The most important thing is that Liu Jiang, the living king of the Great Xia Xian Country, slaughtered the two Great Ten Thousand Demon Heavenly Army with one man, and the combat power he showed was really horrifying.

  If Liu Jiang, the living Hades, will attack, can the kingdom of ten thousand demons be able to stop Liu Jiang, the living Hades?

  Countless people in the Demon Country are extremely scared in their hearts.

   kept giving Liu Jiang a strong feeling of fear to the extreme.

   Soon, Liu Jiang absorbed a total of 35 trillion points of fear.

   "Liu Jiang, Liu Jiang." The demon emperor whispered, chanting Liu Jiang's name, with a heavy heart.

   Liu Jiang’s combat effectiveness far exceeded his expectations, and Liu Jiang’s growth rate made him feel a little bit scared.

   Liu Jiang's growth rate is so fast, it's so fast that it's outrageous, so fast that the demon emperor also doubts life.

   If it grows at this speed, it won't take long for even a single person to destroy his Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

   "Why is there such a terrifying pride of heaven in this **** medicine clan dead place?"

   The demon emperor is still a little unbelievable. Liu Jiang's qualifications are among the top talents in the entire universe and hundreds of millions of races.

   Why does it appear in this deadly place.

"You must kill Liu Jiang as soon as possible. Liu Jiang will not die. My kingdom of ten thousand demons will never be peaceful, and the mission of the Lord Demon God will never be completed." The demon emperor secretly gritted his teeth, and as time passed, the fragments in his memory grew more and more. With more and more coming, the demon emperor's strength and brutality towards the demon **** became clearer and clearer.

   If he can't complete the mission of Lord Demon God, even if he reincarnated in the death place of the medicine clan, he will never escape death in the future.

   But if he completes the task of Lord Demon God, Lord Demon God will reward and punish him clearly, and he will definitely give rewards. With the reward of Lord Demon God, he will definitely be able to be a demon immortal and gain immortality soon.

   Thinking of this, the demon emperor took out a palm-sized golden talisman seal from the front empty bag, and input demon power into it.

   The golden talisman trembled slightly, and then instantly turned into a figure exactly like the demon emperor.

The demon emperor swiped forcefully, and he tore a gap in space. The first thing to cut this golden talisman programming was to instantaneously enter the gap in the space. In the next instant, it appeared directly in Yecheng, the imperial capital of the Great Xia Xian Kingdom. In a room with no one.

   The immortal emperor instantly noticed the monster coming from the tearing space.

   "Your Majesty Immortal Emperor." The monster said lightly to the void.

   Immortal Emperor's Spiritual Mind locked the monster, and instantly noticed the monster, it was just a phantom created by special means, and it didn't have very strong combat effectiveness.

   The immortal emperor’s divine mind projection appeared in the room instantly.

   Xiandi looked at the monster in front of him, and said faintly: "Who are you?"

   The demon said gently: "The Demon Emperor of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom."

   Immortal Emperor heard the words, his eyes shrank slightly, but they returned to normal in an instant: "What's the matter with you in Daxiaxian Country?"

   "Help you." The demon emperor said.

   "I don't need your help." Xiandi smiled and asked, saying that he invited the other person to sit down, and he also sat on the edge of the table generously.

   Demon Emperor smiled and sat down: "Listen first, what can I do for you?"

   Xiandi asked: "What?"

   The demon emperor looked at the immortal emperor’s face and said faintly: "I can help you figure out your life experience and restore your memory."

   Xiandi smiled and said: "No need."

   The demon emperor looked at the immortal emperor, and said faintly: "I'm not talking about your Wugan shell, but the life experience of your original soul and restoring your incomplete memory."

  Xiandi heard this, his pupils shrank violently, and his heart jumped wildly.

   He is indeed not Wugan, and he has indeed lost a lot of memory.

   Now he only knows that he is the servant of a strong man, only knows that he is going to seize the leader of the power, and can't think of anything else.

   He doesn't know his life experience, he doesn't know where he comes from, where he is going, or what he is going to do.

   He doesn't know anything, but vaguely remembers that he has his own task, a big task.

   But these things, he didn't tell anyone, how did the Demon Emperor know these things.

   Immortal Emperor instantly suppressed the horror in his heart, and said faintly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

The demon emperor smiled slightly: "We are from the same place and have the same mission, but my memory is restored more than you. I can help you find a way to restore some of your memory and let you know your own past. , The mission to this world."

   The immortal emperor heard the words, and his heart was greatly moved. Now he is eager to know his identity and eager to restore his incomplete memory.

   Xiandi looked at the eyes of the demon emperor: "What are your conditions?"

   The demon emperor is definitely not here to send warmth, it is definitely conditional.

   The demon emperor said faintly: "Two conditions, first, we will kill Liu Jiang together."

   "What are you kidding about, Liu Jiang is the pillar of the country of the Great Xia Dynasty, my beloved minister, if you deal with Liu Jiang, I will never agree to it." Immortal Emperor instantly shook his head and sneered.

   Although he wanted to kill Liu Jiang very much, he still had doubts about the identity of this monster, so naturally he would not tell the truth.

   The demon emperor shook his head: "It's not that I have to deal with Liu, but we should deal with Liu Jiang together."

   Xiandi laughed: "Liu Jiang is my femur minister, my right arm, how could I deal with him?"

   The demon emperor reached out and took out a fist-sized transparent stone with a trace of electric arc inside.

   "Soul Origin Jingjing." Seeing something, the emperor narrowed his eyes.

   This thing, but the treasure of heaven and earth, can restore the soul of the soul, restore the memory, and its effect is abnormal.

   The demon emperor threw it over, and the immortal emperor caught it at once, and the divine spirit penetrated into it, and after a careful perception, what he found was indeed the soul source crystal essence.

   The demon emperor said directly: "This is my sincerity. After refining, your memory should be restored."

  Xiandi touched the soul source crystal essence, his eyes narrowed slightly: "What is the second condition?"

   The demon emperor said faintly: "Second, sign the vow of strength and soul, and vowed to help me dominate the Cangyang realm."

   "What are you kidding? Helping you dominate the Cangyang realm, what are your dreams in broad daylight." Hearing this, the demon emperor immediately sneered.

   The demon emperor faintly analyzed: "If you don't get rid of Liu Jiang, you will be replaced by Liu Jiang in a few days.

   If you get rid of Liu Jiang, it won't take long before you will be defeated by my Heavenly Army of the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom, and you will not be able to keep the Great Xia Immortal Kingdom anyway.

   You help me unify the Cangyang realm, and I also swear a soul vow to return you five such soul source crystal essences. When your memory recovers more than half, you will know your life experience and the purpose of your coming to this world. "

   Immortal Emperor heard the words, his eyes flickered, and then faintly said: "I want three soul source crystal essences now."

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