Chapter 5: Nothing Much, I Just Didn’t Like the Look of Him!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Young Master Lin, was there a mistake?” Du Juan said with a very pale face.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, leaped to his feet and slapped Du Juan squarely across the face.

With a smack, a strike swung upon Du Juan’s left cheek, causing her entire left profile to puff and swell up.

“You b*tch. It’s all because of you. If not for you, our family wouldn’t have to face this boycott!”

Du Juan was so frightened that she couldn’t stop trembling. The makeup she wore was dripping off her face altogether.

Lin Feng turned around and dropped to his knees with a loud thud, then pleaded, “Old Master Qin, Miss Qin, please spare the Lin family. I know that it was all my wrongdoing!”

Qin Yu gave a cold snort and turned her face away. She paid no heed to him at all.

Qin Yuan, on the other hand, cupped one hand in the other and bowed submissively to Xue An as he asked, “Young sir, what’s your take on this?”

When Lin Feng saw Xue An, his reaction was like a drowning person who was grasping at straws to save his life, groveling pathetically to Xue An.

“Xue An, Brother Xue. Please say the word, that you’ll spare the Lins. I know I’ve done wrong. Everything here was the doing of this sl*t, Du Juan. Please have mercy on me!”

Xue An looked at the tear-streaked Lin Feng, then said with indifference, “Your family might have fallen apart, but they aren’t dead.”

The moment this was said, silence prevailed in the area.

Qin Yu frowned, her dislike for this man growing stronger in her heart.

On the other hand, Lin Feng’s entire being was trembling. He raised his head to look up at Xue An with eyes full of disbelief.

In his mind, Xue An wasn’t like this.

Xue An had always been an obedient child when he was in school. Even if he was being bullied, he would rarely fight back.

This was why Lin Feng had thought that by getting down on his knees to beg for forgiveness, Xue An would let him off the hook, but little had he known that not only did Xue An want to his family to fall apart, he even wanted to wipe out the entire clan.

Just then, Du Juan inched forward timidly and said, “Xue… Xue An, please let Young Master Lin go. He has realized his mistake. Please be forgiving and spare him…”

Xue An gave her the cold shoulder, and instead, bent down with a smile and said to his two daughters, “Xiangxiang, Nianniang, why don’t the both of you go over there to play. Papa will find you girls in a while!”

“Mm-hm! Papa, you better hurry!” Xue Xiang said as she led her younger sister away.

It was only then that Xue An stood up and looked at Du Juan, who was trembling in fear but still trying her best to maintain a graceful bearing and show her attractive side.

“Be forgiving and spare him? Ha, so you feel that if the person asking for mercy was me, you people would let me go? Or not?”

Du Juan hesitated for a moment. When Xue An closed the distance between them, he stared at her face, which had been ravaged by all kinds of cosmetic products.

“Answer me! Would you, or would you not?

“I would!” Du Juan whispered. Then she looked up and said in a very serious tone, “Xue An, I actually always liked you back when we were in school. Over the years, I’ve never forgotten you. I…”

She didn’t finish whatever she had started to say. This was because the look in Xue An’s eyes deprived her of the courage to continue speaking.

“I seriously find this so strange. How is it possible that there’s actually someone who desires a woman like you?”

Having said this, Xue An turned and walked away, leaving behind the pale-faced Du Juan, who was trembling but stood rooted to the same spot.

Xue An walked over to stand before Lin Feng, and the latter flinched in fear.

“You… What do you want? I’m telling you, in broad daylight where it’s as bright as the sun and the moon, if you even dare to do anything, you can just wait to be sent to jail…”

Xue An simply dealt Lin Feng a kick that caused the latter to fall over. Then, without waiting for Lin Feng to look up, his foot found its way onto Lin Feng’s face.

Lin Feng did his best to struggle, but there was simply no way he could make Xue An budge, not even an inch.

“I know. In truth, you’ve harbored much distaste for me since we were in school, haven’t you?” Xue An said with indifference.

Lin Feng felt as though the foot trampling his face weighed a few thousand pounds. His brain felt like it was about to burst at any time.

“Brother Xue, Master Xue, please have mercy! I beg you, I will never, ever dare to go against you again!” Lin Feng cried. He felt heat on his groin because he was so scared out of his wits that he wet his pants as a result.

“You can save these words for when you go down there,” Xue An said with an aloof expression.

Indeed, he had the intention to kill him, but in the public eye, murder would simply garner too much attention.

However, Xue An, who was once an immortal lord, wasn’t really bothered by such things.

The law of mankind was used to restrain ordinary people. Even if his strength now wasn’t even close to what it originally had been, he was still an immortal lord. And he wouldn’t allow himself to be violated by anyone.

At this juncture, an old and anxious voice was heard. It said, “Be merciful with what’s beneath your feet. Be merciful with what’s under your feet!”

Then an old man who was perspiring profusely squeezed his way out of the crowd. The moment Lin Feng saw him, he was unreservedly on the brink of tears.

“Dad, quickly save me!”

The person who had arrived was none other than Lin Feng’s father, the chairman of the Lin Group, Lin Danian.

He glared at Lin Feng and felt regretful about how he couldn’t make good out of his son, who would never live up to his expectations. Very carefully, he flashed a smile at Qin Yuan.

“Old Master Qin, don’t you remember me?”

Qin Yuan thought for a brief moment, then nodded and said, “So you’re Chairman Lin!”

Lin Danian smiled bitterly and said, “Old Master, I was going to pay your company a visit, but I heard you were here, so I hurriedly made my way over. The Lin family and your company have always shared an amicable working relationship. Why the sudden boycott?”

Qin Yuan pointed to Xue An and said, “About this… You’ll have to ask this young gentleman.”

Lin Danian felt a jolting shock in his heart. He had originally thought that his good-for-nothing son had offended the Qin family.

It had never crossed his mind that it was due to this man, who was dressed in such ordinary clothes.

Judging by Qin Yuan’s behavior, it seemed that he had a lot of respect for the man.

So where on earth had this man come from?

At this time, Lin Feng shouted amid his cries, “Dad, quickly save me! He’s going to kill me!”

Lin Danian was a businessman who had braved many stormy situations to establish a name for himself, so after briefly muttering to himself, he said respectfully, “To the young brother here, if I may ask, how did my son offend you to the extent of you wanting to kill him?”

Xue An looked up and took one glance at Lin Danian.

This look alone placed such pressure on Lin Danian that he even felt his scalp tightening.

He had never seen such frightening eyes before.

There was a kind of total indifference to life inside them.

It was like a high and mighty emperor looking down on everything.

In his heart, Lin Danian couldn’t help being struck dumb by the shock he felt.

Where on earth had this man come from?

In an aloof manner, Xue An said, “Nothing much. I just don’t like the look of him, that’s all.”

Lin Danian almost spat. He was going to kill someone just because he didn’t like the look of that person?

This was simply…


Xue An, on the other hand, suddenly gave a soft cry. “What is it that you’re carrying with you?”

The Lin family was engaged in the medicinal herb business. That day, they suddenly met with a boycott as ordered by the Longtai Group. In a moment of anxiety, Lin Danian had taken out hundred-year-old ginseng that had been treasured by his family for many years. He was thinking of presenting it to Qin Yuan as a gift in exchange for forgiveness, yet he hadn’t expected Xue An to catch sight of it in just one glance.

Lin Danian hurriedly pulled out a small, slender box. After opening it, he said with great pride, “This is the family treasure of the Lin family, hundred-year-old wild ginseng!”

Even Qin Yuan, who was standing close by, had a glow in his eyes as he detected that strong medicinal fragrance.

Sure enough, this was of superior quality!

Lin Danian tried to find any trace of shock on Xue An’s face, yet he was disappointed.

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Xue An merely said with an aloof expression, “That’s just a small piece of ginseng that can barely be called a medicinal herb.”

It was hundred-year-old wild ginseng, yet in his eyes, it was merely a small piece of ginseng that could only barely be called a medicinal herb?

Lin Danian didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“But it’s still considered quite hard to come by. Give me this thing, and I’ll spare your son’s life this time.”

Lin Danian was a little hesitant, but finally, he clenched his teeth and said, “Great! Young brother! So long as you let my son go, I’ll give this ginseng to you!”

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