Chapter 45: Who Said I’m Going to Let You Off?

It was Qin Yu who walked in.

After hearing Xie Wendong shout out her name, Qin Yu turned to look at him. She frowned angrily.

“What are you doing here?”

Just a few seconds ago, Xie Wendong was arrogantly standing tall proud, but now, he stooped low and had put on a meek smile. “Miss Qin, why are you here at Green Wheat Town so late in the night? You should have informed me earlier before your arrival so I could have come to greet you.”

Qin Yu replied coldly. “There’s no need for that. I’m here to pick up Mr. Xue.”

Mr. Xue…

Of all the people present, only one person was known as Mr. Xue.

Xie Wendong’s eyelids started twitching wildly. What he saw next made him shudder in fear.

He stood helplessly as he watched Qin Yu walk up to Xue An. She addressed him in a very respectful manner. “Mr. Xue, something has happened in Beijiang. I need you to come back with me.”

Everyone in the room gasped in amazement.

They all knew that this young lady was someone with a noble and respected background.

Even the arrogant and overbearing Xie Wendong had to treat this young lady with such reverence.

This alone was proof of her revered background.

But even someone as powerful as she was so acting to respectful towards Xue An.

Who on earth was Xue An?

Li Hongyan was kneeling on the floor. Just a few minutes ago, she was filled with contempt and resentment. But when she saw what was going on, she was left feeling dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, Xue An had a hint of a smile on his face.”There is no rush right now. Let me take care of some things right for the moment, and then we can head back when I’m done. Don’t worry, it won’t take too long.”

“What’s going on here?” Qin Yu said with a frown.

Xue An smiled and said, “His son was causing me some trouble. And I accidentally strangled the old man’s son to death. He wants to take his revenge. It’s just a simple matter.”

Qin Yu’s face darkened as she turned around and shouted angrily at Xie Wendong. “Hey, Xie. Do you still want to keep your job? Don’t you know that Mr. Xue is the most distinguished guest of the Longtai Group? Yet you dare to carry out some petty revenge on him?”

The Longtai Group.

The moment this name was said aloud, the look in everyone’s eyes changed.

Many lackeys quietly backed away.

This was no joking matter.

In the whole of Beijiang, and even in its neighboring areas, no one would dare to mess with the Longtai Group.

Compared with the might of the the Longtai Group, Xie Wendong was just a small-town crook. At best, he could be considered as a wannabe gangster that was trying to make a name for himself in the city.

Upon hearing this revelation, Li Hongyan’s mouth was opened so widely that you could fit a duck’s egg in it. Something that Xue An had said to her earlier suddenly flashed through her mind.

I hope that in the future, you won’t regret this!

At that time, she was angry and filled with resentment, but now, she was beginning to understand why Xue An had said that.

To be able to make the Great Mistress of the Longtai Group behave so reverentially, this distant nephew of hers had obviously reached a status that was way beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

At the thought of this, Li Hongyan felt like her stomach was tied in knots. She was filled with immense regret.

Meanwhile, Xie Wendong’s face had turned as white as ash.

The only reason he had prospered and thrived in society was that he had relied on the strength and reputation of the Longtai Group.

In other words, it was almost as if he was the pet dog of the Longtai Group.

This was one of the reasons why he did not dare to make a single sound as Qin Yu was reprimanding him.

“Yes, yes, yes! I’m the one who deserves to die. I should not have caused so much trouble and bothered Mr. Xue. Mr. Xue, you have such a generous heart. Please spare my life and let me off!”

Xie Wendong felt that he had already stooped low enough. Although he felt somewhat humiliated, it did not seem like he had any other choice. The situation was getting out of hand, and now that the Longtai Group was involved, he could only concede defeat.

When he had finished talking and surrendering his place, the atmosphere in the room seemed to ease up a little.

Many people assumed that the matter had been settled.

But no one expected Xue An to smile lightly and say, “Who said I’m going to let you off?”

The moment these words were said…

Xie Wendong felt a surge of hot blood rushing up to his head.

“Mr. Xue… My son, Xie Hu, died in your hands. I’m ready to put that in the past. But are you willing to do the same too?”

Xue An walked over and stood before Xie Wendong. He looked down at him in a condescending manner. His face was void of any emotions as he said, “Do you think that this situation is unfair?”

Xie Wendong lowered his head. His eyes were filled with hatred.

“Very well, then let me give you a chance. Take your gun out and shoot me. We will see which is faster; me or your gun.”

Everyone thought that Xue An was out of mind.

This was especially true for Xie Wendong, whose entire body shook in anticipation. He could not believe what he was being offered. He just looked at Xue An questioningly.

Xue An held out three fingers and said, “I will only count down for three seconds. Three, two…”


A gunshot sounded.

Xue Lan let out a scream. But when the dust and smoke dispersed…

Xue An was standing with hands folded behind his back. He was biting down on a bullet in his mouth, with streams of smoke still trailing into the air.

Xie Wendong was scared out of his wits.

This… Was he even a human?

Xue An spat out the bullet and let out a little sigh. “I’ve already given you your chance. But it seems like you’re just useless. And now, it’s my turn to make a move!”

Xie Wendong was just about to beg for mercy when Xue An’s palm came slapping across like a fan. His entire body was thrown up into the air, where he tumbled a few times until finally, he fell to the floor. His mouth smashed into the ground and his teeth shattered into small pieces and sharp fragments. His head was battered by this slap.

Xue An walked up and trampled on Xie Wendong’s face. Then slowly, he exerted force and twisted his feet.

What followed was a series of cracking and creaking sounds. It was such a disturbing sound of bones breaking that everyone who heard it winced in pain. It was as if they could feel their own being crushed.

Xie Wendong’s nose was completely smashed by Xue An’s feet.

Everyone was silent out of fear as they watched this scene.

“Spare… Spare me!” Xie Wendong forced these two words out through his gritted teeth.

Xue An’s expression was indifferent. “You’re asking for mercy now? Don’t you remember, back in those years when you used to bully my parents? They begged you to spare their lives. Did you show them mercy? Did you stop then?”

Xie Wendong’s whole body was shaking with pain. And the look in his eyes, as he looked up at Xue An, was filled with boundless fear and regret.

Qin Yu was feeling somewhat uneasy and turned her face to look elsewhere. She was starting to fear Xue An and the power he wielded.

Xue An was behaving like a high and mighty emperor who was sentencing someone to their death. He showed no remorse; no emotions at all. He did not even bear the slightest trace of humanity.

“Remember, in your next life, don’t ever be so arrogant again!” With that, Xue An raised his leg and stomped his foot down with incredible force.


Xie Wendong’s brain juices burst out from his head. He was dead.

The crowd was dead silent. Xue An cast a look at Li Hongyan.

Li Hongyan’s entire body quivered. She was so afraid of what Xue An would do to her.

But Xue An, however, could not be bothered with her. Instead, he took a pill out of his pocket and threw it at Song Yi.

“This is a reward for you. Xie Wendong and his son are dead. From now on, this hotel will be left to you and Lan’er to manage.”

Song Yi was ecstatic to receive such a superior treasure. He said, with great reverence, “Rest assured, Mr. Xue. I will do my best to assist Miss Lan’er well.”

Xue An looked at Xue Lan. With a faint smile, he said, “I will come back to see you after some time!”

Xue Lan nodded in silence.

“Let’s go!”

When Xue An left the hotel, everyone in the room felt an immediate sense of relief.

Li Hongyan smiled happily. She was thinking about how her family had actually benefited from this incident. This Yuelai Hotel might not be in her possession, but her own daughter would be managing the property. This meant that her family had the support and backing of the Longtai Group!

Just as she was about to express her happiness, Li Hongyan felt something foreign in her mouth. It was an object lodged in her throat. She spat it out.

She realized, with great shock and horror, that it was her own tongue.

She tried to speak but realized that she could only make whining sounds.

It seemed that from this point on, Li Hongyan had become mute.

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Xue An was on his way home. His two daughters had fallen asleep, using Xue An’s legs as their personal pillows.

Xue An gently stroked his daughters’ backs. There was a very gentle look on his face.

Seated at the front, Qin Yu looked at this scene through the rear-view mirror. She was deep in thought.

This was the cold and cruel man that she had just witnessed at the hotel. And yet, he was also this gentle and caring man.

But which one of these two sides, was the true him?

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