Invincibility Starts From Absorbing Emotions

Chapter 104: Silver 9-star pinnacle


The demon wolf's combat power was too terrifying, and if something was wrong, he immediately controlled the opponent's soul.

"Master, you are finally here, I miss you so much."

The huge demon wolf with a height of 1.7 meters at the shoulders and a body length of 2.8 meters pounced towards Liu Jiang, and at the same time vomited with excitement.

Although he had never seen Liu Jiang before, the familiarity from his soul made him extremely excited.

I'm so happy to finally see the master.

"Eclamation from Langqiang +3200, +......"


The wolf demon madly contributed his joy, and in a moment, he contributed more than 16,000 joy to Liu Jiang.

Two energy fruits, quietly mature.

Feeling the strong feeling of joy absorbed by Baoshu, Liu Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Baoshu is really powerful. This effect is so powerful. Such a fierce wolf demon has become a wagging tail. what.

In my heart, I suddenly relaxed.

"Master, master."

At this time, the huge wolf demon came to Liu Jiang's body in a hop. He lowered his head and rubbed Liu Jiang's body with his head very affectionately. Then he raised his head and asked Liu Jiang stupidly. . "Master, what is my name."

"Your name is Langqiang, and I will call you Lang Xiaoqiang from now on." Liu Jiang stretched out his hand and touched the head of the wolf demon, smiling.

"Wolf Xiaoqiang, it sounds so nice, my name is Wolf Xiaoqiang." The wolf demon was very happy immediately, wagging his tail, jumping and jumping.

Suddenly, he once again provided more than 16,000 joys.

It looks like a second ha.

Seeing the wolf demon look like this, the corner of Liu Jiang's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a delighted smile.

He stretched out his hands and rubbed the wolf demon's head, and said with a smile: "By the way, where are your boss and your subordinates?"

Catch the Thunder Wing Demon Wolf, this is a super great contribution, inspection, will inevitably reward a lot of merit points and silver.

But he also wants to expand the results once again.

He planned to completely pull out all the monsters in the entire Sanjiang County.

He even wanted to find out the boss of Thunder Wing Demon King.

He wants more merit points and silver.

For him, silver is a panacea.

"My boss, he'," the wolf demon raised his front paws and rubbed his head, thinking hard, and then said with some annoyance: "I don't know why, I feel a lot of mud in my head. I can't remember anything."

"It's okay, it will be fine in two days." Liu Jiang rubbed the wolf demon's head.

In order to ensure that the intelligence of the demon wolf was completely reduced to a minimum, he used up 105 wisdom-reducing fruits in one breath. Now the wolf demon is not stupid and can speak, which is quite powerful.

The fruit of lowering wisdom has a certain time limit, after the time limit, the wolf demon's intelligence will be restored.

The wolf demon also rubbed his head against Liu Jiang's hand, and at the same time contributed his joy.

In a moment, it was another sixteen thousand.

"Get down."

Liu Jiang said.

"Ooo" The wolf demon lay down very obediently, and then turned his head and wailed twice very happily.

Liu Jiang jumped on the wolf demon's back and said silently in his heart: "Take me to fly. Just fly in the cave, don't go out."

"Master, you have to hurry up, oooo..."

The demon wolf screamed, and the blue electric arc on the wings flickered, and it instantly vacated and flew in the cave.

"Hey, it's like a contract spirit beast. I muttered silently in my heart, and the monster can hear my thoughts. It's really good, and the speed is so fast. In the future, there will be a monster wolf, so it will be too much faster."

Liu Jiang was extremely happy.

Thunder Wing Demon King Wolf Xiaoqiang also yelled in excitement.

Liu Jiang rode the demon wolf and flew in the cave for more than ten minutes before stopping.

By this time, this silly demon wolf had already provided him with more than 140,000 points of joy.

Liu Jiang ran the basic vomiting exercises and quickly refined them all.

Cultivation base, eight-star silver peak (34/75.)

"Cultivation base, there are still 41 energy fruits to be silver nine stars." Liu Jiang muttered, and then planned to collect a wave of joy.

"Come here, I will receive you in the demon bag for the time being, don't resist." Liu Jiang said to the demon wolf.

He was going to wipe out all the monsters led by Sanjiang, and the matter of the Thunder Wing Demon King being conquered by him could not be spread for the time being.

"Yeah." Leiyi Demon Wolf stepped forward obediently, and Liu Jiang received it in the demon bag.

Then it melted into the wall in an instant. A few minutes later, by the official road more than ten miles away from the cave, Liu Jiang became a scholar, and he got out of the ground in an instant.

Liu Jiang's sky was already slightly bright.

Then walked to the official road.

Escape technique, the speed on the road is OK, but the mana consumption speed is too fast.

Liu Jiang was ready to feel his special magic spells, chasing the wind.

Liu Jiang circulated Dzogchen's wind chasing spell, the whole person turned into a shadow, and shot out in an instant.

"Haha, it's worthy of a spell specially used to drive the road. The speed is so terrifying." Liu Jiang was pleasantly surprised.

Chasing the wind, running at full force, the speed is seven or eight times faster than Xiaocheng's escape technique. The most important thing is that the mana consumption is quite low.


A shadow shot past along the official road in an instant.

"Fuck, what was that just now?" On the official road, someone looked at the shadow that passed by him instantly, and his eyes widened in horror.

In an instant, he contributed a wave of fear to Liu Jiang.

In less than two minutes, Liu Jiang had already arrived outside the town of Dongyue County.

Walking into the gate of the county town, Liu found that small merchants and hawkers had begun to set up stalls.

The corner of Liu Jiang's mouth rose slightly, and he started to spread money.

Yesterday, he got the last reward, the cash alone was enough for forty thousand taels.

Moreover, even if the demon wolf was captured this time, even if the results were not expanded, the rewards were exceptionally rich.

With money in his hands, Liu Jiang is unusually generous.

Rewarding a beggar is just a couple of silver, and buying a bun with a copper plate is also directly a couple of silver, which is equivalent to buying a copper plate and rewarding 999 copper plates.

I went all the way and brushed it all the way, and I brushed it directly for a full day.

In the evening, Liu Jiang, who looked like a scholar, was even spotted by a few rascals because of the crazy money he was spending.

Unexpectedly, the scholar seemed to be thin, but his strength was amazing. With three punches and two kicks, he knocked all the eight strong men to the ground, and cruelly stepped on and broke the legs of the eight strong men.

Then leave calmly.

Liu Jiang, who looked like a scholar, found a place where there was no one, and instantly blended into the wall. Two minutes later, Liu Jiang came to the cultivation chamber.

Look at Baoshu.

On the fruit tree, there are 260 energy fruits hanging.

"In one day, four thousand taels of silver were scattered, and 260 energy fruits were actually collected, which is a bit of a loss."

Liu Jiang had some distressed Yaoyao heads, and then he was relieved. He brushed 260 energy fruits a day, which was quite good.

With a slight smile, I began to refine the energy With a thought, I directly refine 15 energy fruits.

The cash or coin red envelopes have been issued to your account! Follow the public account on WeChat to receive!

After the meridians were widened, his speed at refining energy fruit was also much faster.

Refining 41 energy fruits in one go, Liu Jiang's cultivation instantly broke through to Silver Nine Stars (0/80).

Refining 80 energy fruits once again, raising the cultivation base to the silver nine-star peak (0/400).

Then refine the remaining 139 in one go.

At this time, the repair is (139/400.)

"Breakthrough to the Silver level requires a lot more energy fruits, a full 400 energy fruits." Liu Jiang was secretly speechless.

"Two days after tomorrow, continue to engage in energy fruit." Liu Jiang muttered, he was going to upgrade his cultivation to the gold level before the demon wolf regained his intelligence.

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