, so get ready.”

“I see.”

* * *

I booked a first class ticket.

Taegyu said.

“Why don’t you buy a dedicated plane in this place?”

“The car must be sold.”

It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but I’m not in a situation where I can afford it that much right now.

Although the value of assets continues to increase due to the growth of startups, there is not one or two places where money is spent.

Even if the cash flow is tight, even by issuing bonds, it is time to raise cash.

“No worries. If the coin goes bad, all problems will be solved.”

“… … .”

I don’t know since when our hope became a coin.

“Let’s expect to hit 20,000 Vantcoin by the end of this year.”

I said absurdly.

“I would be happy if it was over $5,000.”

“I think it will go further.”

I told Taek-gyu before I left.

“Take good care of the company while I go.”

“What should I do?”

“You just need to sit down.”

Actually, I don’t do much these days. The role of the CEO is to encourage the employees to work hard.


I was greeted by Taek-gyu, I loaded my luggage into the car and set off. When we went to the Grand Dayton Hotel, I saw Ellie standing with her suitcase at the front door.

Instead of her usual black trouser suit, she wore a pink off-the-shoulder blouse that revealed her clavicle and a pleated skirt that reached her ankles.

Passersby, both her men and women, glanced at Ellie with her glance.

When she stopped her car, Ellie loaded her luggage into her trunk and climbed into her passenger seat.

“It’s the first time the two of us are going abroad.”

“Iknow, right.”

Although he is going to work, he looks excited as if he is going on a trip. Actually, so am I.

Arriving at the airport, we went through immigration and boarded the plane to Detroit.

First class was quiet.

There were a few passengers, but they rarely met face-to-face as the space was separated.

After the plane took off and mobility became possible, Ellie came to my seat with wine.

“I paid a lot of money to ride it, so you have to drink a lot of wine,” she said.

“That’s right.”

We bumped the glasses.

Ellie slightly lifted her clothes, she said.

“How about this dress?”

Needless to say, it fits well. It looks like it could be featured in a fashion pictorial as it is.

“Isn’t it too deep? The shoulders were too exposed.”

In fact, there were a lot of people looking at Ellie from the airport, so I was constantly concerned. If you look down from above, you can see her underwear.

Ellie sticks out her tongue slightly.

“Even in Korea, everyone wears this kind of clothes.”

“… … .”

Am I too conservative?

Ellie stared at me with a look on her face as if she wanted to hear something.(Read more @


At my words, Ellie squinted her eyes.

“After all, Jin-hoo has eyes to see.”

While we drank wine and chatted, the plane flew over the Pacific Ocean.

* * *

The security guards sent by the company were waiting in the arrival hall of the airport.

A large white man in his early forties said hello.

“Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Jin-hoo. This is Ronnie Butler, the head of the security team.”

“I wish you well.”

These are none other than the bodyguards of X-Cop. After being acquired by Golden Gate and OTK Company, Xcop entered the corporate security market by establishing a corporation in the US market.

Most of the companies in which OTK Company owns have entrusted security and security to Xcop.

We got out of the airport and got into the car waiting outside, guided by the security guard.

The car is a Chrysler 300C.

After Carlos took over Chrysler, all corporate vehicles were replaced with Chrysler vehicles.

For reference, it is also sold through dealers in Korea, but it does not sell well. Although they are discounting more than 10 million won, sales are at a disastrous level.

It’s heartbreaking to say with my mouth, but with that money, it’s better to buy a silver car. Or spend more money and buy a German car.

There must be a reason why it doesn’t sell.

We first went to the accommodation near the Karos headquarters and unpacked. Of course, there were two rooms.

I changed into a suit, and Ellie wore a black trouser suit as usual. We got back in the car and drove to the Karos headquarters.

When we arrived at headquarters, Daryl and the executives were waiting for us, ready for the meeting.

I greeted them warmly and introduced Ellie.

“This is the lawyer of the Golden Gate Korean branch.”

Ellie smiled and greeted her.

“Nice to meet you, this is Ellie Kim.”

Some people, including Daryl, had met Ellie before, but most were new.

I received the management report first.

We already know that sales are plummeting and losses are snowballing.

“Let’s move on to the new car.”

Ryan, the COO, showed renderings of sedans and SUVs on the screen.

The design was clean and uncluttered. The streamlined body wasn’t great enough to be admired, but there was nothing to point out.

“Some details may change during mass production.”

It is a design that does not seem to get tired of looking at it for a long time. Most of all, I like the fact that it completely erased the color of the existing Chrysler.

Now the most important thing remains.

Daryl said with a serious expression.

“The union has proposed 21 demands, including a wage increase, and if they are not accepted, they will go on a general strike.”

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