Invincibility Starts From Absorbing Emotions

Chapter 390: He was fierce and brutal, killing 2.3 billion monsters, harvesting massive amounts of..

A big face shook and said, "Lovely friends from the monster race, I am Liu Jiang, Liu Jiang, the living king of your mouth."

When all the monsters heard Liu Jiang's words, they were extremely terrified and instantly climbed into their hearts.

After that, he ran away, madly fleeing.

Now the Demon Emperor has become a traitor, and the Immortal Heavenly King and Qinglian Heavenly King are sealed. They can't condense the big formation, facing Liu Jiang at the peak of the sky, they have no power to fight back.

But in the next instant, in the sky, the thunder exploded, and a huge lightning cage appeared in an instant, covering all the monsters in it.

"You are all ready, I'm going to send you out of this beautiful world." Liu Jiang said lightly, and then controlled 10,000 lightning bolts, instantly bombarding the monster group.

In an instant, 10,000 monsters had been blasted into flying ashes.

"Ah, I don't want to die."

"Damn demon emperor, you will be the first demon in my day."


Countless monsters were frightened, they screamed frantically, screamed frantically, cursing the demon emperor frantically, and there was chaos in the thunder mask.

Outside the mask, three million human soldiers looked at the densely packed Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom warriors, and they were instantly enveloped in the lightning cage by Liu Jiang, and his heart shook once again.

But soon, the astonishment in my heart has recovered.

Although those monsters were terrifying in number, as long as they were shrouded in the Thunder Cage by His Majesty the Immortal Emperor, there would be no possibility of survivors.

In less than half an hour, all of them will become fly ash.

A crowd of great soldiers murmured in their hearts.

They found that they followed His Majesty Xian Emperor to attack the Ten Thousand Demon Nation without any action at all.

His Majesty Xiandi started, they only need to call 666.

The soldiers once again contributed a wave of worship to Liu Jiang.

Boom boom boom boom...

Liu Jiang shot again and again, collecting strong feelings of merit and power of fear.

Soon, Liu Jiang had already killed all 18 million monsters.

Because there was no low-level soul-controlling fruit, he didn't even leave the legendary immortal heavenly king and Qinglian heavenly king, and directly beheaded.

Collected a total of 936 billion points of merit.

There are one hundred and three hundred billion points of fear.

Liu Jiang went to Thunder, and in the middle of Thunder, there was only one demon emperor trembling.

Liu Jiang shot instantly and directly knocked the demon emperor unconscious and went into the demon bag.

"Not bad." A ray of light appeared in Liu Jiang's eyes, and then proceeded with the three million army of immortals.

Liu Jiang was extremely cruel. When he encountered a city with more than five million monsters, he directly slaughtered all the monsters without leaving a single monster.

One giant city after another turned into a dark pit.

Liu Jiang's rapid slaughter of the city, one slaughter is a full two days, a total of 450 cities have been slaughtered, and a total of 2.3 billion monsters have been slaughtered.

Collected a total of 362 trillion points of fear and 35 trillion points of merit.

On the treasure tree.

The middle-level soul-controlling fruit that controls the strong Xuanxian, there are three in total.

The primary soul-controlling fruit that controls the powerhouse of the sanctuary, a total of thirty.

Forged fruit, thirty-five.

Liu Jiang thought slightly, not intending to continue. He released the demon emperor who received the demon bag, and under the consciousness of the three million human heaven army, pretended to threaten the demon emperor: "Give you ten days to bring Ganzhou and Bingzhou. , Wait for the monsters in the twenty-first prefectures to gather them up and bring them to Zhangzhou north of the demon capital. These twenty-one prefectures will be the territory of my Great Xia Xian Country from now on.

Liu Jiang didn't kill all the monsters, but gave the monsters a state of living space.

He is going to keep it for the time being, and then he will kill a batch when he has time. It will be cut leeks.

The demon emperor replied tremblingly: "Yes!"

The three million Terran warriors heard these words, and their hearts were extremely excited.

The total area of ​​21 states is much larger than that of Daganxian Country.

Pulling the vast land of these 21 states into the territory, the land area of ​​Daganxian Country has more than doubled in an instant.

Your Majesty Xiandi is really amazing.

Everyone, once again contributed their worship to Liu Jiang.

Du Qun, who was accompanying all the way, stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I suggest that it is better to kill the Demon Emperor."

Some fairy soldiers also spoke immediately, and they also hoped that Liu Jiang would kill the demon emperor.

If the Demon Emperor went back and immediately regretted it, it would be terrible.

"Don't worry, if he dares to repent, I will wring out his head." Liu Jiang said lightly, with strong self-confidence in his voice.

He is indeed very confident. The Demon Emperor is his soul slave. He will do whatever the Demon Emperor says, how could he rebel against him.

"Yes!" Du Qun nodded vigorously.

Other fairy soldiers secretly smacked their tongues, so domineering and domineering.

Liu Jiangshen read to the demon emperor to send a message: "The matter of beheading me to kill 2.3 billion monsters was spread wildly, and the propaganda was brutal. If you want to make every monster, I will be super scared when I hear it."

"Yes!" Demon Emperor Shennian responded.

With a move, Liu Jiang ordered the soul slaves of the immortal kingdom to fight him. At the same time, he destroyed the 18 million soldiers of the Immortal Army and the Qinglian Army, beheaded 2.3 billion monsters, and killed 10,000. The news of the 21st State of the Demon Kingdom spread.

The efficiency of a group of soul slaves is extremely terrifying.

Soon, the news spread.

The entire Daganxian country was a complete sensation, and the whole country was jubilant.

"Ah, my Majesty Xiandi is really amazing."

"That's right, Ten Thousand Demon Nation threatened me Daxia, oh no, how many years have been going to the Immortal Nation, this time the immortal emperor killed 2.3 billion monsters, it is simply too exciting."

"Happy, I'm so happy, I'm going to buy a bunch of firecrackers."

"Your Majesty, Immortal Emperor, it's really amazing. The Ten Thousand Demon Nation was defeated in less than five days after the battle. It was simply too fierce."

The news spread quickly, countless people of the big cadres, unusually excited, unscrupulous carnival.

"My husband is so amazing." Tian Li and the concubines of Liu Jiang also heard the news, and their hearts were extremely excited.

"That's not it." Su Xiaoxiao looked admired.

"Husband is coming back soon. UU reading is so happy." Nangong Ling'er said expectantly.

"I knew Xiao Jiang was great." The Supreme Emperor Liu Qingzhong looked excited.

Guo Cuicui was also extremely happy.

The entire Daganxian Country, countless people, kept contributing a strong feeling of joy and worship to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang, with a groggy head of three million Daganxian soldiers, teleported back to the imperial capital of Daganxian Kingdom, outside the city of Yecheng.

There are no hundreds of people in Yecheng waiting for him to return victoriously, and he is preparing to use a wave of emotional power.

Liu Jiang rode the demon wolf and led a large army into Yecheng with strides.

"His Majesty the immortal Emperor Wanshou Wujiang Shou and Tianqi."

"His Majesty the immortal Emperor Wanshou Wujiang Shou and Tianqi."

Countless people, looking at the thunderwing demon wolf, the young and handsome young immortal emperor, who is full of looks and stern temperament, the feeling of worship and admiration in their hearts is like a surging river, they can only come by shouting. Vent your excitement and admiration.

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