Chapter 50: Sky Room No. 1

A considerable time had passed before Tang Xuan’er walked out of the bathroom. She was blushing slightly and acted bashful.

Her hair was wet, so it was obvious that she had just taken a shower.

Tang Xuan’er was always a beauty, to begin with, but after a round of cleansing by this advanced version of the Core Reinforcement Pill, only the words ‘soul-stirring’ could be used to describe her beauty.

Xue Xiang and Xue Nian were giggling away happily. Feeling a little embarrassed, Tang Xuan’er asked, “What are you two little girls laughing at?”

“Auntie Xuan’er, now you smell just as good as Papa,” Xue Nian said. The little girl was smiling from ear to ear.

What she meant was that Tang Xuan’er’s body now emitted a delicate fragrance that was reminiscent of a newborn baby. This was a by-product of her body after it had been cleansed and cleared to a certain extent.

Xue An’s body also carried this faint, delicate fragrance. This was also the reason why the two little girls enjoyed snuggling up to their father all the time.

But Tang Xuan’er went red in the face and lowered her head in embarrassment. She did not dare to say anything.

Xue An merely smiled when he saw this. “Sit down and eat. The food won’t be nice if it gets cold.”

“Alright,” said Tang Xuan’er, softly. Then she sat down.

She looked so obedient and submissive, as if she was a newlywed daughter-in-law who had just moved into her husband’s household!

The atmosphere became a little tense.

Tang Xuan’er’s lowered face was also becoming redder.

Just then, the clear and crisp ring of the doorbell broke the silence.

Tang Xuan’er felt as though a heavy load was lifted off her shoulders as she hurriedly stood up to open the door.

Qin Yu walked in. In her hands were many different bags in all sizes. They were filled to the brim with all kinds of toys and snacks. The moment she spotted Xue Xiang and Xue Nian, she smiled.

“My two little princesses. See what I brought you?”

Kids will always be kids. The moment they saw the mountain of toys, they started jumping up and down with joy.

“Thank you, Auntie Qin Yu!”

The two little girls grabbed as many toys as they could and ran off to play.

Qin Yu saw that the table in the living room was covered with food. She let out a little laugh. “Could this be any more coincidental? What do we have here? It smells so good!”

Xue An smiled and said, “I prepared some crabs. Try them.”

Qin Yu originally wanted to decline, but the moment she walked in, her nose detected that strange aroma.

Qin Yu was someone who had experienced her fair share of grand occasions and big events. But she had never come across such a peculiar fragrance that could make one give in to the temptation of food without any trace of self-restraint.

“I’ll just have a taste,” she said. Qin Yu picked up a crab claw. After taking a bite to taste, her eyes lit up.

“How is it?” Xue An casually asked.

Qin Yu did not have the time to speak. She was practically wolfing down the food as she ate up the entire crab claw. When she finished, she finally released a long breath. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, she said, “Seriously… That’s too delicious for words!”

Tang Xuan’er was also tickled by Qin Yu’s gluttonous actions. She put the remainder of the crab dish into a bowl and said softly, “Miss Qin, there’s still some here, you can have them all!”

Qin Yu blushed. She didn’t want them to think that the only reason she was here was to beg for food. But the smell and taste of the food was simply too good to pass up.

There were several big restaurants that were under Longtai Group’s ownership. The chefs working there were all renowned professionals in the country. Some would say they were even the best in the world. But compared with this plate of crabs, what those chefs served were just rubbish.

Xue An was becoming even more of a mystery to Qin Yu.

This was a man that had profound martial arts skills, and he was practically inscrutable. And now, he also seemed to have surprisingly amazing culinary skills.

Qin Yu started to wonder if there was anything in this world that Xue An was not skilled in.

She suddenly remembered her actual purpose for coming here. As she continued eating her food, she explained the situation to Xue An. “Mr. Xue, my grandfather noted that your home is a little too cramped. He has specially prepared a villa for you to move into. This is also our way of thanking you for rendering so much help to the Qin family. ”

“A villa?”

“Yes. It’s located right next to Cloud Dream Lake! If you have some time later, I can bring you there to take a look.”

“Cloud Dream Lake… You mean, the Cloud Dream Dacha?” Tang Xuan’er asked in surprise.

“Yes, that’s the place. Have you also heard of Cloud Dream Dacha?” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Tang Xuan’er gave a wry smile. “Here in Beijiang, is there anyone who doesn’t know about Cloud Dream Dacha?”

“What’s the matter?” Xue An asked.

“Nothing. It’s just that Cloud Dream Dacha is a very popular location right now. It’s known as the most high-end residential district in Beijiang.” Tang Xuan’er had also heard her colleagues in the hospital occasionally talking about this luxury estate on several occasions.

Dream Cloud Dacha was so prestigious that the homes there could not be bought with money alone.

Those who could live there were all either very wealthy or very powerful people.

She had not expected Cloud Dream Dacha to be owned by Qin Yu’s family. And they were more than happy to offer Xue An a villa there just to please him.

This was such a generous gift that even Tang Xuan’er was shocked by it.

Although it did not really matter to Xue An, Qin Yu’s words did remind him of something.

Now that he had returned to his home, it was not convenient for Tang Xuan’er to stay here with him and his family. But Tang Xuan’er did not have any other place to stay. Her only other option was to stay in the hospital’s dormitory, which had brought her many sorts of inconveniences.

Additionally, his two daughters were getting bigger and growing older. Staying here in a small home would be kind of awkward.

So Xue An nodded his head, “Alright then. Let’s go take a look at this place.”

If there were no other people around her, Qin Yu would be licking her plate clean at this very minute.

The taste was simply too good. It was incredibly delicious.

But she was the daughter of a wealthy family after all. That last trace of dignity prevented her from doing so.

When she got downstairs, Qin Yu drove Xue An, Tang Xuan’er, and the two little girls to the outskirts of the city where Cloud Dream Dacha was located.

It was not too far from Beijiang City. A ten-minute car ride brought them to the front gates, where they were greeted by strict security at the door.

When Qin Yu’s car pulled up in the driveway, the guards stationed to watch the doors saluted in unison.

Her car slowly drove into the villa district. Though it was winter, there were still many flowers, all of which were in full bloom.

The ambiance here was elegant and well put-together. The houses had been constructed according to the layout of the lake. The surroundings and the natural environment were more than enough to qualify this place as the most high-end residential area in Beijiang.

However, Sky Room No. 1 was a villa that Qin Yuan had specially designed. As such, it was a special house that differed greatly from the other villas in this neighborhood.

On the edge of Cloud Dream Lake, there was a small hill.

This hill was not very high, but compared to the flat land of its surroundings, it seemed to be standing tall and lofty.

A winding road led up to this hill and at the top was Sky Room No. 1.

The car drove up this road, up the hill and directly to Sky Room No. 1. As everyone got out of the car Tang Xuan’er was a little dumbstruck by the sight that greeted her.

Standing here at the top of the hill, she could look over the Cloud Dream Lake, which was not too far in the distance.

The vast expanse of misty, rolling waters seemed to be right at their doorstep.

To add to the beauty of this place, the villa was the pièce de résistance of a great master architect. It had been designed to perfectly integrate with its surrounding environment.

“Papa, this house is so big. It’s beautiful,” Xue Xiang and Xue Nian said in unison.

Qin Yu looked at Xue An with a smug look, expecting to see some surprise on Mr. Xue’s face.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed.

Xue An’s expression was as calm as usual. It was as though this villa, that had been specially constructed to integrate flawlessly with nature, was nothing more than a thatched hut to him.

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In truth, this was exactly what Xue An was thinking.

From how he saw it, the layout of this place was barely reasonable. The surrounding Fengshui, however, was pretty good. The Spirit Qi of Cloud Dream Lake in the distance, was just right for keeping the plants and trees here well-nourished.

But… the place was just too shabby!

As an Immortal Lord who had seen such majestic spectacles like the formation of the stars and having a star galaxy as his home, the villa was nothing in comparison.

To him, this was just a simple place that he would have to live in.

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