Chapter 54: Moving The Mountain

Mr. Xue had drank too much.

He was a drunken mess.

Xue An, on the other hand, was becoming more sober every time he drank. In fact, as long as he wanted to, he could drink an entire brewery’s worth of wine and still not get drunk.

When it was time for Xue An to leave, Xie Jingjing sent him out.

“I’m heading back.”

Xie Jingjing, who had originally kept her head lowered, suddenly raised her head to look up at Xue An. “Thank you!”

Xue An was slightly taken aback. Then he smiled and said, “What’s there to thank me for? You should go back in and go to sleep. You still have school to go to tomorrow.”

Xie Jingjing took a deep breath. “I will not give up,” she said in a very serious tone.

The words came out of her without much thought. Xie Jingjing quickly turned around and ran back into the house.

Xue An stood rooted to the spot. The expression on his face was unreadable in the darkness of the night.

The emotions of people were beyond the control of even an Immortal Lord such as himself.

But he had long honed his state of mind to be as firm as a rock. So he merely let out a small sigh and then, disappeared into the night.

This night, however, was not as peaceful for some other people.

After Wu Zefeng’s dead body was sent back to the Wu family, his father, Wu Weidong, was wrought with sadness. But in a split second, he flew into a rage.

“Who was it! Who did this? I’m going to kill him! Who dares to kill my son!”

The man who sent the dead body back was Daxiong’s right-hand man. Upon hearing what Wu Weidong said, he could not help but let out a cold laugh.

“Old Master Wu, Brother Xiong sent us here with a message for you!”

“What is the message?”

“Your son did not really die a wrongful death. He died because he messed around with someone he should never have messed with.”

“What do you mean? Do you mean to say that my son died in vain?” Wu Weidong was filled with rage.

“Dying in vain has nothing to do with it. But Brother Xiong has said that the one who attacked him was someone even Brother Fan can’t afford to tangle with! You should think about that before you make any rash decisions.”

With that said, the man left.

Wu Weidong was filled with the flames of fury. But he instantly cooled down upon hearing those words. It was as though he had been splashed by cold water.

A big shot that even Brother Fan could not afford to mess with…

Who could it be?

Could it be the Qin family?

Wu Weidong was aware of his son’s behavior and actions, and he had always suspected that his son’s fate was somewhat inevitable. But this was his own flesh and blood, after all. Naturally, he would need to take revenge to preserve his family name.

But if the other party was someone who even Du Fan could not afford to mess with, then it was best that he thought twice about it!

At this time, Wu Zefeng’s mother heard the news and rushed to the scene. The moment she saw her precious son’s dead body, she could not help but bawl and howl loudly. Then she lost her cool and jumped to her feet. With a face filled with resentment, she let out a loud roar.

“Who did this? I will cut him up into a thousand and million pieces and grind his bones into ashes!”

Wu Weidong was livid and sent a tight slap across her face.

“You… you dare to hit me?” This woman, who had such a fierce countenance, looked at Wu Weidong with disbelief.

Wu Weidong laughed coldly and said, “That’s right, I’m slapping you. A large part of why Zefeng turned out to be who he is today is your doing! Revenge? Why don’t you do it instead?”

The woman was crestfallen.

She was the type who never had any issues bullying the common people. But now, judging by how Wu Weidong was behaving, it was obvious that the other party involved in this mess was someone that should not be trifled with.

She could only lower her head in silence.

Wu Weidong stood still for a second. “Let’s put the body into a coffin first. We will talk about matters of revenge later.”

After all, they could always have another son if one died.

But if the entire family line was ruined because of this matter, then everything was over.

Xue An returned to the villa. By this time, it was already late into the night.

The lights in the living room were still on. Tang Xuan’er was still awake and was sitting on the couch as she waited for Xue An to come home.

Seeing Xue An return, she stood up and said, “Have you had anything to eat yet?”

Xue An nodded. “Are the girls asleep?”

“They just fell asleep.”

“Well, then you should go to bed too.”

Tang Xuan’er did not leave.

“Is there anything else you need?” Xue An asked.

“Well… Out hospital is organizing a tour tomorrow. I’ve promised Xiangxiang and Niannian that I will take them there. Do you want to come along?”

Xue An did not feel like going. But he put on a smile after seeing the look of expectation on Tang Xuan’er’s face.

“Alright, since I have nothing much to do now. I’ll just take it as taking the two little girls out for a break.”

Tang Xuan’er was overjoyed and said, “Yes, please!”

Tang Xuan’er went back into her room and turned in for the night.

Xue An sat on the couch in the living room. Looking out of the French windows, he could see Cloud Dream Lake in the distance.

While the night might be pitch black, to Xue An, the view was unmistakably clear.

Although spring was in full swing, the weather was still very cold. However, Cloud Dream Lake did not show any sign of freezing at all.

Xue An knew that this was all because of the unique Fengshui that this place had.

Cloud Dream Lake was like a natural formation. And the little hill that the Sky Room No. 1 villa sat on, was the focal point of this formation.

However, while this place might have excellent Fengshui, in Xue An’s opinion, it still had its flaws.

For example, the hill was way too small. There was no way it could contain the energy of Cloud Dream Lake, or suppress it at all.

The people who set the layout of this villa could probably see this too. So they tried to make up for it as best as they could. But all these were just insignificant ways to remedy the situation.

After all, it was impossible to raise the entire mountain and give it more height.

But just because others could not do it, did not mean that Xue An was not capable either.

Xue An walked out of the villa and stood at the top of the hill.

The wind blew at his sleeves, causing them to whip frantically. The sky was covered in dark clouds. It seemed like a spring rain was coming.

Xue An stood in silence for a moment. Then suddenly, he leaped into the sky.

This leap sent him flying up into the air. A split second later, Xue An was standing above the clouds. He aimed his right palm towards the ground and shouted in a deep voice, “Heaven and Earth, on my command… Rise!”

Rumbling sounds arose from deep under the ground. Then slowly, inch by inch, the tiny hill began to rise. It looked as if someone was forcibly lifting it up higher.

Xue An’s expression remained solemn as he concentrated on this task.

Given his current strength, he could barely achieve this feat. If it were in the past, with just the point of a finger, he could make a towering mountain rise out of flat grounds, or turn the vast sea into fertile land.

Rumble, rumble.

The sound of thunder rolled across the vast expanse of the sky.

In the midst of the rain and wind, Xue An had made this little hill rise higher by more than a hundred meters.

And so, this tiny hill suddenly became a mountain.

Xue An landed back on the top of the hill, feeling slightly exhausted.

But this was still not enough. Xue An pointed at Cloud Dream Lake in the distance and cried out a faint command.

“Waters of the Four Seas.. return to your origins!”

At his command, a huge wave suddenly appeared on the previously calm lake.

This huge wave rushed towards Xue An and stopped before him. This was the Aqueous Qi. It was initially overpowering but had suddenly become docile.

This Aqueous Qi was a type of Spirit Qi that Cloud Dream Lake had accumulated over the years. At Xue An’s command, it spread and covered the entire mountain.

In an instant, flowers and greenery started popping up all over the mountain. What had once withered in the cold weather was now green and blooming again.

Then, the area that surrounded the villa was enveloped by an especially thick and viscous layer of Aqueous Qi.

Xue An thought he might as well add some simple defenses to protect this newly formed mountain. This would allow the villa to be truly blessed as an earthly paradise.


A thin layer of white mist enveloped the entire mountain top. This was the pure essence of the Aqueous Qi.

Any mere mortal living within this mist would enjoy a prolonged life.

Once he had finished busying himself with this, Xue An returned to his room, feeling somewhat tired. Looking at his two sleeping daughters, he could not help but give each of them a kiss.

It was said that a cultivator should always act against Heaven’s wishes and the laws of nature. He should rid himself of all worldly desires.

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But whether it was in his previous life, or in this lifetime, Xue An would never let go of the people he loved.

It did not matter whether he was an immortal or an Immortal Lord.

He was once a human being after all.

Since he was a human being, then there was no need to pretend that he did not have human emotions.

As such, this was Xue An’s path to immortality!

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