Chapter 48: This Thing Of Yours… Is it Worthy Enough To Be Called A Sword?

The excitement on Qin Tian, Hong Ming, and the others’ faces was quickly replaced by one of shock.

One punch.

It only took one punch for Xue An to defeat Yu Qing.

Tan Dong was just as dumbfounded.

Although he had been confident that Xue An would win the fight, he had assumed that there would bit a bitter battle to be fought.

He had no idea that Xue An would be able to do it while barely breaking a sweat.

But out of everyone in the villa, it was Tan Xiaoyu who felt the greatest shock.

Ever since she was young, she had been intently studying Taekwondo. She even went overseas to learn from the masters. Once upon a time, she had considered herself as one of the best in the entire world.

When she had returned home, she was confident that she would make a name for herself. She was willing to do whatever it took to rise to the top.

But in the confrontation with Yu Qing, she could not even hold up against a single move.

This realization hit just as hard as the physical blow Yu Qing had hit her with.

To make matters even more humiliating, Xue An managed to finish Yu Qing off with just a single punch.

The fact of the matter is, Tan Xiaoyu had completely dismissed Xue An, right from the beginning.

But now, she realized that she had made a grave mistake in underestimating Xue An. It was a realization that slapped her in the face.

She looked at Xue An, but her facial expression was complex and not easy to decipher.

She thought about her behavior towards him, and how she had been so dismissive of his actions. Tan Xiaoyu felt her face flush as blood raged within her.

Meanwhile, Tan Dong and the others were picking themselves up from the ground. They thought that the situation had finally been resolved.

All of a sudden, a fierce and forceful energy erupted from the fishpond and enveloped the entire place.

What was going on?

Everyone was caught by surprise.

Yu Qing slowly clambered out of the fishpond. He was completely drenched and looked like a drowned rat in a sorry plight. His face, however, was filled with anger as he turned to address Xue An.

“At first, I wanted to give you a fast and easy death. But now, I’ve changed my mind,” he said. His voice was cold and heavy with sorrow. “I’m going to cut you up into pieces, bit by bit.”

Immediately as he said these words, the aura that surrounded his body started to grow and become more powerful.

“You should be honored by what is about to happen to you. Few people have been worthy of my power.” Yu Qing’s words hung in the air as he slowly drew a long sword out from his waist.

This long sword had been wrapped around Yu Qing’s waist and used as a belt. It was supple and flexible. But when it was fully drawn, it became a strong and rigid long sword that was as clear as the river’s water in autumn.

The sword exuded an aura that was cold like frost. It was an energy that forced Tan Dong and everyone around him to involuntarily take a few steps back.

Hong Ming and Qin Tian, however, were visibly overjoyed.

“There’s no match for Master Yu’s power and might!”

“Master Yu is really powerful!”

Yu Qing’s face was filled with arrogance as he gently ran his fingers along the back of his sword. “The name of this sword is Autumn Water. It might seem like a regular sword when it’s sheathed. But the moment it’s drawn, it must draw blood. More than 20 Patriarchs have fallen victim to this sword, and it has even defeated three masters from the Realm of the Unfettered.

“Today, this sword will sever your head from your body,” Yu Qing said gravely.

Xue An raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed indifferent. “Are you done spouting nonsense?” he asked.

Yu Qing let out an angry cry. The sword in his hand abruptly transformed into an expanse of light that swung out towards Xue An.

It all happened very quickly.

In that fleeting moment, it seemed as if the sword was the only thing that existed in this world.

The light of the sword made its way to Xue An. Everything it touched was destroyed. The plants and trees in the courtyard were sliced.

But Xue An did not move a hair. Anyone watching would think that he was frozen in fear.

A grim smile slowly crept on to Yu Qing’s face.

Very few people knew that his greatest skill was his swordsmanship.

In fact, this particular sword was the strongest and most powerful one that Yu Qing owned.

It might even hold traces of the power of the universe.

Yu Qing was imagining what would happen in just a few seconds. It was a scene wherein Xue An had met an untimely and violent end. His head would be sliced off and would roll away.

This thought made Yu Qing so excited that his entire body trembled with anticipation.

But in the next instant, all this excitement turned to nothing.

Because his sword… had been stopped by Xue An’s hand!

With just one bare hand, Xue An had managed to halt this seemingly unstoppable sword.

Yu Qing was inexplicably shocked. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted before he could do so.

Xue An said calmly, “This thing of yours… is it worthy enough to be called a sword?”

Upon saying that, he gently squeezed his fingers.


Autumn Water, the powerful long sword, was crushed into pieces by Xue An’s bare hand.

Yu Qing’s eyes nearly popped out of his head.

Was this man even human?

It was next to impossible to block a sword with your bare hands, but to crush a sword between your fingers?

Yu Qing quickly realized that he was in trouble. He knew he was in too deep.

As a master who had already entered the Realm of the Unfettered, Yu Qing was fast to spot any opportunity. He knew that it was impossible for him to win this fight right now, so he turned around and tried to run away.

Xue An smiled. “Do you think that you are still able to leave?” he said calmly.

Once the words were spoken, Xue An concentrated his energy and built it up inside him. In a few seconds, he let out a breath of terrifying energy that locked in on Yu Qing.

An Unfettered!

He was also from the Realm of the Unfettered!

Everyone was surprised by this revelation.

Yu Qing, in particular, was scared to death.

It turned out that the heaven-battering, earth-shaking aura that he saw the other night had come from Xue An.

Immediately upon realizing this, Yu Qing was filled with regret.

If he had known that Xue An was so powerful, Yu Qing would never have dared to be so hasty and rash in deciding to challenge Xue An to a fight.

But now, it was too late to say anything.

Yu Qing madly dashed out in an attempt to escape with his life.

Just a few more steps and he would be able to jump over the wall in front of him. He would be able to make it out of the Hong’s house.

A glimmer of hope flashed in Yu Qing’s eyes.

As long as he could escape from this place, he would be able to give a recount of the events to his master. Then, he would ask his master to personally come down from the mountain and assist him. Given his master’s abilities, he would definitely be able to finish off Xue An.

But his plans quickly fell through.

In a completely indifferent tone, Xue An spoke: “Have a taste of my fist… Moving the World!”

He had recently used this move before, specifically during the auction. It was a move that killed Liu Shou with just one hit.

But this time, when he used it again, the power of this fist had increased more than tenfold.

Xue An’s fist.

This fist of Xue An looked as though it struck empty space, but it actually sent out reverberations that spread everywhere.

Everyone fell to the ground. Yu Qing, however, bore the brunt of the hit. He was sent tumbling to the ground.


He spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with fragments of his smashed insides.

This fist had even shattered Yu Qing’s entire spine in one blow.

Xue An retracted his fist and slowly walked up to stand in front of Yu Qing.

“This… What is the name of this technique?” Yu Qing was spitting out big mouthfuls of blood, but he still insisted on asking.

“This is called Moving the World!” Xue An said.

“Moving the World… What excellent technique! I… I concede defeat…” With that said, the light in Yu Qing’s eyes quickly faded.

Yu Qing was dead.

He had died after receiving two blows from Xue An’s fist.

Xue An looked up and looked at Hong Ming and Qin Tian, who stood rooted to the spot.

“It seems like we share quite a deep affinity with one other,” Xue An said calmly.

Hong Ming was so scared that he went weak in the knees. He knelt on the ground and cried out, tears rushing down his face. “Xue An, no, no, no. Mr. Xue, I was wrong. I should not have gone against you! Please spare me this time!”

Qin Tian, on the other hand, had gone pale in the face. His eyes were void of expression as he looked at Xue An. Then finally, he said dejectedly, “I’ve lost. Kill me or cut me up, do as you please!”

Xue An looked at these two people for a moment. Then he turned around and left.

He could not be bothered to kill these pathetic fools. He would let Qin Yu settle the matter at her own discretion.

It seems like in the near future, there will no longer be a Hong family in Beijiang.

As Xue An walked away, Tan Xiaoyu kept her eyes on him. She was filled with mixed emotions. She had no idea how she was supposed to feel about the situation.

From the disdain she felt at the beginning, to the shock she felt later on, this man had brought her on a rollercoaster of emotions. Everything she had witnessed was mind-boggling and eye-opening.

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And now, Tan Xiaoyu had discovered an even more cruel truth.

It was that Xue An was not concerned about her at all.

No matter how she had treated him before made no difference to Xue An.

She finally understood why Xue An had been treating her the way he did all this time. She came to the realization that she meant nothing at all to Xue An.

It was a discovery that made Tan Xiaoyu feel extremely depressed.

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