Chapter 52: But I Can’t Give You My Word

“Damn it! Who the hell are you?” Wu Zefeng, who was seated in the head chair that suggested his supremacy in the room, was furious at the interruption.

He knew that all he needed was a few more minutes, and he would have had his way with the beautiful Xie Jingjing. But now, this stranger had to come and ruin everything! Naturally, Wu Zefeng was seething with anger.

Before Xue An could even say anything, Xie Jingjing immediately stood up. “Brother An, you… you should go,” she said. Her eyes were red as she held back her tears.

Xie Jingjing was well aware of how powerful Wu Zefeng was. Not only was his family very influential, but she had also heard that he was affiliated with some of the biggest gangsters in the city.

And Xue An was only an “ordinary person” after all. How could he possibly defeat Wu Zefeng in a fight?

Xie Jingjing did not want to put Xue An in any danger because of herself.

In fact, Xie Jingjing was filled with mixed emotions. She felt sorrow, grief, and… gratitude.

She was touched that he had come to save her.

That meant more to her than anything.

Xie Jingjing could not ask for anything more!

Her thoughts, however, were much too naïve.

Wu Zefeng snorted in contempt.

“You want to leave?”

Immediately, the boys who were drinking with Wu Zefeng stood up, one after another. Each of them picked up the glass bottles from the table, ready for a fight.

To make matters worse, the Blue Fire security guards had come to join in after hearing the loud bang that came from the burst-in door.

“Young Master Wu, what’s going on here?” the captain of the security team asked.

Wu Zefeng replied coldly. “This fellow kicked down the door of our room and damaged it. He’s causing a commotion and that’s affecting the mood of me and my friends.”

“Darn you, kid,” the captain of the security team said to Xue An. “Can’t you see who this is? Why are you disturbing Young Master Wu?”

He gave a word of command and the security guards surrounded Xue An while blocking the doorway.

As this was happening, Wu Zefeng remained sitting on the sofa. He had a sinister sneer on his face.

He enjoyed the power he wielded, and he loved it when he was being condescending.

He especially enjoyed the look of shock and fear on his weaker victims. It filled his heart with sadistic pleasure.

What he did not know, however, was that he had finally pushed his luck too far.

Wu Zefeng could not see even the faintest hint of fear in this stranger’s face.

All he saw was a mocking smile.

It seemed…

Could it be that it was he and his friends that were the victims in this confrontation?

The look in Wu Zefeng’s eyes turned even colder as he commanded his lackeys to attack. “Mangle him…”

Before his words could even leave his mouth, Xie Jingjing rushed past him and stood protectively in front of Xue An.

“Wu Zefeng, it’s me that you want, right? I’ll give myself to you, but you have to let Brother An leave here safely.” Xie Jingjing’s voice was trembling as she tried to muster up her courage.

Wu Zefeng’s eyes brightened when he heard this offer. He looked at Xie Jingjing as he ruminated over what she had just said.

“Hur-hur, you’re really going all out for this man, yeah?”

Xie Jingjing clenched her teeth and said, “This is none of your business. You have to guarantee that he leaves this place safely. Or I would rather die than let you lay a finger on me!”

When she finished what she had to say, Xie Jingjing’s heart was filled with sorrow.

Brother An… we can see each other in the next lifetime!

Xie Jingjing had made up her mind. Once Xue An had been sent out to safety, she would find the opportunity to kill herself!

Wu Zefeng simply nodded. “That can be done. You have my word.”

“But I can’t give you my word.” A faint voice was heard.

Silence prevailed in the room.

Then everyone looked at the speaker of these words,. It was none other than Xue An.

Xie Jingjing was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears. “Brother An… I…”

Xue An patted this silly girl lightly on her shoulder. With a smile, he said, “Don’t say anything. From now on… just watch what I can do.”

Xie Jingjing still wanted to say something, but when she saw the look in Xue An’s deep, imploring eyes, she held back her words.

Meanwhile, Wu Zefeng was starting to get agitated. He sneered loudly. “Kid, don’t act so arrogant. Do you know who I am?”

Xue An shook his head. “I have no idea who you are. And I don’t care to know either.”

Then Xue An paused for a moment, looked around at everyone present in the room, and said, “All of you should come at me at the same time. I’m in a hurry.”

The moment these words were said, everyone in the room burst out laughing.

Wu Zefeng looked at Xue An as though he was looking at a fool.

“Holy hell, you’re just asking for it, aren’t you? Guys, destroy him!”

The security guards and Wu Zefeng’s sidekicks swarmed up. Xie Jingjing was so scared that she shut her eyes tightly. The final thought that ran through her mind was…

Dying with Brother An by her side made it all worthwhile.

But the pain she imagined that she would feel did not materialize. Instead, a crisp sound rang out. It was like the crackling sound of firecrackers.

Xie Jingjing hesitantly opened her eyes. What she saw was a scene that would forever be etched in her memory.

The angry mob that had had imposingly charged forward did not even manage to touch a strand of hair on Xue An’s head.

All Xue An had to do was to strike out with a single punch.

This punch, which seemed to strike out so lightly and nonchalantly, sent out a reverberating gust of wind that swept through the entire room.

The one closest to Xue An was thrown back. He was sent back into the people behind him with such force that they were all thrown against the wall. It was only when they slammed hard against the wall did they fall to the ground, one after the other, all while spewing mouthfuls of blood.

The force of their impact hit so hard that the thick concrete wall was also affected. Within a few seconds, the wall started wobbling dangerously. It wasn’t long before the entire wall collapsed with a loud, deafening crash.

Smoke and dust rose up to fill the exposed room. Xue An simply stood there with his hands folded behind his back. He looked around the place with a nonchalant expression.

No one dared to speak.

Amid the dead silence, a dumbfounded Wu Zefeng stared disbelievingly at this scene. His mind was not able to process what had just happened.

One punch…

Just one punch and he caused all this chaos?

Who the hell is this man?

“Now… It’s your turn,” Xue An said with no emotion at all.

Wu Zefeng’s entire body trembled as he said in horror, “You… you better stay away. I’m from the Wu family, you can’t kill me!”

Xue An shook his head and said, “Like I said, I really don’t care who you or your family are.”

Just then, a clutter of disorderly footsteps was heard from outside the door. A group of people walked in.

A burly, fierce-looking man led this group of men.

The moment Wu Zefeng saw this man, he looked as though he had seen his savior. He ran over, tumbling and scrambling past the bodies along the way. “Brother Xiong, help me! This man wants to kill me! He’s even wounded so many people in your KTV!”

Brother Daxiong!

Brother Daxiong of Blue Fire KTV.

The appearance of this one man was enough to make Xie Jingjing’s heart sink a little further.

This was none other than the famous Big Brother of Beijiang city!

Wu Zefeng’s face was filled with relief. He turned to look at Xue An, giving him a pompous stare.

He was confident that now that Brother Xiong was here, this guy was certainly doomed.

But Brother Daxiong barely looked at Wu Zefeng. Instead, he walked past him as though the latter was invisible.

Wu Zefeng froze for a moment. He watched helplessly as Brother Daxiong walked up to Xue An. He was even more shocked to witness the notorious Big Brother bow respectfully greet Xue An.


Everyone in the room was shocked.

Wu Zefeng was the most dumbfounded. His eyes seemed to be popping out of his head.

Xue An glanced at Daxiong and said nonchalantly, “Do you recognize me?”

Daxiong smiled wryly when he replied. “That day at Dragon Emperor Tower, I was there as one of Brother Fan’s men. That’s where I first met you.”

Xue An nodded in understanding. “So it turns out that you’re Du Fan’s man.”

Du Fan.

Another name that made people tremble with fear at the sound of it.

But when it came out of Xue An’s mouth, it sounded so understated, as if it bore no importance at all.

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Daxiong was trembling from head to toe and he did not even dare to lift his head to look Xue An directly in his eyes.

That day at Dragon Emperor Tower, he had witnessed Lu Kun’s miserable demise with his own eyes.

He knew that Mr. Xue was someone whom even the supernatural beings would be afraid of. When compared with Mr. Xue, his so-called Big Brother was simply just an insignificant nobody.

At the same time, Daxiong’s was filled with rage.

But it was not directed at Xue An; it was aimed at Wu Zefeng. That stupid boy… If he wanted to court his death, so be it, but now he’s gotten me involved.

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