Chapter 170

The Korean media poured such articles about Warren Boat’s unconfirmed visit to the Blue House, but did not deal much with the fact that he met me.

Just in the process of reporting the meeting with Chairman Im Jin-yong, she briefly mentioned that she might meet with the OTK Company side and passed by.

On the other hand, foreign media focused on this fact. CNN commented that Warren Boat’s visit to Korea might be to meet me.

“It seems so. Are you really not coming to Korea to meet you?”



Foreign press requests for coverage continued towards OTK Company. The reporters asked what the purpose of meeting Warren Boat was and what topics they would discuss. As I was unaware of that, all requests for investigation were rejected.

Lunch with Warren Boat seems like a great deal.

When the specific date was set, the company was excited.

Sangyeop senior emphasized her bond from her club days and begged her to take her too, and Michael Lee came up to the CEO’s office and hinted at it.

“I heard you were having dinner with Warren Boat. I have loved him since childhood. He was like a superhero to me.”


“It’s just that.”

“… … .”

If you want to go, say you want to go!

It didn’t end here.

“I did some surveys to see if any of the staff would like to attend lunch with Warren Boat just in case you need it.”

“Oh yeah?”

Why? didn’t you even do it?

Senior Ki Hong said with a bright smile.

“Everyone, including me, has expressed their desire to attend,” she said.

When she received the questionnaire, it was written about whether she would attend and why she wanted to attend. All of them carefully wrote down the reasons.

“… … .”

She’s done a really useless investigation.

Wouldn’t it be just a company dinner party instead of a lunch with Warren Boat if all these people attended?

What should I do with this?

I called the Berkshire Cashier.

“I have something to tell President Warren Boat.”

[I’m Warren Boat, just tell me.]

I was surprised by that.

“Yeah? Is it real?”

It seems to me that the voices are similar.

[Haha, I told you to return it to me right away when the OTK Company calls you. Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Jin-hoo.]

“Oh, yes. nice to meet you too.”

I’m talking to Warren Boat. Wouldn’t that be a joke?

I calmed my excitement and calmly explained the situation.

He thought for a moment when he said that everyone in the staff wanted to meet him.

[Then how about doing this? After dinner, I will stop by OTK Company to have time with the staff.]

“Thank you for that, but would you mind?”

[of course. I’ve been wanting to visit OTK Company for a while, and it turned out well.]

“The staff will be delighted.”

[Then I’ll see you in a few days.]

After the call was over, I informed the staff. The staff then raised their arms and cheered.

That’s how popular Warren Boat is in the financial world.

* * *

The members on our side were me, Taekkyu, Eli, Hyunjoo noona, and Henry.

Henry was included because of the personal friendship between James C. Goldman and Warren Boat.

So Henry also said he had met Warren Boat a few times.

On the day of the appointment, we decided not to go to work and to meet at home.

Warren Boat is so famous and it’s been a long time since he’s been to Korea, so wherever he goes, he will attract attention and the reporters will follow him.

So, I decided to invite him to my house and serve him dinner. An outdoor table and barbecue grill were prepared in the home garden, and the chef was invited by the Ceylon Hotel.

They said anything on the menu was fine, but there was only one thing I asked for. Just asking for Coca-Cola.

“Can’t Pepsi?”

“Huh. No.”

Because Berkshire Cashier is a major shareholder of Coca-Cola. For reference, Coca-Cola’s headquarters is in Atlanta, near Edens.

Warren Boat’s love of Coca-Cola is famous.

As a joke, he is holding Coca-Cola at the shareholders’ meeting saying that the secret to his health is thanks to Coca-Cola.

Maybe it’s because they like it that much, but it doesn’t mean it’s meant to promote subsidiaries.

“Why don’t we play a face-it video at the general shareholders’ meeting?”

“… … .”

Then both of them will be arrested for distributing pornography.

As Faceit is a pornographic site, it is designated as a harmful site in Korea and cannot be accessed.

But surprisingly, 8% of paid subscribers are Korean!

“By the way, there are only three shareholders if you say they are shareholders.”

Me, Taek-gyu, and Hyun-joo noona are over. It will increase a bit if subsidiaries are included, but it is the same as all of these companies are unlisted.

“Does a lot of people come to the Berkshire Cashier Shareholders’ Meeting?”

“It’s almost like a local festival.”

Tens of thousands of people flock to Edens every year to see the Warren Boat in action.

At the shareholders’ meeting, not only Berkshire Cashier executives, but also the executives of subsidiaries, actively reveal business performance and vision to shareholders.

It is very different from Korean conglomerates that treat minority shareholders as transparent people. When he threatens management, he asks for help.

“Do you know how much a Berkshire Cashier share?”

“How are you?”

“As of yesterday, A-share would be less than $300,000.”

The price per share is more than 300 million won. By the way, the price of B-shares is a little cheap, one-tenth, but it is still expensive.

“What is so expensive?”

“Because the company has grown by leaps and bounds.”

It is currently the sixth largest by market cap in the United States. For reference, all of the above stocks are IT companies such as Nplay and Gubble.

“How the hell did you make so much money?”

“It’s like us.”

I followed it, so of course it has to be the same.

The investment method of Warren Boat is very simple and anyone can follow it. It’s about buying good stocks at a low price and holding them for a long time.

The problem is that it’s not as easy as it sounds… … .

“You don’t do derivatives?”

“It’s not that I don’t do short selling or options on futures, but it is for hedging rather than investment.

Taek-gyu thought deeply and said.

“But aren’t you better off with your recent performance?”

I nodded.

“If you look at the returns over a few years, it might be.”

However… … .

There are countless people who have achieved great results in a short period of time in the market. But it’s only Warren Boat that has made steady profits over the decades.

Investors that were once successful often go bankrupt later.

George Soros, infamous hedge fund mogul, had great success in attacking the British foreign exchange market (the UK later robbed other investors) and Thailand’s foreign exchange market, but when the Russian moratorium and the dot-com bubble collapsed Didn’t he back off at an astronomical loss?

Warren Boat, on the other hand, has consistently earned around 20% or so for decades without major failures.

Considering that there have been several major financial crises in the meantime, such as the oil shock, the dot-com bubble, and the subprime mortgage crisis, it is hard to describe this as phenomenal.

Wouldn’t it be difficult for an investor like this to come back in history?

“Still, you have more wealth.”

“It will be similar.”

OTK Company is unlisted, and most of the companies holding shares are also unlisted companies. Therefore, it is not easy to accurately measure the value.

But no matter how small the catch, it will exceed $100 billion. Right now, Karos alone is valued at $80 billion.

If that is the case, then my fortune is about 80 trillion won. This would easily put him in the top 5 on the world’s richest list.

Taek-gyu patted my shoulder and said.

“Warren Boat or whatever, you are the best investor for me.”

“You know what?”

“Of course I don’t know.”

“… … .”

After a while, Henry arrived home first. His hair was neatly organized and he looked handsome. I don’t know if it’s because of Hyunjoo noona or Warren Boat.

Henry replied to the question of how long it would take to see each other.

“We met for the first time when we were in junior high school, and have seen each other several times since then. The last meeting was about three years ago.”

Next, Hyunjoo’s sister and Ellie arrived.

“We are here.”

“Come on.”

Hyeon-joo’s older sister, just like her at work, is dressed neatly in a white blouse and black high-waisted skirt.

Ellie, on the other hand, wore her pleated skirt, a sky blue blouse and sandals. It has a refreshing appearance as if from a picnic.

Now her hair has grown so much that it is soft enough to reach her shoulders.

Hyun-joo’s sister asked.

“When did you arrive?”

“I left from the airport earlier, so it will take about an hour.”

Warren Boat’s visit to Korea was a big issue in itself.

Thousands of reporters and welcoming crowds gathered at the airport. The footage of Warren Boat disembarking at the airport, saying hello and getting into the car was broadcast live.

His car is heading straight to our house.

Hyunjoo noona looks a little nervous. On the other hand, Taek-gyu was full of leeway.

“Relax, sister.”

“shut up.”

Ellie smiled and said.

“I never thought I would meet Warren Boat in person in my life.”

I nodded.

“Actually, so am I.”

* * *

I used to think like this when I was in school.

He gets a job and saves money to buy Berkshire Cashier stock. A-shares are too expensive, so buy B-shares first. Then, after receiving a shareholder meeting participation certificate, he goes to Edens and confidently asks a question to Warren Boat.

But now there is no need for that.

Before my eyes, I had the greatest investor in existence.(Read more @

His gray hair was combed to both sides to expose his forehead, and he wore black-rimmed glasses. On the outside, he looks like a kind white grandfather.

When Taek-gyu mumbled that he resembled his grandfather standing in front of the chicken house, Hyun-joo’s older sister next to him stabbed her in the side and made her shut up.

Warren Boat greeted him with his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Warren Boat.”

“Nice to meet you, this is Jinhoo Kang.”

Taking my hand, Warren said with a smile.

“I have always wanted to meet CEO Kang Jin-hoo for a long time.”

“I always wanted to see you too.”

I can’t believe the situation right now.

Warren Boat is standing in our garden! Is this how a fan who meets a celebrity they like feels like?

He was born in the 1930s and is now 86 years old. He is very straight-forward for his age.

As anyone who has played stocks knows, the stress that financial investors receive is beyond imagination.

Of course, since we value the intrinsic value of a company and make long-term investments, we do not flirt with the current stock price, but… … This is easy to say, with stock prices fluctuating right in front of your eyes, how many people can maintain their composure?

It deserves respect just for being active and active while maintaining good health.

Taek-gyu greeted him politely.

“Did you have a hard time coming to Korea?”

Warren said jokingly.

“The captain of the plane seemed a lot more difficult than me.”

He then greeted Henry.

“long time no see.”

Warren was happy and hugged him.

“Oh, Henry! how much is this You seem to be taller in the meantime. I think I can stop sleeping now. How are you doing in Korea?”

“That’s right. How have you been?”

“Haha, it’s always me. It’s nice to see you in Korea like this.”

After that, I shook hands with Hyunjoo noona.

“Nice to meet you. This is Jessica Oh, the president of Golden Gate Korea.”

Surprisingly, Warren already knew about Hyun-joo’s older sister.

“I’ve heard a lot about Governor Oh. Did you know that many of the Wall Street investment firms are scouting for scouts? If you don’t like Golden Gate, you can always come to Berkshire Cashier. There will always be a seat for you.”

“Thank you for your words.”

She tried not to show it, but the look of her liking was evident on her Hyeon-joo older sister’s face. And when Taek-gyu saw it, his mouth seemed itchy because he wanted to tease him.

Finally, Ellie said hello.

“Good morning. She is Ellie Kim from the legal team of the Golden Gate Korean branch. I only see her on TV every time, but seeing her in person like this is even more wonderful.”

Warren burst out laughing.

“Haha, thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve been praised for looks rather than investment.”

After saying goodbye, we sat down.

Lunch with Warren Boat, which someone said to have paid 4 billion won, started.

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