Chapter 186

Professor Brown said in an NBC interview:

“The earthquake in southern Mexico is by no means a harbinger of a big one. Rather, it was confirmed that the earthquake caused the energy of the Ring of Fire to be released and the movement of the San Andreas Fault has subsided.”

Other experts said the same thing.

Until before, there was an atmosphere of some skepticism about Professor Mohan’s assertions. However, after the earthquake in southern Mexico, the situation completely changed.

The mainstream media lashed out. They attacked by bringing out our personal history that had nothing to do with this incident.

The conservative media took issue with Professor Mohan’s grandmother being Indian and that I was Korean. In a nutshell, people who are not pure white are arrogant.

There were even rumors that I was affiliated with IS, or that I had sex with porn stars in the secret room of Face It.

When you see this, you realize that giregi exists in any country.

The internet was as noisy as the media.

-Is Jinhoo Kang really wrong?

– They said a great earthquake occurred in the central part, but it happened in the southern part. That’s good!

-But even if it was a big earthquake, it didn’t seem like there was much damage.

-It’s all bullshit that 1 million people die when Big One comes.

– Because it’s rural Mexico. It would be a different story if it exploded in San Francisco.

– Instead, San Francisco has a much better seismic design. If a similar earthquake had occurred, the casualties would have been much less.

– I couldn’t sleep well because I was worried for a few days, but I’m sure I can sleep well today.

-Big One never comes!

?Online gambling sites are also heating up.

Each site placed a bet on whether or not an earthquake greater than M9.0 occurred in San Francisco in September.

People don’t lie when they bet money. Therefore, the hit rate of gambling sites in various predictions is quite high.

Until then, ‘No’ had the upper hand 81 to 19. However, after the earthquake in southern Mexico, the ratio changed to 92 to 8.

Taek-gyu looked at it and muttered.

“Still, 8% believe in our language.”

“… … .”

I don’t know if it’s because I really believe it, or if I’m just trying to make money.

“The dividend is going to be pretty good. Shall I bet some money?”

“Gambling is illegal.”

Because Korea adopts a common sense, betting on gambling sites legally operated in foreign countries is punishable.

Taehyung nodded his head and said.

“So you shouldn’t get caught.”

Well, it’s not a crime if you don’t get caught.

I got a call from Professor Mohan. Perhaps because of the criticism from the media, Professor Noh had a dead voice.

[It’s strange. According to the data analysis results, an earthquake should occur in Mexico City.]

What I saw was also the ‘Great Mexico City Earthquake’.

“It just happened in the south first, but the Mexico City earthquake you mentioned is still there. It will probably happen soon.”

According to Professor Mohan’s analysis, it was before Big One.

The question is, when exactly is that?

Right now, the media and politicians are excitedly arguing that our claims are wrong. There is no way to implement an evacuation plan in this situation.

To reverse the flow, the Mexico City earthquake must be proven.

It would be nice to know other information like the San Francisco earthquake… … .

[The earthquake in Mexico is a foreshadowing of the Big One. Since there has already been one earthquake, the next earthquake will be smaller.]

“I’m glad I did.”

Still, Mexico City is the capital of Mexico, so the damage is likely to be much greater than that of the Fahiapan earthquake.

“Don’t worry about anything else, just focus on your research.”


When the call was over, I put my phone down.

Only 20 days left.

* * *

Seeing the article, Park Si-hyung burst into laughter.


I always had a pretentious smile when I appeared in front of the press and the public, but I don’t know how long it’s been to laugh with such an open mind.

“There are times when things are wrong even after the earthquake of the world.”

Professor Mohan has been claiming the possibility of a big one in academia for a long time. Until then, no one paid attention to his claims, but after Kang Jin-hoo came out, he gained strong power. However, this has proven to be incorrect.

It just caused chaos in California.

If nothing else happens within the next three weeks, Kang Jin-hoo will lose all of his shares and management rights in OTK Company.

Although the deposit was made arbitrarily to the last, there is no reason not to exercise the right of the State of California.

During the meeting on financial measures, we also listened to all the stories of earthquake experts in Korea.

they said one by one. It is difficult to predict the location and magnitude of the earthquake, and it is impossible to accurately estimate the time of the earthquake.

‘Then why did you do such a stupid thing?’

Successful people sometimes make silly mistakes. Intoxicated with successive successes, they are caught up in the conviction that only they will never fail.

After hitting the jackpot several times in investment, are you mistakenly thinking that even disasters can be predicted?

Perhaps after waking up after falling down from an earthquake, he went crazy or was deceived by Professor Mohan’s words.

Anyway, even if I came to my senses now, it was too late to turn back.

Park Si-hyeong remembered his bad relationship with Kang Jin-hoo. Search and seizure, NIS temple, Hoseong Savings Bank incident, etc.

It took a serious blow to his morals and image, forced him to apologize to the public, beat up his entourage, and arrest his in-laws.

Park Si-hyung is a meticulous personality, and he never forgot his grudges. So, after he became president, he retaliated mercilessly by mobilizing the media, conservative groups, and agencies.

The reason I couldn’t touch Jin-hoo Kang was because Ronald was behind him. But now, Ronald has no choice but to abandon Kang Jin-hoo.

The Korean presidential election is not far away.

Now that he was still in power, and with the fall of the earthquake looming, this was her last chance to use her hand.

The American media was pouring criticism on Jin-hoo Kang and Professor Mohan. Among them, there were many articles that had no basis and made no sense.

Daily World News.

It is famous for publishing nonsensical articles such as a famous Hollywood actress pregnant with the son of a Libyan dictator, and that the US government is catching and experimenting with aliens.

In fact, it was a tabloid that couldn’t even fit into the media axis, and in Korea, it was like a sports newspaper.

There was a report that Kang Jin-hoo had sex with porn stars in the secret room of Face It.

Even Americans laugh and pass it on, but… … .

It doesn’t matter what the truth is. If the media had reported the truth, he would not have been able to sit as president.

‘What the public believes is the truth.’

Park Si-hyung looked at the article and muttered.

“You must pay for what you suffered.”

* * *

After the earthquake in southern Mexico, OTK Company employees were severely shaken.

Fortunately, Henry, who was in charge of the job, carried out his work flawlessly. Container ships entered the port one after another.

I stayed in the hotel with Taek-gyu, reviewing the situation, giving instructions, and trying to convince others.

No matter how much I prepare, this is only a measure after the incident. In order to reduce the damage, the government must take preemptive measures.

However, the politicians did not seem to even plan to evacuate immediately. The Democratic Party took issue with the evacuation drill conducted the other day and launched a political offensive against Ronald.

It is said that he was deceived by nonsense words and forced unnecessary training, which caused confusion. The media also joined the Ronald attack.

As each day passed, I felt more anxious.

Now, really little time left, but few people believed me.

“This is not some kind of Cassandra curse… … .”

“A woman from Greek mythology?”


Cassandra had the foresight of her future, but no one believed her prophecy. Because of the curse of Apollo.

During the Trojan War, when the Greek army left her horse behind and withdrew, Cassandra prophesied that if the horse was brought into her city, Troy would be destroyed.

But again, people did not believe her prophecy and moved her horse into the city, and Troy was destroyed in the end.

Taegyu said.

“Wait for the earthquake in Mexico City. Then you will believe me.”

“I will be delighted.”

To stop the earthquake in San Francisco, it’s time to pray for a major earthquake in Mexico City.

What the hell is Mexico?

* * *

September 19th at 1:15pm.

An earthquake of magnitude 7.1 occurred in central Mexico. This included Mexico City and its surrounding areas.

It was the day that the 1985 Mexico City earthquake killed 40,000 people. However, as soon as the memorial service was over in the morning, another earthquake struck Mexico City!

Power outages and water outages occurred throughout the city, and robberies continued to take advantage of the lack of security.

Fortunately, Mexico City has maintained an earthquake readiness posture since the post-quake warning, and conducted an extensive evacuation drill just before it.

Residents calmly evacuated despite the rush. A mistake could have resulted in serious casualties, but the death toll was less than 300.

The US media broadcast live reports of the earthquake in Mexico.

The ground cracks, and buildings crumble like sandcastles. The tens of stories tall building leaning like the Leaning Tower of Pisa was captured on camera.

[Great earthquake of M7.0 or higher in central Mexico!][Hundreds of buildings collapsed in Mexico City earthquake][Jinhoo Kang was right!][Professor Mohan accurately predicts the earthquake in Mexico City in mid-September!][Is this a precursor to Big One?][Professor Brown, the possibility of a Big One is still very small… … ]

Those who saw the news were shocked.

Until just before, everyone thought that Professor Mohan’s assertion was wrong and was relieved. But again, the situation was reversed.

– What’s going on?

– Jinhu Kang was right!

– Is this the harbinger of Big One?

– Are you saying the Big One is coming or not?(Read more @

?There was a line in line to leave San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Those who could not leave for work had their families evacuated first to relatives in another state.

With people escaping downtown, accommodations close to the California state border were almost empty.

Tourists stopped coming to tourist spots that were always crowded with Chinese people. Some companies have canceled scheduled business trips and events, and postponed them all until October.

The three major U.S. indices plummeted one after another, and safe assets such as gold and the yen hit new highs again.

The odds of gambling sites, which dropped to 95 to 5, have now changed to 74 to 26.

I was watching the news with Taek-gyu when I got a phone call.

he said bluntly.

[Come over here right now!]


As soon as the call was over, I told Taek-gyu.

“Take your luggage.”

We immediately left the hotel and boarded the plane.

It was sunset when we arrived at Washington National Airport. When I got out of the airport, the bodyguards from the White House were waiting.

We got into the car.

* * *

Although it was late, Ronald and Vice President Bauer were present in the Oval Office. Both looked exhausted.

Perhaps the White House was in a state of chaos after being informed of the earthquake in Mexico City. So you must have called me right away.

I called at the airport earlier, and Professor Mohan said that he also received a call from the White House. But he decided to stay in the lab. It was determined that that side would be more helpful.

Ronald looked at me and said.

“It really was a great earthquake in Mexico City.”

I nodded.

“Professor Mohan got it right. Big One will be the same.”

Ronald sighed.

“What would you like me to do?”

“As I said before. We need to evacuate the residents of San Francisco and Silicon Valley right now and put in place rescue measures.”

Vice President Bauer said as if shooting at me.

“If you evacuate, the approval rating will plummet.”

Not long ago, Ronald’s approval rating was barely 25 percent. However, due to the confusion caused by Big One, it fell below 20%.

Taek-gyu flew the facts with an innocent expression.

“Isn’t the approval rating going to drop any further anyway?”

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