Chapter 188

An evacuation plan was carried out, and some confusion was expected. However, the situation now has far exceeded expectations.

In addition, the Blue Fel Tower fire disaster broke out, and public opinion deteriorated extremely.

Protests that began as a memorial to the victims have spread across the United States. Protesters staged street protests demanding an immediate end to the San Francisco evacuation plan and the resignation of Ronald, and even gathered in front of the White House.

Hate demonstrations took place in Koreatowns in each city.

“Koreans are ruining America!”

“Get out of our land!”

“Shut up the yellow monkeys!”

Among them, the most violent protests took place in LA Koreatown, which is not far from San Francisco, the largest Korean population in the United States.

The crowd of protesters was reminiscent of the 1992 Los Angeles riots. The only difference is that they are all white, not black.

They uttered racist remarks and threw rotten eggs and food waste at supermarkets and laundries, and Koreans were terrified.

As the chaos caused by the evacuation measures grew, the protests intensified. The shopping street was completely deserted, and now slingshots and Molotov cocktails have started flying.

The impatient Koreans organized a vigilante group.

Although the United States is a country where individual gun ownership is free, there are not many people who can actually handle guns. On the other hand, in Korea, it is illegal to own a gun, but almost all adult males knew how to handle guns.

The first generation of immigrant men with military experience stood guard and patrolled.

Concerned that the situation would worsen, the state government sent police to force the protesters to disperse. However, the hate protests against Koreans did not stop there.

Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

A 72-story building stood tall among the buildings with 40 stories or less.

The name of this building was Stamper Tower, and it was a high-rise building built by Ronald who bought the air rights of the surrounding buildings in the early days of his real estate business.

The Stamper Tower was a symbol of Manhattan.

However, after the emergency measures were issued, fierce protests took place in front of this place every day. There was no particular reason, it was just because he didn’t want to see the name Stamper.

As the protests continued, there was talk of removing the name Stamper at the residents’ meeting. When the seven letters attached to the entrance were removed, the ‘Stamper Tower’ became just a ‘Tower’.

Protesters watching the scene cheered.


“We won!”

“Shut up, Ronald! Die, Jinhoo Kang!”

* * *

The whole of America was in chaos, and protests broke out everywhere, but Ronald did not budge.

Without hesitation, he continued to direct the evacuation plan.

Once he’s made a decision, it’s his style to push without looking back. This was true both when he was in the real estate business and when he entered politics. And in the end he won the victory.

While the situation in the United States was going crazy, I talked to Sangyeop on the phone.

“Are you doing the job you instructed?”

[Huh. But right now, public opinion here is not good. Protesters always come and protest in front of the company, and the police don’t even care if they’re in the same place.]

I’m not proud of it, but public opinion about me was also the worst.

If you ask Americans to pick just two people they want to kill, they’ll pick me and Ronald. If we add one more person, Professor Mohan will be included.

[I think there will be a search and seizure by the prosecution soon.]

I was surprised.

“A search and seizure? For what?”

Then Sangyeop said:

[I did not know? Now, Korea isn’t even mad about your sex scandal.]


What sex scandal?

* * *

[Jinhoo Kang, having sex with a Face It porn star!]

The first article was published in a tabloid called Daily World News.

The Korean media took the article and published it as if it had been reported by a well-known American media.

Then, without checking the facts, they continued to inflate the suspicions, giving and receiving articles.

If the partner is a porn star or anyone who just had sex, it is morally reprehensible, but not legally punishable.

However, at some point, sex turned into prostitution, and it evolved into prostitution, with the story of paying a price.

The Cho Joong Ilbo published an article on the front page and criticized it intensely.

[OTK Company CEO Kang Jin-hoo, receive sexual entertainment from her subsidiary Face It!]

-(Strategy) Everyone is equal before the law. It is the same whether the poor or the rich, the citizens or the powerful. If the allegations of prostitution and prostitution are found to be true, they should be punished accordingly.

Minister of Gender Equality and Family, Jo Yoo-sun, mentioned this article at a meeting and strongly criticized it.

“Recently, it is known that a CEO of a company received sexual favors from several pornstars and even prostituted them, which is a big shock. This is actually a crime that cannot be condoned as sexual violence by power. Thousands of women around the world still suffer from sexual assault and exploitation. I ask for a thorough investigation, regardless of status, for the sake of women’s human rights.”

Conservative groups, which had been quiet after the Hoseong Savings Bank incident, held large-scale protests every day.

The Parents’ Association became the main pillar, followed by Doctor’s Mothers, Mother’s Volunteer Corps, and the National Salvation Army Association. As a result of the gathering of conservative groups, the number of protesters alone reached tens of thousands.

They gathered in front of OTK Company’s headquarters to demand punishment for prostitution and held a ‘criminal rally against the aftermath of the Gangjin-Jin’, stating that they would be held accountable for putting the United States into chaos.

“The Gang Jin-hoo that destroys the ROK-U.S. alliance, step back!”

“Get away! Get away!”

“Arrest Kang Jin-hoo!”

“Arrest! Arrest!”

“confiscate all property!”

“Forfeit! Confiscate!”

Protesters turned on megaphones all day and shouted nonsensical slogans. It was an illegal assembly that was not reported in advance, but there was no police control.

Protesters tried to enter the building, and bodyguards desperately stopped the influx of protesters. When I had to report it to the police, a police car came and looked around and then returned.

The first protests started on the 15th. However, after the earthquake in Mexico City, it disappeared for several days.

However, after the Blue Fell Tower fire, public opinion about President Ronald and Kang Jin-hoo in the United States worsened, and he reappeared.

Conservative groups accuse Kang Jin-hoo, and the testimony of whistleblowers whose voice has been altered followed. Prosecutors came in with a search and seizure warrant to find evidence of sexual favors.

“It came from the prosecutor’s office. Please cooperate with the search and seizure.”

Park Sang-yeop raised his hands and said.

“Yeah. follow your heart.”

Prosecutors scoured computer hard disks and documents, as well as employees’ smartphones, and took them.

Unlike the last time when he was helpless, this time he prepared for a search and seizure.

All important data was backed up on the server anyway, and all data was deleted to make it impossible to recover. All of the employees’ phones were replaced just before that.

The protests grew more and more radical when public authorities played no role.

Then, in the end, an accident happened.

Jung Gi-hong was assaulted by protesters on the way back from going out. Park Sang-yeop jumped in to save Jung Ki-hong, but was beaten together.

If the X-Cop guards had not rushed to the rescue, a dangerous situation could have arisen.

Park Sang-yeop was only bruised, but Jung Ki-hong was in such a bad condition that he had to be hospitalized. The police arrived a long time after the report, but again, no action was taken.

Park Sang-yeop, who visited the police station, shouted in anger.

“Why don’t you arrest the perpetrators? I was beaten like this, and one employee was even hospitalized!”

The police officer in charge said sarcastically.

“How do you know who hit you?”

“Because I’m submitting a video proof!”

The protest scenes of the protesters were all being recorded by CCTV outside the building and the action cams of the X-Cop security guards.

“I covered my face with a mask, how do I know by watching the video?”

“Then why do you let the illegal protests while wearing masks in a country where the rule of law is held?”

The police nodded his head dryly.

“Okay, so if you have something to prove, leave it there.”

* * *

I spoke to team leader Cheol-jin Lee of Xcop.

[Protesters have gathered in front of the representative’s house as well as in front of Dongtan’s house. So far, there has been no problem, but it may lead to dangerous situations if done wrong.]

“These bastards are really… … .”

In an instant, swearing swelled up.

Don’t you know that family isn’t touching?

“Take your mother to the Ceylon Hotel, and close the area around the house completely. Also, double the number of bodyguards, and provide close security 24 hours a day.”

[Okay. I will take responsibility and protect you.]

The fact that conservative groups were so organized and the police put their hands on it meant that someone was behind it.

Not to mention who it is.

I sighed as I hung up the phone, as Ronald patted my shoulder lightly.

“You and I suffer from sex scandals the same way.”

“… … .”

why is it the same

You’re having sex, I’m just a rumor!

* * *

Civil servants went to each household to provide disaster preparedness supplies and life jackets, and TV shows instructions on what to do and shelters in case of a disaster instead of dramas and entertainment shows.

Gathering available resources was not enough, so this time, they started requisitioning private rescue equipment.

All you need is a ship and a helicopter.

If the requisition is forcibly requisitioned, a different method was taken as backlash is expected. That’s right, it’s tax exempt.

Mario Gonzalez, who lives in the Beverly Hills mansion, had a helipad and his own helicopter inside his mansion.

An employee of Suseong Electronics came and installed a GPS device and a walkie-talkie on his helicopter.

“You just need to sign here.”

Mario said with a snort.

“I would agree with the three-year property tax exemption, but I don’t know what you’re doing.”

Then the young employee said:

“It’s good if nothing happens. If something happens, your helicopter will be of great help to someone.”

Judging from the answers, it seems that I haven’t heard similar stories once or twice while walking around installing.

Well, if it weren’t for tax breaks, who would join this madness?

Mario took her pen and signed her papers.

“This is why democratic citizens should vote well. Those who voted for Ronald or who didn’t go to the polls should reflect on it.”

* * *(Read more @

Disaster countermeasures included the use of smartphones.

The function of the app was simple. When an earthquake occurs, the government uses a communication network to forcibly turn on the GPS of smartphones in the area and deliver the location information to the rescue center. In addition, if necessary, the call, microphone, and camera can be activated to check whether the person is alive or dead.

But even if the government distributes the app, how many people will download it and install it?

So, the direction of forcibly updating through the communication network was discussed. Telecommunication companies have no choice but to obey the government’s instructions as they lease and operate frequencies under the government’s control.

The problem was with the software and hardware manufacturers.

Currently, the smartphone OS market is effectively divided between Napple and Gubble. Two Silicon Valley-based IT giants strongly objected.

NPL CEO Tom Black stepped forward and said:

“Under no circumstances should the government infringe upon an individual’s privacy. This is not only unconstitutional, it is an act that destroys the very foundations of the United States.”

However, it said that it would approve users who download and install the app and agree to the provision of personal information.

Naturally, less than half of the users would do so.

Even Chinese companies expressed their displeasure. However, Suh Sung Electronics followed the measures of the US government. When Gobble, the OS company, objected, it announced that it would be forced to update through its own store.

Suseong Electronics’ smartphone market share in the US is 32 percent.

When you enter the danger zone with the phone at Seosung Electronics, the application is forcibly installed through the communication network regardless of the user’s will.

Consumer groups in the US strongly protested that it was a violation of the customer’s right to make decisions, and some angry consumers posted pictures of the phone breaking down on social media or expressed their intention not to purchase again.

* * *

Vice President Mike Bauer met his old friend, former Republican Senator Tasker Boyle, who is now retired from politics.

However, an unexpected guest arrived first. It was Democrat Lewis Kincaid and Democrat Senators.

But there was one person who stood out more than them.

He smiled and said to Vice President Bauer.

“Nice to meet you, Vice President.”

New Jersey Governor Simon Underwood.

Diane Underwood’s political life came to an end at the time of his defeat in the presidential election. However, the Underwoods’ influence in politics, particularly within the Democratic Party, remained strong.

Diane’s younger brother, Simon Underwood, was voted the next Democratic nominee. If nothing goes wrong, he will face off against Ronald, who is seeking re-election in the next presidential election.

I’d be in Washington D.C. without a word.

Vice President Bauer looked around him and asked.

“What kind of situation is this?”

Tasker said to him.

“Sit down at once. I will explain.”

At the suggestion of a friend, Vice President Bauer sat down with a frown on his face.

“It is an honor to meet you like this, Vice President. You know better than anyone what the current situation in the United States is like. The whole of California was paralyzed by the ridiculous evacuation measures, and hundreds of people were burned to death.”

Vice President Bauer cut off Simon’s waist.

“It’s useless, so let’s start with the conclusion.”

Simon spoke from the conclusion as he wished.

“Please support the impeachment of the president.”

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