Chapter 449

OTK Company sent a letter of cooperation to Internet operators and telecommunication companies in the name of the vice president to block illegal sharing sites.

Companies such as SSK Broadband, CL Internet, GH Good Morning, SSK Telecom, CL Telecom, and KTT who received this were surprised.

There are all kinds of illegal sites on the internet. Companies are trying to block this as much as possible, but there are bound to be limitations.

But suddenly, the vice president of OTK Company fell over this problem.

Due to investment in OTK Games, discussions with the Minister of Recreation on behalf of the game industry, and support for VRMMRPG production, the vice president’s reputation grew as high as Jinhu Kang. And he was famous for doing what he set out to do.

How many places among Korean companies can’t ignore OTK Company?

An emergency meeting was held for each company, and instructions were given.

“Block access to sites that say hello or what!”

“From now on, we will monitor 24 hours a day!”

“Create a dedicated department and monitor illegal sharing sites in real time!”

They even decided to establish a joint monitoring system in cooperation with competitors.

* * *

Blocking the website was accomplished with a single letter of cooperation from Oh Taek-gyu.

When the site that had previously been connected to the site was not working, articles were posted in each webtoon community complaining of a connection problem with Helto Kwok.

-Helto Kwok I can’t connect?

– No, why can’t I connect?

-madam! Today is the day when ‘SSS-level transfer student’ is uploaded ㅜㅜ

– Haha, pay a little and see.

-No I have pride as a Helto Kwok user.

-Are there any other sites other than Helto Kwok?

– Bypass connection is possible only by installing the program. That’s how I’m looking at it~

-Why do I keep getting blocked from alternate access?

-It seems like webtoon writers who have grown strong keep reporting it.

– If you watch it for free and find it interesting, why not buy it and watch it? If they came out like this, they would have cut off their food line as well.

– Wait a minute. It’s like an intensive crackdown period. After all, it will be released.

– After it’s released, I’ll drive it and take a look.

Once the urgent fire has been put out, the matter has not been resolved. The server is still intact, and access or bypass access from overseas is possible.

The Helto Kwok operator posted a notice saying that an access failure was occurring. However, they have no intention of shutting down, kindly inform them of the bypass access method, and distribute a program that can disable the blocking.

It would be a bit pricey to shut down a well-known site.

Taek-gyu blocked other people from accessing it, but he himself bypassed the connection and looked at it for several hours. Of course, it’s not to read webtoons for free, but it’s diligently searching the community.

After a while, Taek-gyu lifted his head as if he had figured out something.

“Whoa! I figured out your operating patterns.”

“what is that?”

“It’s strong, weak, strong, weak, strong, weak… … Not this, this child otaku.”


“He is posting webtoon recommendations and reviews under the nickname Arirang. There is a separate section for the operator’s recommendations on the site. I’ve read all of this guy’s posts, but he’s very savvy about games, manga, and anime.”

This active community activity of the operator was a great help in cultivating Helto Kak in the early days.

“And his e-mail address starts with arirang. Usually, ID, nickname, and e-mail address are often the same.”

“Probably so.”

Why is it really Arirang? Are you a patriot?

“Just in case, I searched all the IDs and nicknames related to Arirang on Lulu Web and DQ Gallery, where otakus frequent.”

“Did anything come out?”

Taek-gyu showed me the screen.

“Huh. This is a guy named Ari_rang_Na who works on Lulu Web, and his hobby is collecting figures. I think this guy is a Helto Kak operator.”

I was surprised.

“Why do you think so?”

“The tone of the writing is similar. A drip or expression used when comparing. Originally, otakus have a habit of continuing to push what they have in mind, no matter what anyone says. And the time when this guy started collecting figures and resins in earnest is similar to the time when Helto Gang appeared. He said he works for a small IT company, and some of the figures he bought are worth 2 million won. If you add up all the posts, it will be 2,000. Wouldn’t it be difficult with a small business salary?”

If someone you don’t know sees it, why would they want to buy it with that money, but isn’t that what collecting is all about?

Taek-gyu opened another screen.

“It’s an Akina figure I was proud of about a month ago, but LC Soft sold it as a limited edition in Korea.”


“There is a high chance that you will be in Korea.”

“… … Huh?”

Taehyung explained it again.

“It’s a domestic limited edition. I cannot accept this from a foreign address.”

“You could have bought it second-hand for a large sum of money.”

“It’s not worth it. It probably hasn’t been released properly yet. And if you hide abroad, would you be tempted to collect as many figurines as this? What if it gets damaged while moving it later?”

That’s pretty convincing. Above all, don’t otakus know the heart of an otaku?

“So how are you going to catch this guy?”

“I have an idea.”

Taek-gyu called Team Leader Jeong Ki-hong and gave his orders.

“Please find some talented programmers.”

* * *

Park Jeong-sun.

After graduating from a local university, he moved to Seoul and lived in a gosiwon to prepare for the civil service exam. But, like most public officials, it fell every time.

His hobbies are games, anime, cartoons, and webtoons.

In the case of paid webtoons, on the other hand, it usually costs 200 to 300 won, but this was a big burden for him. So, he has been using illegal sharing sites that usually do not cost money.

However, these sites have problems. The connection was slow, the UI was messed up, the search didn’t work properly, and the upload of new titles was often delayed. In addition, the pop-up advertisements appeared so many times that it was annoying.

‘You’re going to make a lot of money from advertising, so why don’t you manage it like this? Even if I make it, I’ll make it better than this.’

One day, with a sudden thought, he decided to create an illegal sharing site himself.

He created a website called Helto Kwak with his self-taught programming skills, and published webtoons on each site. He also contributed to the community. He personally makes recommendations and reviews, and some 19 gold content is made visible with points accumulated through community activities.

The result was very successful. In the meantime, the lucky ones (?), who were tired of the crappy illegal sharing sites, were enthusiastic about Helto Kwok.

-Thanks, I had a good look.

-It was a webtoon I really wanted to see, thank you so much!

– By any chance, the author of the trilogy doesn’t upload webtoons?

-I request you to upload ‘The Saver’ by Writer Phil-Yu~

-I use several sharing sites, but this one seems to be the cleanest!

-Please give me lots of good material in the future ^^

-Operator ags!

As the number of users increased, advertisement inquiries poured in from all over the place. Since it is an illegal sharing site, of course, advertising was also illegal.

[Night King who avoids a healthy sexual culture!][VVIP Casino, Macau Country!][Overseas casino real-time betting! No betting rules, no currency exchange rules, no rolling restrictions!][Screen Racing! New subscription paid 100,000 won!][100% dividend payment Sports Toto! Kazua Totoro!][Top 1% secret meeting, water mill… … ]

As advertising expenses began to come in earnest, life became richer.

‘If I had become a public official, it would have been a disaster.’

There was no reason to cling to civil service exams any longer. He put aside his studies and everything and devoted himself to managing the site.

He even created a program that automatically extracts and uploads a new work to another website when a new work is uploaded to the serialization site.

As the size of the business grew and it was no longer possible to manage it alone, he brought in three acquaintances he knew while preparing for a job.

Two of them set up an office in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, and then hired a Vietnamese programmer to run the server, and one had to manage the test server in Korea.

And Park Jeong-sun oversaw all of this.

As the site was developed with such sincerity, Helto Kwok soon became the No. 1 webtoon site by defeating Neo-Teen Webtoon, the strongest in the webtoon world.

It even ranked 13th in the number of visitors by combining all sites in Korea!

Considering that the only illegal site among the top 20 sites was Helto Kak, it was a great achievement.

As a result, advertising costs rose vertically. Banner ads have gone up from 100,000 won to 10 million won, and the unit price for main and pop-up ads has exceeded 20 million won!

Still, there was a lot of fuss about putting up advertisements here and there. However, he did not forget the inconvenience he experienced as a user.

‘Too many pop-up ads can make users uncomfortable. Users come first!’

He was a manager with a long-term vision rather than immediate profits.

Excluding various operating expenses and money given to co-workers, he earns more than 100 million won a month.

Studying for exams in a cramped gosiwon is a thing of the past. The house and office were moved to a luxury officetel, and I chose the Porsche that I had always dreamed of.

He acted like a young IT businessman on the outside. I dug a business card out of something like that.

‘I work hard and earn up to 10 billion won and retire. Let’s listen to the voice of a young chaebol like Kang Jin-hoo!’

I am proud to see the number of users and the site grow day by day, but there is a big problem. Whether it is a wired network or a wireless network, websites are starting to be blocked.

In the meantime, Helto Kwong has been operating by changing domains whenever a website is blocked. Usually the interval took 3 to 4 months, but now it is a day away and the blocking has been done.

The domain was changed quickly, but the domain changed to Twitter was blocked again as soon as it was announced.

Park Jeong-sun was surprised.

“No, why are these guys all of a sudden working so hard?”

After this state continued for about a week, the number of daily users decreased to one-fifth. Advertisers (?) protested, and some expressed their intention to cancel the advertisement.

‘Now I’m trying to earn some money!’

I couldn’t stop a business with monthly sales of hundreds of millions of won.

He actively advertised the bypass method instead of changing the domain, while struggling to attract new users.

* * *

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Commissioner Hong Seong-wan welcomed a visitor. He filed hundreds of complaints. It is a complaint written by the authors on webtoon platforms such as Neoteen Webtoon, Lujin Comics, 3mix, and Toontoonnet, asking for punishment for operators of illegal sharing sites, including Helto Kwok.

Oh Taek-gyu spoke passionately about how badly illegal sharing is doing to the content market.

“They said that they continued to sue, but there was no result. That’s why I came here.”

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Commissioner Hong Seong-wan sighed as if frustrated.

“I know what you mean. However, it is a misunderstanding that the police do not properly investigate these issues. If we catch all the criminals, it’s good for us too.”

In the 21st century, crime tends to happen more on the Internet than in reality.

malicious comments, distribution of pornography, fraud, illegal sharing, defamation, distribution of false facts, keyboard battles, etc. There are so many scammers here in Joongong country, and there is no end to them no matter how much they catch them.

Because of this, the cyber crime squad suffered from heavy workloads every day. In this situation, it was unreasonable to stick to the crackdown on illegal sharing sites.

“If there are only a lot of people, what can’t we do? To get rid of all illegal sites on the Internet, even if the number of people more than tenfold increases, it will not be enough.”

Taehyung nodded his head.

“I am well aware that the Korean police are working tirelessly day and night. So on behalf of the busy police, I did some research.”


“There are a total of three Helto Kak cannon accounts that I have found.”(Read more @

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Commissioner Hong Seong-wan, who saw the material Taek-gyu presented, asked in a bewildered way.

“How did you find out about this?”

The method was surprisingly simple.

First, a programmer was mobilized to copy an existing adult site or gambling site to create a reasonably plausible illegal site. With about 10 sites created in this way, advertisement inquiries were placed on Helto Kak.

The situation in which other advertisers (?) were turning their backs because of continuous access failures. Therefore, the Helto Kak side responded with sincerity.

For security reasons, all conversations were conducted through foreign messenger programs and e-mails, which cannot be traced, rather than through phone calls.

However, no matter how thoroughly you hide your identity, you need an account in order to receive advertising expenses. Of course, it would be a cannon bankbook, but this is the basis for tracking.

“If we check when and where the withdrawals were made, wouldn’t we be able to narrow down the region?”

“Yes, but we cannot rule out the possibility that the operator is abroad and there is a separate withdrawal system.”

“no. This guy is definitely in Korea.”

Taek-gyu did not understand the assertion, but Hong Seong-wan, the Commissioner of the National Police Agency, asked.

“Why are you so sure?”

“As I analyzed community posts… … .”

Taek-gyu gave a lengthy explanation of why he came to such a conclusion.

“Ah… … A limited edition figure?”

He thinks to himself, ‘What the hell is that?’ The explanation followed.

“And think about it. Now, the monthly advertising cost alone will be 300 million won. Due to the nature of the cannon bankbook, you don’t know when it will be suspended, so when money comes in, you have to withdraw it immediately and keep it or transfer it to another account. According to my analysis, the operator is a sincere, meticulous, and careful personality. There is no way someone with such a personality would entrust money management to someone else.”

“… … .”

‘You’re a very profiler.’

Anyway, now that I found the cannon bankbook, I can definitely hold onto the withdrawal book. And you can trace the operator through that withdrawal book.

“First, if you check the CCTV to see where the money in this cannon bankbook is mainly withdrawn, I will deposit the advertising fee. Then you will move to get money. Why don’t you arrest me then?”

Commissioner Hong Seong-wan asked in surprise.

“Direct deposit? Once you deposit, there is no guarantee you will get your money back.”

“It doesn’t matter at all. If you could catch this guy, wouldn’t it be worth tens of thousands of dollars? Now, Neoteen Webtoon and other webtoon sites are grinding their teeth because of Helto Kwok. As long as you solve this, the media and the portal will show the news on the main page. Not only will we turn it all to the police, but we will also actively promote the activities of the police through OTK Games.”


If you can definitely catch the operator, it will be a big issue. With some information confirmed, there is no reason not to do it.

Besides, he’ll fall out and give it all back to the police?

“If you think you can’t do it, tell me now. I will go to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office this way. I think Prosecutor Ahn Seong-nam will show great interest if I tell you.”

It is famous for the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office to get information from the vice president of the OTK Company and sweep the coin multi-level gang.

What would happen if the prosecution had resolved a case that the police could not solve?

There was nothing more to think about.

Commissioner Hong Seong-wan said urgently.

“no. Please leave it to me. The police will definitely catch them.”

Taek-gyu was satisfied and nodded his head.

“good! That’s the attitude.”

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