Chapter 18: Will That Be Wire Transfer or Cash?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Miss… Mistress, I have no idea. I heard there was a fight, so I rushed over here. Then Mr. Xue broke the wall down for no good reason!” said Du Fan.

Qin Yu’s face darkened. “Don’t you know that Mr. Xue is a very important guest of the group?”

“Yes, yes, yes! It was my fault! It was all my fault! I didn’t know!” said Du Fan, nodding and bowing repeatedly.

“Get this buffoon out of here. I don’t want to see him in the Dragon Emperor Tower ever again!”

“Yes, yes, I understand!” Du Fan immediately ordered his men to drag Lu Kun away as if he was disposing of a dead dog.

Seeing as things were starting to go south, Hong Ming and Song Jing tried to sneak away.

“Not so fast!” said Xue An flatly.

Hong Ming was scared stiff, unable to take another step forward.

“Leaving so soon?”

Hong Ming forced a wry smile. “Xue An… No—I mean Young Master Xue, I apologize! I’ll go get your money right now. Did you say 30 million?”

Xue An shook his head. “Do you think 30 million will solve the problem now?”

Jerking with tears, Hong Ming dropped to his knees with a thud. “Young Master Xue, you win. I yield… Please forgive me, just this once!”

Qin Yu was slightly confused. “What’s this all about?”

“It’s nothing. It’s just that he needs to compensate me for something he broke,” said Xue An with a smile.

Hong Ming summoned every ounce of courage he had left and said to Qin Yu, “Ms. Qin, it’s me, Hong Ming. My father and I have met you before at a party!”

“Hong Ming? You’re from the Hong family?” Qin Yu furrowed her eyebrows as if remembering something.

“Yes! Ms. Qin, please talk to Mr. Xue for me. I heard that Young Master Xue bought the ring from a roadside stall. That’s why I was willing to throw it on the ground! I didn’t know it’d be so valuable!”

Hong Ming was sobbing heavily, his face drenched in tears and snot.

At that moment, Xue An’s ex-classmates were all shocked.

They hadn’t expected things to turn out like this.

At first, everyone had thought Xue An had submitted to Hong Ming because of his quiet and calm demeanor, but before they knew it, Hong Ming, the dashing young man they had once known, had been reduced to a sobbing mess, begging for mercy on the floor.

How quickly the tables had turned.

Although she was flabbergasted, Song Jing at least kept her composure.

She finally understood Xue An’s true status when she saw him talking to the heiress of the Longtai Group like they were old friends. She could also see that Qin Yu held much respect for him.

Song Jing shuddered to think of how she had taunted Xue An just before.

At the same time, she felt a tremendous sense of regret.

If only she’d been friendly with Xue An like Tang Xuan’er was, she would have had a chance to break into the Longtai Group’s inner circle.

Feeling curious, Qin Yu couldn’t help but ask Xue An, “What did he throw? Can I see it?”

Xue An took out the ring and handed it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu stood silently for a while when she received it, then she held it up close to her eyes and inspected it carefully.

Having hope that Qin Yu might call the ring a fake and redeem him, Hong Ming stopped crying, yet the longer Qin Yu stared at the ring, the more baffled her expression became.

After a while, Qin Yu gave the ring back to Xue An, seemingly reluctant to part with it.

“This is a priceless gem. Imagine throwing it on the ground. What a shame!”

Hong Ming was petrified.

How… Could it have been that the mighty heiress of the Longtai Group had it in for him?

Qin Yu looked at Hong Ming and laughed coldly. “You think I’m just trying to pull your leg, don’t you? To tell you the truth, I’ve been around jewelry ever since I was a little girl. I’ve seen my share of rare treasures, but none of them were as crystal clear or exotic as this ring. How could you say it was from a roadside stall?”

Then Qin Yu turned to Xue An and said, “Mr. Xue, in an auction, this ring would fetch at least 50 million dollars!”

Hong Ming began to choke and stutter, as if on the verge of suffocating.

Fifty million!

Hong Ming nearly fainted as he tried to wrap his head around the number.

At that point, Xue An let out a sigh. “Well, he’s an ex-classmate, after all. I guess I shouldn’t be too mean to him. Besides, I’ve given him quite the beating already!”

Those words rekindled Hong Ming’s hope.

Xue An turned to Tang Xuan’er and asked, “Xuan’er, you work in a hospital. Can you tell me how much it would cost to treat his wounds there?”

Tang Xuan’er hesitated for a while. “If it’s just bandaging, it shouldn’t be more than a hundred dollars.”

Xue An nodded. “Fine, let’s make it a hundred, then! That means you still owe me 49,999,900 dollars!”

“Hong Ming, will that be wire transfer or cash?” asked Xue An, smiling gleefully.

Hong Ming’s eyes rolled back in his head as he passed out.

Xue An shook his head. “I must’ve offered such a wonderful deal that he fainted! But a deal is a deal. Ms. Qin, are you close to the Hongs?”

Qin Yu nodded. “The Hongs have been wanting to work with us for a long time!”

“Great. Please do me a favor and collect the money for me!”

Of course, Qin Yu had no objections.

It was just the Hongs. Qin Yu had no problem dealing with them.

Eventually, everyone left the scene, looking amazed and confused by the turn of events.

Who would have thought that Xue An, a quiet and unassuming boy back in school, would become such a bad*ss over just a few years?

Even the likes of Du Fan couldn’t help but bow down to him, not to mention the amount of respect the heiress of the Qin family had for him.

By then, everyone had realized that Xue An was on a whole different level from them.

Among them, Song Jing felt the most conflicted.

She was utterly torn by feelings of shock, fear, and regret, to the point that she spat on the ground in resentment after stepping out of the Dragon Emperor Tower.

Who did he think he was kidding?

“So what if you’re a bad*ss? In the end, you still can’t do anything to me.

“Hmph!” Song Jing thought to herself as she turned down the street on her shortcut home.

At that instant, she could feel a slight tingle in her feet. When she looked down, a white searing flame was rising from the ground.

Alarmed and terrified, she tried to shout for help, but before she could do so, the flames engulfed her.

Within seconds, the flame had reduced her to a pile of ash.

Just before she died, Song Jing finally understood why Xue An didn’t even bother with her.

Would anyone be angry at someone who was about to die anyway?

Just then, Qin Yu spoke to Xue An. “Mr. Xue, I looked into it as soon as I came back home, and I think I’ve figured out who the culprit is!”

“Oh? And what does that have to do with me?” said Xue An, obviously unconcerned with what she had to say.

Qin Yu clenched her teeth. The guy might have been strong, but he could be quite stubborn at times!

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“That person was my uncle, the current manager of the Longtai Group.” The mere mention of his name infuriated Qin Yu.

Xue An yawned a few times, looking bored. In his three thousand years as an immortal lord, family feuds of the rich and famous had become old hat to him.

“We don’t have any proof yet, but my sources tell me that Qin Tian will be attending an auction in three days’ time. The mastermind may very well be there as well.”

“So?” Xue An asked plainly.

“So, I’m hoping you will attend the auction, Mr. Xue.”

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