Invincibility Starts From Absorbing Emotions

Chapter 64: Spending money arbitrarily

   "Love from Tian Li+1430, +……"

   Before leaving, he once again contributed nearly 3,000 points of love to Liu Jiang.

   After Tian Li left, Yang Fei walked in cautiously.

   At this time, Chen Yifan also came.

   "Director, I brought the money here." Yang Fei said, taking out the silver ticket and silver ingot in his arms.

   Chen Yifan also took out his own money, "Director, mine is also ready, the total is 1,500 taels."

"Yeah." Liu Jiang nodded, and then ordered: "You two, look for the inspector of the inspectorate, take these silver bills to the merchants outside, and replace them with copper plates and one or two pieces of broken silver. At the same time, the town informs all the residents. , Saying that I want to send silver, no one has one or two silver."

   A tael of silver is a thousand copper plates, which is a penny, enough to make some families who cannot eat enough to eat a month of miscellaneous noodles.

   Yang Fei and Chen Yifan are still a little unbelievable.

   actually want to send money.

   still three thousand taels of silver.

   "Everyone? Or only the poor?" Yang Fei asked.

   "Everyone." Liu Jiangdao.

  The more people there are, the more emotional power that can be collected naturally.

   Those who came early, paid one tael per person, and those who came late made them regret it.

   He might be able to collect Dabo's regrets.

   The dream fruit of regret, the effect is extremely powerful.

   "Hmm." The two nodded, turned and left.

   Liu Jiang thought slightly, walked to the prison of the inspection department, and routinely walked to the room where Ha Dabang was detained.

   "Ah..." Seeing Liu Jiang, Ha Dabang cried out in horror.

   "Fear from Ha Dabang+1650, +……, resentment+1640, +……"

   In the past few days, he has been tortured by Liu Jiang every day. When he sees Liu Jiang, he can't stand it with fear.

   Liu Jiang dragged the toad spirit onto the torture frame, holding various instruments of torture and making gestures on the Hadah stick, talking about the specific execution process.

   Half an hour later, his whole body was sweaty, he fell weakly on the torture frame, and a large area of ​​wetness under his buttocks.

   is urine.

   He was scared out of urine again.

   With the fear of reaching 320,000, Liu Jiang left with a little bit of regret.

  The feeling of fear provided by the big stick is diminishing day by day.

   came to the room where the dog demon was stunned by him.

   There is another patrol on guard.

   Guard Zhang Yun saw Liu Jiang and immediately saluted: "Hello, Director."

   Liu Jiang happily said, "What have you done these days, are you getting more and more energetic?"

  "Excitement from Zhang Yun+1320, +……"

   Zhang Yun laughed happily. He was in a good mood, but the director had a good eye. The prodigal lady in the family also said that he didn't clean up his beard and was getting more and more wretched. He really blinded her dog eyes.

   Zhang Yun touched his eight-character Hu, straightened his chest slightly, and stood a little straighter.

   He felt that he was facing the wind in Yushu, no less than Director Liu Da.

   "How is he? Isn't there any sign of waking up yet?" Liu Jiang asked.

   "No." Zhang Yun shook his head.

   "Since you can't wake up, then kill it." Liu Jiang stepped forward and slapped the dog demon's head heavily.

   The dog demon kicked his limbs and twitched slightly, but there was no movement.

   "The merit of Goujun +38550."

   On the treasure tree, in a moment, four forged fruits quietly matured.

   Liu Jiang's heart moved, and a four-forged fruit instantly appeared in his lower abdomen, turning into an unusually rich energy.

   was swept away.

   Soon, Liu Jiang's physical strength increased by four hundred jin, reaching a terrifying level of 6,300 jin.

   His physical qualities such as five senses and speed have all improved a bit.

   "My lord, the monster inner alchemy."

   After Liu Jiang killed the monster, Zhang Yun quickly started to dig out the monster pill and handed it to Liu Jiang.

   "Thank you."

   Liu Jiang smiled gently.

   "It is a small honor to be able to do things for adults."


   Xuanyun town.

on the street.

   "My lord, what are you saying is true or false, everyone has money to take?" an old man asked in disbelief.

  As an official, it would be nice not to make money from them. How could it be possible to send money to them.

   "What kind of person is Director Liu, who spit is a nail. How can it be fake that he said himself?" Li Jun said loudly.

   "Director Liu? That Director Liu?" The old man was puzzled.

   "It is Captain Liu Jiang. He caught a group of Ten Thousand Demon Nation's fine work, made great contributions, and has already risen high. Now I am the inspector of Xuanyun Town." Li Jun explained loudly.

   "It's amazing."

   "Since Director Liu Jiang said it, there is no problem."

   Someone heard that it was Liu Jiang and immediately believed by three points.

   On that day, Liu Jiang killed more than a dozen fierce monsters in a moment. The powerful methods like immortals left an extremely deep impression on them.

Li Jun saw that everyone believed it, and said cheerfully: "The money will be distributed at noon. Everyone has a share, one or two silver per person. Hurry home and take the family to collect the money. If you missed it, don’t blame me for not telling me. To."

   "One or two dollars, hurry up to find family members."

   "Right, right, rush back home to find someone."

   A group of people dispersed and all ran home to shout.

   A group of patrols went around to exchange the change, and at the same time spread the news that the director Liu Jiang wanted to send money, one or two dollars per person, and there would be no more late.

   Soon, the news spread in the town of Xuanyun.

   "Have you heard that the Director of the Inspection Department is going to send out money. One person pays a tael."

   "Just kidding, it's good for those dog officials not to squeeze us, send us money, you **** didn't wake up, right?"

   "You **** didn't wake up, the patrol of the inspection department said in person that it was Director Liu Jiang who wanted to send us money."

   "Liu Jiang, is this the particularly powerful young inspector who saved our lives before? How did he become the director?"

   "It's him. It is said that he has done meritorious service and got promoted."

   "Since it is him, it is almost certain to be stable."

   "Yes, he is a super good man. He personally went to the houses where the houses were destroyed and sent money from house to house, all of which he paid for himself."

   "A good man."

   "You have sent money, you have sent money."

   "I'm going to send money, a couple of silver."


   "Excitement from Si Wupeng +160, +……"

   "Excitement from Zhang Xiaohua +96, +……"


   Inspection Division.

   show martial arts field.

   Liu Jiang looked at the surging waves of various emotional forces, and the corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly.

  Most of the emotional powers collected are emotions of joy.

   Maybe it’s because I haven’t got the money yet, plus the emotional power that ordinary people can provide is low, plus I’m not particularly convinced that everyone offers not much joy, but it is better than people.

  One, two, three,...

   In a moment, the energy fruit has reached ten, and it is still refreshing.

   On the martial arts field, Liu Jiang stood in front of a few large boxes filled with copper coins and broken silver.

Yang Yue, Tian Li, and a few inspectors who had just returned, stood behind Liu Jiang, looking at the full box of money, each one with green They couldn’t figure out why Liu Jiang needed so much money. , Sent to ordinary people.

   Soon, people already came to the inspection department.

   When some people saw Liu Jiang and the group of inspections, they were a little moved, but they didn't dare to step forward.

   "Come here and get the money." Liu Jiang beckoned.

   When the people heard Liu Jiang's words, they only stepped forward.

   Liu Jiang took out a drop of money, handed it to the old man in the front, put it in the hands of the old man, and said gently: "Wish the old man a Happy New Year in advance."

   "Really?" The old man still couldn't believe it.

   "That's right, for the time being, everyone hangs, and there may be no late arrival." Liu Jiang said.

   "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir." The old man took the money and thanked him eagerly.

   "Excitement from Zhang Laodong +888, +……"

   "Don't be so polite." Liu Jiang smiled happily and said, "Next."

   A woman in her twenties stepped forward, holding a five-year-old girl in her arms. The girl blinked and looked at Liu Jiang curiously.

   Liu Jiang said cheerfully: "Wow, this little girl is so cute."

   "From Li Xiaoxiao's euphoria +666, +……"

   "The joy of Li Juhua +666, +……"

   Liu Jiang took out two pieces of one or two pieces of silver and gave them to the woman, and smiled gently: "You and your little cute family."

   "Ah, thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

   The woman thanked her very gratefully.

   Two taels of silver, which is two thousand copper plates, is enough for her family to eat wowotou for two months.

   "Excitement from Li Juhua+666, +……, gratitude +666, +……"


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